"Ur e Ill. 1954 Dr# Z-i=is Isb--ll United Staa-es PXc)lic F--alth Saz-vice 2 Lexin,- @,Kentuclvjr Dear r-r. ','zbell: In continuation of ou-- d-?,ug ant.@- on-T s,= iie h.-@ve rect-n'ly 2 perfor---& @2=-@ri--en44's to "W,--st the bz!4,vae.-. the of covjr.ar,thi--,e h,.r,-L-czhloride., 2-an,6vh-;ne, and L-qD-22-?. T@.e rze senair yoa of cory---a:,-4L",l-tne in casa you --o X--- t o i=,-- pea Ur 2 ".s is, ccurne, on prezc,.-igtion. In a 15.0 m;@5a. dcse of cox-jr"ri,.itl.'t,-ine orclly 15-30 2 'cc@'c@-a a dc&,@ of -TO of LSD-25 or JC and ,rC-eta,;.,J,r Sy@@Z;@ C=Z -..7 by LED2-25; ca' LSD-25 i4-ci-e -incr--ased in i-n-@uen@sit@r. T-I-,e of CC@. -,--y h 2 an i-aa 4,oz. I to 15.0 dozes c? o -a r a c- s -c. 22.- c - C,.cz:! rz! stra-,",-t.on of Lc,7D-@-5 hc,-l been tal@--n li"L",@le -Oro- 2 tectio@@i from effects of L.SD. P. (IGO Der 0G) =a (15 r,,--r o3) 1-5 to "'O r-tini:,4t."@as -oefo--e LSD- 2 25 (i@O s3e?-r-ed to -o:,:--vant even the sc--,@nt'Lc c..nd c3 -zs Pt--.mz-, by LI@,D. T,,,-2 o-2L' -'Uhe -Y in 1:0 4,3 h r; e Li a "ae -.,.,y d f c e lin 414 1-i-a s -Li alone in s ii-a to 5 r- -7--i. -.fjer os n, nfDl- n=th:L C- 1)lysiolo-ical 2 Of YOU -,fiz@L to dz@Lt-, as -os- ire2 Zz z C-,i.7.t 7cu 4,o 0:.n- 2 Of to @O Li@fr-t be for tlil- use of other b lo n,@, dcrir-- or O-r 4 b-- oil a the n doses cou,:d, of co, @-c; be D r anv suah ,czzta sucl,. as you a'ol-:! to e: oi ,, -L-1 ! to 4 czy In c-i 4 4@ a car"."On of such m-@orts. Sincerely yo-u--s