---RE-AL-M. EDU( AI lui\4 HE Al&-. T lji L i N ST ITU 25 Apri I A T I 0 N A itipLVINO. ADOO2ttl$ TKI Act)%CTial.4 RFSEARCH CENTER CC H03FITAL 6, Pu suc H 4ALIW S a xvi u CA reqvcst for renewal o.f the i.am enclosing copy of the 23rd.' whi-h was 1-.iailzd to ou on lanuary heralf., - y Copics of th'is project are being held at the National' tristitutt of %,Icnta.1 Health, 'B-thtsdia, Md. \Vill You please advise vihether they shoul-d be for-,Yarded to 2 Capt. Quimb am recover!ng'rap.]L'iy anct should be baci: to 7'uli'-fitne n thz nex,-f-t o weeks. I will be glad to see work withi w 40 a ytime-during @,,'ay . n $Inc-,.r' I yyou H'arr Is Isbell$ %i. D Director HI:, n Enc I,zis ure IL 2,