AND WELFARE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 27 September 1961 A44iction &"catch Center U.S. Public Health Servict Hospital t4zington, Xestuckr alled rri,-,"-on this date concerning diphosphopyridina- nucleotide and alcohol. I promised him I would write him concerning the information I have on this. I have th- "Tnformation for Clinical Inv6stigators" prepared by Abbott T-aboratori6s. 7re material is undated and consists of an introductory section which attempts to bu2ild UD a theoretical back- ground for the use of DPN. The second section is on the chemistry of the material; section 3 on the pharmacology, is blank; section 4 on clinical studies, deals with hangover'in nonalcoholic subjects. 7re studies were done on only 2 men, and apparently there were no measure- mnts on blood alcohol or blood acetaldehyde levels. Section 4B deals with treatment of alcohol withdrawal2 syndrome, and section 5 with dosage recommendations, afta!,.vit@.ich references, precautions, and contraind'ications table, and suggested forms are given. I I also have a paper, "Pyridine nucleotides in the prevention, dia,o,mosis'arid treatment of' problem drinkers" by Paul O'Hollaren, West. J. Surge., @@. (2) 101-104., 1961. Ilhe material in both of these reports is unconvincing., but 'oossibly some little work,mic-ht be indicated. Since the theoretical background is hypothesized, more rapid removal of acetaldehyde.. determinations of blood alcohol, and blood acetaldehyde levels should be done if behavioral changes indicate any gross effects on either drunkenness or hangover. As I also told Dr. Treichler, T am embarking2 on a'study of cro ss tolerance betizeen scopolamine and JB-318 and LSD. '@le are just beginning the first Dhase, which will involve determination of proper dose range for scopoiamine and JB-318 intramuscularly. Following this, comparative potency evaluations will be made, after which tlie chronic tolerance phase would be undertaken. Sincerely, 4 Harris Isbell., M'.D. Director