Mik Phief tliaison Divif;-lons OCD 2 k-)ril 19,r,3 CiLief3 Tochnical Ih-l@nelli irl@3 rsonnal 2 anatory mmo 3., Attached herel-7itli -.we 603s-wcp@' randa in comection @41tli mittc!rs i-ic h-,vo discussed .7,rcatly -.ppre- 'ciatr-d if you iyould arran[;- -Chemistry C]Licf , Dio and -Phm-)nacolo[Zr Drwichy I-lodicino Division., OSI al tlio i-iritor to perronal3y I.ntorvieiy.,ttic s:Lx men mentioned in 2lulio o-btactiod monioranda -Uic -ition that a.U mattors discussed i%Tiu bo at tl-io Secret vath cccpl=, 2. I]-, iiould your li,-indlin- tliis matter ititli tllo hi[;hcst ror,2-iblc priority. r;ince cort,-l n tDclul:Lcal matters cai-mot be carrip-d out, -tritliout the r-o-o traticii and -issis-banco of tlieso individua2.s. T-f thr,-incn -irc to -rdo 6 lie would prefer that ali@roa c r3 we be riv-on Iiighent po3- siblo praorJ.U