@'3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC IIEALTH SERVICE 24 February 1958 Nademal Institute of Mental Health Addktloa Resemb Center U.S. Public Reabb SoMes Hospital Lazing&*&, Kmtttcky Do-you have any infor:,nat;.oz, on the stal:.ililt,-,7 of C-5? lire have been :naltin- a solution of this !-aL-.erial in 95-per cent alcohol in a coiicentration o, I The solution is or2iginally light-bi-o@vn in color., but after a daar or two it becomes blue;.sh, as if it ccntala,>,d rr.ethylene blue. Currently we are preparir,.o the solution fresh on the @.iorning it is to be used. We have now given as .nuch as 3 -Ig of per 79 kg. of body weight without oloserving any definite sutjeci'.Ive effects. There is a suggestioii (subject to proper controls) that the following may be occurriiia: drop in diastolic blood pressure, in-.rcase in pulse rate, and elevation in body te..nperature. It is already apnarent that C-5 orally will be far less pot.ent than C-9. 2 I have not yet received the additional supPlY 0 f ',@-302, or of the crude material. Yours very sincerely, Harris Isbell, @-I.D. Director F,I:rn