DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH S>1pUVICE 3 February 1959 N>2ps>2pt>2pt>2p">2po>2pA t>2pu>2pdtut>2po of M>2pea>2pt>2pa>2pl H>2pe>2pa>2pl>2pt>2ph A>2pdd>2pi>2pct>2pio>2pm >2pR>2pc>2pm>2pt>2pc>2pb Center U.S. >1pP>2pu>2pb>2pl>2pk >2pR>2pe>2ps>22ph>2pk >2p3>1pe>1pr>2pr>1pi>1pc>2ps Hospital >2pL>2pazi>2pngt>1p->1p, >2pr>2po>2pa>2pmcky >1p->1p->1p->1p->1p->1p->1p->1p->1p->1p- am enclos>1pi>2png two copies of project description The Addiction Liability of Synthetic Subs>2pt>2pi>2ptu>2ptes >2pj>2p-or Codeine -- w>2phich requests rene>2pi>2pral of our contract for fiscal year 1960>2p, beginni2ng >1p1 July 1959>1p. >2pTh>2pe a>2p,>2p->2p.>2piount of >2pmoney requested is approxi>2pmately the same as that allowed during the current year.. As you '.know I am trying to get NII>2p@>2p,>2pU>2pI to p>2pi>2pck up part o>2pf the tab for personal services in this project. If they are successful we c>2pin refund whatever part of the money they migh>2pt o2btain>1p.>2p- But since we have no way of telling what success we will have with the Bureau of the Budget I am asking them to go ahead and send this rene>2pi>2pial through. I hope soon t>2p@>1p.>2pZ>1pive you a full report on Psilocybin>1p. With kindest personal regards.. Yours very sincerely, 7 Harr Isbell., >2pF>2pi>1p.D>1p. -or >2pD>1pir>2pe>2pc>2pt HI>1p:tkh Enclos>2pl>2p->2p,>2pr>2pe>2ps