on t)f Z-1 ;j 4 ,"vo ext"ael,le.%no viere parf Om. o-@l; o.,io usir aq,.zecis et',Ial')Ia ted6.-.d ol' d-,Iad 2 r-on the 1", '.'-Waoluto otilanol,., i.V@4 "'AZ!Son Coll loc4ion vm.-c mac;5r-,tted urder 300 of' &Lso In g t!lcl' 31 0 alw- --Ootl poa2tecis 'i-he al.*trat extrP,-,*, wR:z vf- .esi,4-.to Ira= *-hose ext:-GcxLs was it %,..J.I*;! or yolia-z 0110 @he oil wn3 re,-inyed b4- w"h t.lie oc-,itano so'&,utica ga-.,re 2 mG* %&ark br.:@wn ':%e se:ai-aalid -.%o3idua, a:to.- wa-.R v--ry .):3 c 11) li nnd orly parl.,Oially -olublo I.-. wo",E-!-,t @@'O ol' t@his gu=iv soli%l were ora'l,,, -St A.V o,=e hours later# 400 mg,,a ')llly a -,-ery quest-.@@nablop root wt-.3 not4.oed'. A =-.o sar.;C-.lj of' t:!-.0 wn3 plamd In a -elatin anpaulo taken2,, also -ava es-j,.- ly ha orrect. It was thar. doeided to cortinue the ex *.Motion xi th t'lin chopp-od L-.a%'.nrial was atirrod w'.%Ih va= silcot-.ol but ln'!d,:@. vns allowed &wo go d.-7. and %'.he temperstu.--a rose to nbout .0'. MR,@V,04-ial waa then extritated once vrl'6.h 50 I.". al%-Oohol; ,wnu Tt ahould be noted that during all of tho 'I.-r-eatr-.,ant the "I,ir. and d-iod v-or7 a c t t.1 -3, J- a:. o -i la a i.-.0 f f a C '14, I&vo in P a n,. h a ts s u o oI a vrt-.a 'Jr!.:d. 'rn- tl&lil&la ar. OL'.Cort was M-nde to ti3sao us quick! 2 83 P02BA4.blOo 50 -o o&o 4%,Oho dr4ked 7 @ed undo:- 250 mle or 3.0@, o'l,anol in a r-arl d-o:%* nis resuitalng =!.%tura was a paity =at,* no suporratant 'In,.!cr sono.-.odo Afto2r one-halb..f." houa-p with Into.-=It".'ent agitation t.-L ;.-.o 0 blondor (to--?* 35 - 40 ). 4'pho masn was pressad on a auction '.'or a rubber dame The filtrato -.Yas a dazOA nm'ofj un 2 rp a-nd slic:hli-4,.6 fluorescent. Th#.3 axt.-..etion in-t!-.e blandor was repeated tl,ireo ti,r.cs; the fourt,% extract @va3 ve-".%o pale 7alInwe ?To :rur"w,.her Yss extracted wit@,. w,,-Atere mhe 27.,,ioled extracts wore A d;trl-. ar--,+bor va4trtL-.i bolow roo:L, tam-p* a'.--iost to dx-141%0080 41 wero P.-ocento r-ator and a little ethanol we.-e -.iixtur-^- was defatted2 wlr,*.h n-pon"6,fane# m,ho re.-na.Lnll&n.,,, ottia.-,ol@ %*Jlion removed; tho'.,&*Lnal vo'i.=e. vras 81 ml, TIli4@rty ="-* o".% uL'.'.Ion (correzponding to 20 S* of drio4d =us-hroons) was takon full-blown -effee'tp luatiris about six hour:3, was experienced, v"6sual patterns were perO.,.aps 9=owhat leas vivid; the sublet#.-4A.-!.ro, onotional roaction was perhaps tntensifiodoin c2=parlaon to the 2 :)Prier.ce wit@ tl,.o driod musfiroo.-ise Ilao lntevistfied wan the on b.-eathir.-p which wns notod -to a losaar dxtent wi.&.h the dr4-e.-'. MO@"3* P.-cathing vms oxacedin-ly labored# and at one point 7. w-.2s SP4,n@,,-, so hard that -I nearly lost conciounnoss. It sl,.o-al-d '--o that n full of-'&'ect was experioneod vrith 10 et of dried c-.-arhr3ims; Y,eo@ild judm .@ t.%at the offoot fm@-m thl-,s extract oAl 20 g. or1 r:as dcfln4tol7 t- r4 .@intere 'l.,hu3 tlio e-t,-aetion appoars to havo bo:@ii 0 > VI 0 U, 0 4 r4 M 2 0 0-1 co a 43@ cm 0 2 r '44 44 0 94 44 2 0 to 0 to 04 e4 -P IA 0 t2 2 d 44 a 0 ci V4 92 C) Irv t4 43 43 0 LV 0 ip 2 ci "4 43 ta -P C; $-4 4) 4 C,4 41 . K 0