ECT: A-4,i I T I TL C i'CCJ f-r .,I d d t zas ri-.fe frcn I;hc -P--;I,nt of view of fc,'!Cltl and 114bilitY 03 Is cc,2 (@F PESL-ITS This pQrftQn @;f f h I .4 ry 31 As co@,ers t-he pericd t* the c@)ICettvic of tfi-. ;)rQ!cct Is 4s effective aod 6:5 t.,afl tho synthetic 'drug w-hich im,@uld be -tlvt or.-pertics Is point of VIC," Q0 hu.7,-Zfi T Al t-hr, It adequat si:li-s 4- 1 lutes f ;.r -ror;)h lr@,c art: 4vel.14ble, Su stat- drug whlch c S,iv-,tnty-f lvc -.-itr eci Qf f2liq 4 r 'thi c c in c eri6irs -@f file ttle Untfai State-. rvzt I 41 rv a I oi t@,c or-'--lici f 1 1 f I f -f ioett .zi nictsinrlty bq na-Je Is C t" -44 tip 2 C4 r4 n t, ta 2 -4W 494 Is 0 *.,.,I 2 Iwo f i@,; 2 n dc 40 2 kW WV t2o Olt -t- a -40P 2 zr ;lk 9 A-0 e;i VA ilw cut Prosr@.m hzd 4evelg,-Ij two drvct Vthl h t> was 'a.1'allable f,.r relief cf t.nild of whlch was 4: $4fe a$ c@odet.-Iz#, -3nl Po$ s lb' II f"t 42,2 P<;tcnf t4 1Inc slib3 If vt e's ldt re fur also c I . Ilnari clinlcil trial-.A thdic4te that b,@,th the raci-".efz and the de-xfr-rQf4f4;ry lsi;,:i.- ,of this c2rc C3 eff-c@ctiv'e as c,.,detnc in rultev;n.; oatn. The 4 ar,;,:pertics r.,f are c f 3 c r c o,@fy v hcv,e sc,4-*.r z:! 'Jr r If a ri I uc c a f u2 I I subjc-f Ive c;foic@f s while I.-t a very tiii;h dcso fhc.,f ;ui;@ress f I V!% Ica i ly n i thcre' .-arat for r I 3 --fft-:Zcy i c f r V -le t!'a tt C C c @@j ii ------------------------ - - 4@%le3ults rlifrtni. tht- Ct-trreit r .fhe current r.-,icrtint; @'terlo4 ti Ianuory fQ 31 De'cc!nbvr fhe addictlyc cf It' new sini'lictic druos acre "he iesults are pretented below evaluated wholly or In p-ort under indlyleuel C4 a i7liperldIne a ph,* ri;,2d 2 N I H.@J 4 Tbls ctnpouad In. 4Q3es of 50 to I 00 MD's subcufaneou3ly lnduccs but shcrt. llved subjtctlvc effc-,tz rese;@-,blinfj th@*t@e-cavscd bv 150 InG. Qf t!ic drug ever-v fcut- hQV7& part lal IV abstlnence fra-) morp"-tine In &fr.-n-ty Tli c drug, has @;f mepe r IJ I r2. e 6,,; fl- Is not re,-z3rditd Qs a by t 1-1 t I 1; I bc t ar c-d In c t 4 4 03 1;@ f y, f 3 0 t h is in fz-lr-!@er In ol' i@@nly 500 ;mg. c,@.-vry AWO a" 2 Mr Wool DIP 4 2 C4 e4 In 419, 2 Lit 11 It 4C) 2 i@4 1% C 41 ts fa f.'s Yl JA t -4- 416 2 zr tr ;L2 2 a$ Vs L'u - t'@ 2 z td g4 2 i'@, 4n :z --) . Lq la 2 0 fib ea 1-0 Y,) 2 IN Ln ;.5 t%4 2 Is tiv 4* ti 6 C '4@ at 40 I f ;, I 14 4nq qi nt -,utp- D v CP P2@pi2e3@--i a q lt',UUPW- put 'ZJ -:- j Z; i -- ,-. 4 AIZA Stq Air-ju-.-Ais '-'@4 9-tAttl 4 'I 4 XI v- 2 4 1 Z P DA I J I VI q'@!P --"'>,I I -9',z I LI 4 s C szz'3PUt 41 C SL> Z 41 1 V12 I'@ s'-Z!"P U I i Z 91-uri C!Lr-z D:ti I-Z$Lilqc, '7OL.. 4Ja4l@@d 4c-f-'t'i ;'Li4 A U -i s U v I qzt o w- I A 4 4 a ti A xc@ q L@zy h I insoluble &Al Lik-a f@.c -.-,irecedloo, this eru!g-ts tco too )rritit;mu to be In craltv It I.Ild not2 Induce any -Cofl,.%Itc subicctlv.,,*, eff,,,-ts uf r4ature. Dcsirs rf 33.') mg. orally eviry six 'I-84;urs had no effett !@-,n the In finsity of a@,-.3tinence fri:@gn mor,-)hlnc in str@.n,@ly oddlctcd patients. Thest ftndln4-$s Indlcate a iow degree Cf od-,4@lctlrft llabi'lity. If the ccmp4und Is either an effective anfitus,31ve Gr an effecttv@-. onalsesics It t,.Q5j!d t@,e a r,otentl!at colainis' :substitute. -rates Qf 5 fti 10 thls zvbstanc-" py n e cub-cuta,i,T.Wusly by by -nl.-.ture r0i' 4-n-I I l'tc,-n tQ 2i@@ of the v ;;.@3 r3 .i r a n n i,@ a .0 Qe @4,z 'I f4 s IF, 'i tA .00 tx d-Al . 2 2 M e4i IV, c@r 2 CIO to ra 2 40 "C e4 :r I'@ 4:3 2 40 4 C, ir@ 7. I a @@o; IP 0 ,% 2 ti a it, . (@6 2 iwA zr 0% 2 ri 43 la CA 2 to Co 2 in C)r 2 ib, -A -.Q r_r $At i:o 2 f@ C7 Iri 0-* 2 ell -4 zr r4 i's 2 C6 -46 2 4C t@ C eQ 9 Its -C Cov,.ic I I f ha t flit ci;nnoun,4 h-14, very ft.-O addict 1,,;in I lai@@ll ttvo Since ,.,.relinin4ry clinic-at re@;)Qr.'s In@,licafi* fs4f it Is as efi'active as 4s on furt.Sir studies vf?rt? more ex0cf1y ti-ic @;f the Thts Is bein- eccQ;@iplishecl, using a 'dcuble blind' cr,;;ssrver design In which fqrmir ad-,Ilct vi,@ivnfccrz are addl.-.2fcd to n4r,@,hln'-J! after which they are 'Tvcn either cv-4-itne cr d-,)ropcxyphene In ci;ded ca;@sults SQ t,41at f.@e i-elenfifv Qf t:lc drucs ts @,Ltrj',zn4wn fo the vl>2-crvers. After f c,-t ar-I withqut the kno,atee,Ge oT' the -,-,'.-servers ii-,nttcal -olacebo capsutes arc t Li fc!-j tcn ts w 1 1 1 tttc!r-lwn cn@-.o once f r z;,-] p r CA --5,Qy ,ava a t ile I n 'V'ii;: lx ty Duf ift'7 f.@e I A t S r,;-, r r t I -7. r r r a Tp, @K arch Intend the SC an adequ4te zyr on Dfti" 2 drusz 4rt fciuo,4 are iu,.Iccti L .11 t I cna 'R-se-3rcit Ca fic I I tQ u all acccssary Isbell. H.: ii4djeal Aspgct,s g2f ct I cr. evil, tjew York Atad. hicd.1, 31: tu" an @io 2 @rn -D.,, 1-hell@ V,. and' rn In I i4.,C n r' anci F;.fleCf3 Of M-Ixtures of 3. Fraser., ti. 2 F. 4n sb,& II,, Of -.,3 r c n fri@CO., 49 Tle -acarch fi;;r a I 2 Tre n,@, s I a e t r C S A@, P. k'6'. t. 49 f e A-!,I -i la (4une La 2 44 64 2 lu tL 2 44 C, rr 2 Ca 41 8 4r*