P (3 Li c-i- C) ct- 20 ct (1) f@ !.-6 2 o 4il t-" , 1,' -J. ti -J P. ICI 2 13J @g ti o P. i@ 2 C-4 (,) ci- 2 it .0 r-3: P- C) ra :I ;.J. 2 (P (D c-@ I r@. 2 0 0 ('J Ci- L) t-A ti 2 'C t u' co W ()I 2 LI ci- '.-,. i ) C. ci- 0 0 Cf2. 0 C+ ct r., I') 0 a' o Ca (D I + cf- J,.fif I 2 34 ci- .;. C -1 1-ii @r C, C+ 't (D t) C4 2 ti, I-,- Fi: -e 2 P @'a 0 ct P CJ C), P CD 2 Ci. co 1-.@ L'i 0 0 C'-, Fj cf I-, 2 ct Jj Ii I) J 0 '3 0 cr ct 2 C? En .4 0 C(- 0 Y-4 f J. I J, 2 C, ct (5 @j 0 P) ct c.,i 2 r:.. i-; cl, .4. ti r C+ 2 C LI fLj r@l 1-@ (D 2 (D t9 H bl C) Li ('.i i'i 2 104 2 Ea u, 0 FO 2 L-i I-L Ct Ci. Cc@ I I I '2, :@@, t -, 1.@, ct, i@ 1-3 f-i C) (ii u 2 @3 ti. a, ,e 61 F' 2 ti C+ C+ C'. 2 W 0 ct, 2 (P cr ru 2 #d C) 2 (I c@, @n cil 2 C) 0 0 C+ ct 2 ct cl 0 C+ 2 ct 4J rl IE-t 2 Cf- I I i:j cf, Li 2 t.) f3 0 1..6 t C ct- 2 P fj 1,4, tci t ri) (11 c-t 2 (,J cf- Li I.J C , $-I (..I LI 1-',2 Ul i.% ! f-1, fl) 1-i 11 @) LI-C@ -I- P- 2 1. i C' cq. cl ct 2 ci- Li I 11 0 ct 1.@ () : -.) P. r-@' C'- t@ Fi. ct- 2 Ea cl- 11 CT 6 ct Li ci, 'All 2 ;n., hope t'--- have been ,Lbl.e to yo-a e--IouSli i:,2o=n-- t.16or- here *-o all-,:ri so@me t-rialj. T.::a --cblcLi-a o' and e*.c.., wouL-1- be -va3t-,-.Ly if this druz ccule" b.2 uzaa lie,.i of tLe one you h-@ve 'c)e,--n I'm loo'.tir--Z foi,.iard to seeiz:Z you w'.len yl-ja are d-am he,-,e nex. LSD DOSE-EFFECT 'D.,@%,TA DCSE @i G/KG -7 t,@@e a n ;7. 2 0, n. 7.S i -n_ -n o f 0 25 1-.;'ie a s u r e I Ui,,, @,, B r-- ROF SUr,@ JECTS 7 2.;Rcspirafory Pafe 0.15 o.o@ 0.43 c.2 3 Is Body Temperafure -0.48 0.39 0.33 0.21 0.15 0.39 Knee Jzrks 1 .2 8.11-11.1 1.2212 1.52 1.7 I" 'I .4@ -1 5 2 S,Istolic L')Iood Prcssuc-e 7 1 8 2.56 3.ii P,jpillary 2 8 7 3 Size 2 7 3. 1 4 Num;--cr Po s i t i ve Ans%,iers @2 3 5" 50'' 34" 1 60 Clinical 8 3 Grade 0.9- 0,7z') .7 1 Sign i"icanf a T Significa,-if a t inlofes on LSD Dose-EFFECT Table Data on respiratory rate , body temperature, knee ler.@s and. 'systolic blood pressure were q2raphed. The Pre-close values a for each. ricasure vlcre a vcra-ced ' nd a vzra<,-e dra%-.in as ba,se line. Area under curve over 8-hour ,eriod pasf-dose2 was measured " v; i f h a P I a n i ri-, c f z r . This Yici@s igurc in squar, I or inches ( et'fecf hours ) %,ifich reflects 'he @ofal fir,,ic-acfi" course for the eighf-hour period. 2. A ve ragz re s u I f s o n 2 P I a-ce bo s f or ea ch i nd i v i dua 1 's ul,-.- fracfc@ from result with v.arious LS[) figures., civino a figure rcT'Iecfing only LSD effect. These floures were then analyzed statistically, using the "4"' test for paired o.!Dservafions. The significance ratios are all in terms of that dose against 2 P I 6ce'Do . As ye 'T d !ft'erences between LSD doses have no,' been analyzed. 3. .1\,bfe f@a' respiratory rate 4 body temperature changes are nof r significant2e 4 S i 9 n 1 f 1 c a n f c h a n ge s I %-/'e r e o b'@a@ @t-,-re d i-n k I'zr k s , s ys f o I i c blood pressui-e, 4 pupillary size. The pupillary change is the most sens''iv-, and sign!': 2 IT Ti-canf measurement'. All'hovgh a ve r age c h a nG e s 1 n kn e e je r,: s' we re :.a I v@a ils i n t i) c s a r.,,e i rec lo char.oes could not b.e s,,o-.Y@-! to be s @gnificanf at a If do@e ley,-Is -e-@ T This probably vtes dje to fh -'act 'r,. a P. c c I e r k %,,,6 s g a de c, c n i ca 2I I y rathcr then being measured quanfita,ivel,/. 5 S i g n it"icant chances.vizre observed-in a nurnber of po s I IC answeri and in clinical grades at doses of 0.5 mcq//kg an@' above. 2 I a L A I f ho ug i me h a s no t le t pz rri I I' f c cl c a I c u t a7a I o n oT' corr 0 Coe-sc-icicients, it appears that both2 these measures @,illl corr;la,,-,z with each other enc! with blood pressure and pupillar,/ chanjeso In other ,-iords, Ihc de-ree oT' puoll lar@, diiai'afion ref lecfs the OT, M@l- nt a i c n serves as a check on fli-- 01',@or. 6& Tn-e irrec,,ular f.ict in the r @,, s u I@s a f I C and 2.C, mco/kg are Gue in pa.ri ss ion o-' o,,2ic' very szns 1 f i -/c S U'- c c r o r-, ftiise do,-@acc levels. T,@is.resul@s in a c;@zcrea-se 1'n the -lean eT'f ec'i a f li'iese rjo se s . 7. Very good 2 dose response curves'v.,e@e obfa ined (considering f@,e si.-iall nun-'--er of subjecils) -,@.,@en riican response s were o Io,' fed a,,c,,al,,isf log o-i@' dose. Variafionsfron sfrai_ahf linz ,-iere chilfly all those dose Ieve Is %-i.@ 1-ch d td no'@- i nc tur@'e f he cre ex@rzmc I scns i f 1 ve 1 nc.1 i v idue I