DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARK2S. You wished to be reminde, that the attached Contract be renewed February, 2 in Helen FRO,%i- q 13 2 ROOTA DitiG EXTEN51CN FORM NO . REPLACES FOR.14 26-9 GPO: ISSI--0-439443 (47) I FEB 55241 WHICH MAY BE USED. 9 L DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 2 November 19@ol Nedeast Institute a( Mental Health Addictias leseamb Center U.S. PubUc Health2 SeMce Heapit" Lesingtoa, Cestucky Subject: 1. Progress Report Abstract,- Tas@k No. NR 101-1:49, Contract NAonr @,2. Request for Renswal of Project, Fiscal Year 2 (I July 19'02 through 30 June l'9E33), 3. Memorandum to Mr. Leonard M. Libber, Head, Physiology Branch, ONR:441 Enclosed are copi6s of materials and for%-tarding memorandum no@iled above, for your infc@.-mation. Sincerely, Harris Isbell, t4.0. Director Hl:rn Enclosures 3