16 juiy 1954 Trip to K----ritucky Ca 15 July 1954 1. Writ,.--r iL--t ;.-ith Dr. Isb---2.1 ar-A Dr. E. W. Palikan at 2 to CA l@,'l ut the of rr. Is",ell. 'i--h-a L:ae t-opi co d--Is- cuzsed. 7,ia coacluzio:iz -w!@ *:..ii P"@.nr, rv-lc Will Le portld her-r-.. 2. On the ba-tis O,' i!o@-k that has beer- cm@mlet-aa cn the --.CA ioiy it I-r-%z decided th,-@,t only a ferv mo--e vmld. 'be done. T@ hese vv-u)A consist O.' one I r, T.,-aich th@e bl c,,-d e ef - fects vvO-A- be r-@-,P-Surcd t7ne co-i--se ei. t'.,e i-.tcae-c-slion z=d 6 s -M ,_ee , @d th +',icir ro-%%r-re-al 'woul?- b.-- a'4'v@- 2 O.-ally a, Pe-homir--tic =In-Oa. adC,:.tion, the dz@Lt-3 ie-11- @%@ r-mc@:eE 'o see if it is eifective by th-i's rou've an,:t -i.0 ty-..,e 2 100 1 C 2- C) of Potassi= tellurite to Ed for his work. Fi lall Ezat wj.1-W !.v. tests on the tell--u---tte P-2zd t@@-, Ar7liou--- - -pro- jec-".. ZMY wit'h tell7arit,-, b--c-r,-jze '.!2e O-? Lis c-.a. Y@e viL,-Iz O - LSD or stor-".,. -@;hat.!.,e :2' more f rm in or-.,er to ha-7e plenty c.-n v--z 5-10 r,,.l i.m. i 2 );-3Lin -for 8 to I X 10 hours. -1, is not e@.@tec-I.-able vi- ---@ay is l@To to-:@@city e---d no af v-.p cially. r-ear. .Original- Cm! aate