-, -r -ATION. AR\ID V eAL'rH, EP,'J(, PUBLIC HEALTH SEZ?VICE Lexington,, Kenfticky lt4 REtLYiP4G. ADDRESS TMIS Nl&eti Addiction Research Center- 2 14 July 1934 Cur experiments on tolerance to LSD-25 @ave been proceeding well althouch I contilnue to be sorewhaf surprised by the re@su I ts wh i@h to me ar,,, @@ie r,).o-, t amaz lnci demons t rat i,-)n of druc tolerance I have ever seen. l.have had 7 pitienfs who have n2ow-beer, fae 'the d ore than 42 days. One of ing rUC Tor m t h c s e p ae n t s' r e c e 1 v e s I m c GM . / k c,.. d a 1 1 y , 4 r e c e 1 v e'o rr. c c -i daily, and 2 receive 2 mccm-7kc,. @ally.- All 7 are quit,-, fo.-leranll-- to bof h f he phys lo l2og i ca I a nr-l men t a I ef fecf s of the drug. V,e have atterr"p' fed to bre a k f.@ rou-h t h is to I e r6n@ci b,/ a dmi n is@er- ing double, i- r i p I e a nd' quad r-'(jo I e dos es .We have not yet obser@,,ed f-ill resfoi--5tior, of .*he LSD-effecf wit2h any of th@,se. dos,--s @,i h 1 f-- h in the case of one of fhe patients receivin-0 2 mc,,,n./kc,. daily, ar,novnfed f,@, 532 -ccmo@ fo@at dose. 1--ncreasinc the dos,-. seems @o res'lore the physiolcic-ical effects fo-a areafer degree t'iian the Mental eft'zcfs) w,@icz are--, pr-e-s-enf in only mild dq.-,-ree and %,ihich do not persist for more flian one or two hours. Discortinuafion of the dru for tv.,o days in one patient was followed by almost complete restoration of the initial effect, 2Adninistra@ion oT' 200 ma. oT' @he metabolic blocker., SKF-525.9 did not overcomef he tolerance. '%Ve have also bev.,n affempftrg to study "antidotes' for LS@D-25. Vj'e ha-;e dcne cuife a ntim,-er of experirlonfs in 4,hich 0.2 cf c.)-ior to L'D. This druc pc I'al -,;as giver, appears to det'inifely alter !be L.')D rescf,ion, i:n.'I-haf anxiety, n e r.v o v s n e s s .9 a n d i n s o.-n n i a a r e rn a r k - d I y - r e d v c e2 dHo v e rh r,ri.c,! paid is that of partial drun'-,,,ness induced by ba.-bi- ura le @-,'e have conolefed two ex-eriments with Corynanfhine. The L pa t i e n t s us ed we r e ex I r er,-,e I y szns i t i v e s ub i -Lc t s who 2ca ve t,-r ad i I - 3 to 4 reactions to a 4C,-mc-.In. dose of LSD-25. T h e y r e o T v e @,i in a. randorr-ized order'15 m-c. Corynanfhine folio-,ved by placebo; placebo -fol lo,,ved by 40 rrcgm. LSD- Corynanfhine; 15 ma. followed by 40 mcgm. LSD. 'there @ies no evidence of any dimin6fion in 2 either the menta I or p!iysioloc-ica I effects of the L,SD. Other experimenfs are to be- done,- u@inc less sensitive subjects. f As yet we have no.f2 h.ad an opportunity to fry Banfh-ne. -While in Washinaton recently, I had a very inferestina visit with Dr. Edward-'@:varts who is working with LSD and Bu@onfenine. As you know, he @as been able to demonstrate very definite effects of'bofh drucs,in dogs and monkeys.2 As a res v I f of f h i s q .neurophysiolocical studies have been undertaken. Th-ese include-. the effects of LSD on peripheral nerves. In the frog, LSD -.-,apparently ral,ses f.@c threshold but does not change height of .the action pof'enfial oncp the threshold is crossed. Other neurophys io log i ce I work is concerned w i f h t he e f f ec ts o it LSD on the entire optical fracf., from the optic nerve all the way back to the optical cortex. t'Npparenfly some. kind of results are beina obr@ined bu'i- as Yef they ar2le -not Other s te t emen f s i nc 1 u-,'.,z or,,- illi a i n hui-nan s vbje-- f s LSD cause@l mar1l.ed slo,,qiiii of sit-le reacfion time bu'.- had little zffec- 'licker fus i o n f r"equency on T Dr. Choiclen, a t-,,l e e'r c T' t h e N s t.-a f.T' a -id w,@ o is using LSD in !he fr,7,almeni of psyct%or i-c-@-oat ienfs, sou, gh t me out vil- 1 1 e I wa s in Bef.@esda f-.e h a s a,-)o a r e n t I y ob s c ry C,4 C d 47,1(, 2 Io i:, of folora-n(@',-. to LSD in these osycholic oafien',Is. Dzcau of Li s e the develop.,nent of to2terance he alfern dfes LSD and mescaline. .9 Fl@ es-fafes there is no --ross folerance to these two drucs. recently obfa lned a small supply of an in@eresfina substance 2 i n. the cannabino! series wfiich appears to be exfre,,,iel,@ p,:)'i-en,. I have now given 11 subjccfs doses of I to 2.5 mc. of 11 h i s druc. Ti-le f i rs f 2 pa i i zn @s iy i den f i T' i ed @.1le ef -1"ec@iz as be i -Ig I ike f hos e o f n@ a r i i,4v in3 an(-,', na f u-a a I I pa @ i,--n '-s C',0 since the first 2 have expected riari@luana- 1- i '