We recently obtai,. a small supply of an interesti-- subs-'%-lance in the cannabinol series', h a-o-oears to be extr--rely potent. I have nov given 11 stfo4ects dose! 1 to 2 i .5 mg. of this drug. The first +.vo patien4,s promptl, 'ihe effects a2s being like those of marihuana y. ider-,- ed and ., naturally, all patients since t-e first ",,-wo have expected ma-ihusna- like effects. Patients begin to report the subjective effects vithin 2 to 4hours. Effects appear to be most -Drominent 6 to 8 hours after the drug is adnini tered and are still 2-oresent 24 to 36 hours later; and in -cases even longer. Description of the subjective effects is very sme vague, exce-ot that the subjects are very positive they resemble t@lhose of marihuana., -They say the effects of I mg. are equal to one or two ciga-rettes of the best marihuana, except that they appear slowly and persist for a 2 very long period of time. They are described as consisting of a sensation of mental relaxation acco.=anied 4ever, by "physical" tension., increased ., ha, appreciation of music, jokes,, ai@d other things. The characteristic behavior observed in marihuana smokers (gig@,ling, silliness) has not been 2 CD seen -en'al situation has not been conducive to the aplearance .. but the experim 11 L. of such behavior. No hallucinations, perceptual distortion., etc.., have been reported. With larger doses (2 to 2.5 mg.) the sy=tcms becam-- quite unpleasant in 6 of the 11 subjects2 6 to 8 hours after gaministra4t"ion. The unpleasant symptoms i.,lcluaed di2;iiqess., feeling of &reat'A weakness, marL---& dzc@@;siness., nausea and vomiting. Weakness has perslsted for 48 to 72 hours after e4 rn -1 n- -.'6s';'-Iration of the drug. One -Datieri2t fainted on going to the bathroom the morning after having received a 2-mg. dose. ITeu:rolcaical examination.-in these patients so f ar has been nega4k.,.i,,re with the dose used. Ho,4ever -ait couli-not be tested in sore patients who became so weak. they refused to get out of bel. There is a very defin-;-'We tendency f2or the pulse rate to become rapid and a tendency for the blood p.-essu-te to fall. @i"h6 results suggest that some cardiovascular disturbance ,, possibly poso.-ural hyuotension, may occur. I hope to inves4k,,itTate this in t&-.e i=--diate future. Beca7ase o@--' the appearance of these toxic 0 reacA4,,ions, 1 an not plqrning to increase the dose beyond 2.6 mg., in the i=iediate future. It is note-.,crthy I.-hav- ','"a patien'us sho-i th-- characteristic marihuana fauies) vhich consisr. chiefly of marked conj=ctival reddening and pseudop".osis.