OJ]ic-c illei;ioi-a-iidiim UNITED STATES GOVERNNIE-NT DATE: 16, Aucust. 11@ll 41 2 OW SUPJIICTI- 14 l,ii rlkv oiild be excellei-it -is @i panel rionibor or con:-,ti):i.arit. %-I-iiL vnz,!.,:,us project3 2for Diiiebird@-.but I doul-)'4,, levll - jlj.; -I-,-z 1)'ec'ojne-impatient to sa:f tl)e Ir--asto .itiLtiblp to -visitmh*.-@projr2-,ct a!i@il otlier., ILkr- i.t a:-, oiir O@3T r,.l alid :3f,ould be al@le to'.dcteriijW, i-ihotlier or ziot thei-c is -f v.1i,jr, it, t)ie.-,e projects for u.@-.. cati I)cst dotcz-.,ro-Tic his r-ossj.l)fe u5e if he comoo aboarcl. OS Z' r IFC- Kim August Lty 3,a t ten orxt,. ti tceoutiv*,A saistanto fie" 2 j .14 ,O"v :. C4 'Att&kched &re e papers- A 9 noted in im 7 1 All 11 2 ch= for file iwluded :,W h -:th apapers has been 'J!Lterri@v@ed viou to'snployment.-Ifi one of its, (P tw b o.'Afte h v be e@'r 2 eoe i-ved i':DS I'and ids, ht; b6 of inost,@, t-togethe @illue "to ere,,be.,nig 2 be.. .el ..'@aluW,'in 0 0=8 a tio with at atetivities.' b o t@h A Ith oil gh we -illgro 0, 2 b P040@edfor.'such duty I persontay-i"!@ -he "rsther -you:via'.I)d "stbl@ t46':rind'& coEp@tent.modicaL."';: t. 6n:.2@iiia@her' i@fruo37,.vther, @tban one of th id. type 31@-!4'Yoil =yl:vish 0 UUJ25.&Uur tZ;,'i -4 2 -th t,, tzid,- illake @lth atter up f urther-when Tt rrives. ,q qua y6ii'return -the atta 2 sted thit' to ze'whc c@hed,papers n you tp'.0 sit. to. 2 K ?.1ti"y Ike, 'Ir 41 ;.".I 3e -ft-.N' ".,7i 7 J,r T e.4;. Oki 4L