-Jeocrtr..,. cF H'-ALTH, EDUCATION, A@,'D -:LFAr,=- Pu6li-- Flicall.@ NATIONAL I iiSTITUTES OF HEALTH 2 27 Dece.-,iber 1956 f4Anosi,%L ImsnrM op, gepirAL HEALTH I AocicTion RistAMCH CaNrcit U.S. PUIUC HEALTH STRVICC HOSPITAL P. 0. Box zoo* Ltzincron. K&myucxy 2 Thank you ver-,, m'U@:h foi7.-t@.e sample of the berbitura'Le 7 . antagonist. I Rill look forward with great interest -s'.chemical com-cosi2ticn and more about to learning i4l its pharmacologi--cal actiohs. .@-leanv.,.@iile, perhaps -,ve can at t '@> ",I 'D 4t. S 0 M'e 1D i I 0 t work with anirnals. It would 2 be of interest to see wh-ether it would. precioitate abstinence -L-rom- barbitural'.es in addicted G'ogs, All best wishes for a happy and successful New Year. Yours very sincerely, 7 rris '.4. D. Director HI:lw