-rvi -LFA@' Pjblic u,,31,@ S oF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND NATIONAL I NSTITUTES OF HEA.LTH IN RILPLYTKG AGONSSS T$49 24 August 1956 HATICKAL INSTIrUTIt OF NTNTAL HGALTH AcoicTion RastA ex cgmrtn U.S. Pueuc NGALTR S:Rvica HosP4TAL t P. 0. Box too* LaxinGTON. Klmrucxr @10) O2n checking my files I find that we have some Informa- tion on oral administration of L-3-Hydroxy-N-pheneti'iyl- morphinan..@ Data indicate that the effects of the drug are erratic when given orally _ Ias contrasted to being ry consisten.t"irhe-r@--@'i@ten'-subQul-aneous;_y. I2t has been mg Ve-if-i-n" d-oses ranging betwie-n --0.5 i-6 (total) to adult itale postaddicts. Defi'Aite morphine-like effects /'were obsetved in some Individuals at every dose level. @These ranged from extrent"e'ly mild to very Intense. Onset 2 -as also erratic, appearing from one hour to )Of action w @as long as twelve'.- I fear this indicates that the drug is erratically absorbed. This may have some connection with Its limite'd solubility. Altl,.ough I will check., I now feel that It Is probably ndt as promising an agent as 1-dromoran. 7 Very sincerely yours, Harris Isbell, i'A. D. Director, 'Hl*.rn