>2pC>2p+ >2p0 oil 2 >2pc>2p+ >2pb>2pn >2pr>2p. >2pC>2p* 2 >1pt>2pi >2p:>2p0 A) >1p0 >1pC>2p+ >2p6>2p.>2p0 2 >2pc>2pn Ca >2pC>2p+ 2 >2p6>2p-4 >1pt>2pi 0 >2pc>2p:>2p: >2p4>2p-4 >2pC>2pO>2p.>2pI>2pJ>2pPA>2pi>2plIS>2pM>2p4 OF THE R>2pF>2p.A>2pC>1pT>2pI>2pO>2p.>2pNS INDUCED BY >2pPS>2pIL>2pOCYBIN AND LS>2pD>2p-25 IN >2pW>2p@N The use of certain Intox>2picat>2ping >2pm>2p->2p.>2pi>2pshrooms by Indians In Mexlco has been reviewed by H>2pof>2pma>2pi>2pu>2pi et >2p@>2pt>1p. >1p(>2p19>2p5>2p8>2p)>2p* Vs Fe and R. >2p0>1p. Wass>2po>2pn >1p(1957>1p) have reported the way In which the mus2hrooms are taken by the >2p!>2p.>2p'>2pZ>2pcx>2pican Ind>2pia>1pns and the hallucinatory experiences occurring following the>2pir >2pInge>2pst>2pion>1p. Hofmann et-al. >1p(1958a>1p) have de>2pz>2pcr>2pib>2ptd the Identification of the mushrooms and their successful culture by H>2pa>2pim>2p3>2p, and by Helm and Ca>2pi>2plle>2pux>2pw Hofmann et al. >1p(1958>1p) I>2psolated a pure compound from the mushroom>2ps which had the characteristics of 2an Indoleam>2pine and 'which contained phosphorus. Later the compound was Identified Imp as >2pO>1p' hosphoryl>2p-4>1p-hydr>2pox>2p5r>1p->2p1>2p1>1p-->2pd>2pimet>2phyl tryptam>2pine>2p,>2p, was >2pr>1p.>2p-ynt>2phes>2pized (Hofmann,, 19>1p58>2p* >2pH>2p-of>2pma>2pn>2pn >2pLt al>1p.>2p.>2pt 1958 a-and b>1p) and named p>2pellocyb>2pin>1p. Prel>2pim>2pinary studies In >2pm>2paa (Hof== et >2pa>2pl>2p.>2p.>2p2958a>1p) showed that the compound,, In3 doses of >2p4 to >1p8 mgs Induced an abnormal mental state resemb>1pl>2pi>2png that seen after LSD or mescaline* In animals >1p(Cerl>2pett>2pi>2p, 1958>1p)>2p. p>2po>2pllocyb>2pin caused neurovegetat>1pive symptoms although It had no high degree of a>2pct>2piv>2pity on peripheral P a autonomic structures. The autonomic effects of p>2pailocyb>2pin >2ps>1pe>1pe>1pm>1pe>1pd to be due to central sympathetic s>2pt>2pi=>2plat>1pio>2pn>1p. It facilitated spinal reflexes and caused in >2pItar>2pousall p>2pattern In the >2pF>2p.>2pE>2pC>2pr>2pp alth>2pough motor behavior >1pw>1pa>2ps depressed, Because of the chemical relationship of ps>2pi>2plo>2pcyb>2pin 3to serotonin and to bu>1pfote>2pn>2pin>2pe>2pv and because of the possible role of s>1pcroton>2pl>2pa >1p(5>2p@hydroxy tryptamine>1p) In the function of the central nervous system$ a detailed comparison of the effects of >1pp>1p3>2pi>2pl>1po>1pc>1py>1pb>2pi>1pn with those of the die>1pthylamide of d>1p->2plyser>2pg>2pic acid >1p(L>1pSD>1p-25>1p) In man was thought to be of Interest* ?age 3 METHODS Preliminary Ex>2pZ>2p->2per>2pi>2p->2pments>2pe In order to con>2pf>2pi>1prm the dose range reported by Hof>2pman>2pi et al >1p(19>2p1>2p@8a>1p)>2p, several preliminary experiments were done In which 7 volunteers Ingested >2pp>2ps>2pi>2plo>2pcyb>2pin orally In doses rangingIfrom >1p0>2p.>1p5 to >1p8>2p.>1po mg>1p/70 kg of body >2p@2>2pve>2pl>2pa>2pr>2pit>1p. T>2phes>2pa ex>2p7erl>2p.>2p,>2pz>2pc>2p.>1p->2pits >2pl>1pnd>2pl>2p->2p.ated '%.%a'#,. ps>2pi>1plocybln cw>2pased definite mental effects In doses of 2 to >1p8 m>2pg>1p/70 kg which were acco>2pmp>2pa>2p,>2p,>2p->2pt>2pled by puplllary dilatation# increased tendon reflexes, and >2pIn>1p.>1p->2p.reas>2ped blood pressure. The mental effects of ps>2pilo>2pcyb>2pin seemed to resemble th>2pos>2pe>1p.of LSD. A more detailed experiment was then 2carried out >2put>2pi>2pl>2piz>2pi>1png 9 pat>2pi>2pents>1p. Su>2pb>1p-le>2pcts>1p. The s>1p->2pab>1pje>2pc>2pt>1p3 >1p->2p,>2ptsed In' t>2pi>2p%ese exper>2piment>1ps were all negro males who were former drug addicts and >2p*>2pho were serving sentences for violation of th>1pp United States narc>2pot>2pi>2pc laws. Their ages>1p.ra>2pr>2p,>2p,>2p3ed b>2pe>2p,>2p%t>2pw>2pe>2pn 22 a.-id 40 years, All were In good physical health>2pp and none presented evidence of >92pw>2pV of the major psychoses. All had experienced the effects of L>1pSD-25 in previous experiments* General Co>2prd>2pit>2pions>1p. The experiments were all conducted In a special ward devoted >2pto cl>2pi>2pp>2pical research. >1pO>1pb>1ps>1pe>1pr>1pv>1pa>1pt>1pi>1po>1pn>2ps were made by spe>2pc>2pi>2p;>1pilly t>2pr>2p->2p,>2p,>2p.>2pLned att>2pe>2pnda>2pnt>2ps with many years of experience In observing pat>2pientz who ha>1pv>2p-e received >2pN>2p-ar>2pious drugs. The patients entered >1pt>1ph>2pi>2ps >2pSPec>2pla>2pi ward on the night 2 before the experiments were conducted. They were awa>2pl>2ptened at 6>1p:30 a>2psm>1p. Each pat>2pient >1pw>1pa>2p3 free to mix and mingle with other pat>2pie>2pr>2p.ts In a common dayroo>2pm>2pg or to r>2pgma>2pin In his own room, as he preferred, >2pD>1pr>2pu>2p->2pqs>2po LSD-25 and psilocyb>2pi>1pn were adm>2pini>2pst>2per>2pe>2pd In solution In raspberry syrup. The syrup was used in order to mask t>2pl>2pie s>2pl>2pi>2pih2tly bitter taste of ps>2pilo>1pcyb>2pin>2pe Drugs were administered at >2p6 a>1p.>1pm>1p, with the >1pp>1pa>1pt>2pi>1pe>1pn>1pt>2ps fasting* All patients received, In a ra>2pnd>1pom>2piz>2ped balanced orders a placebo# >1p1>1p,>1p0 and >1p1>1p,>1p5 mcg>1p/>2pkg of LSD, 57>1p, 86>2p$ and 11>2p4 >1pmcg>1p/kg of >1pp>1p3>2pl>1pl>1po>2pc>1py>2pb>2pi>1pn >1p(4>1p,0>2p0 6>1p.0 and >1p8>1p,>1p0 m>2p->2p9>1p/70 kg). The "single-blind" procedure >2pV>2pM>2p3 fol2lowed throughout>1p.>1p.>2p.The >1pp>1pa>1pt>1pi>1pe>2pn>1pt>2p3 were not aware of the Identity of the drugs given on a spec>2pt>1pr>2pic day but one of the attenda>2pn>2p4>2p4>2p6>1ps>2p# for reasons of >2pca>2ptety>2po did know what medication had been given, P>1pa>2p->2pz Observatio>2pr>2pis>1p. The following observations were made at hourly Intervals from 7 a>2p*me to >2p4 p.m. after the patients had rested quietly fof ten minutes in bed&* rectal t>1pe>2pi>2pnoerature>2ps pulse rate* respiratory rates systolic and diastolic blood pressure, d>2pia>2pinet>2per2 of pupils,, a>2pjid >2pUi>2presholds for z>1plicit>2pi>2pa>2p->2plg the i>2ptne>2pc>1pjerl>2pt>1p. >2pi>2p'>2p.>2pI>2pct>2pt>2pi>2pce>2p-s for ma>2pl>2pic>2p,>2p->2p'>2pL>2p'>2png tl>2p,>2p.ese w>2p->1pare those prev>2piou>2pr>1p.>2pi>2pl>2p-y >2pc>2p'>2p;>2pc>2p!s>2pc>2pi>2pb>2p">2pl>2p@>2pcd ut a>2p@>2p'>2p.>1p, 195>2p8>1p)>2p. .At hour>1p'>2pL>2py >2pl>2px>2pit>2pc>2pr>2pva>2pl>2pbs >2p->2pL>2p:>2p'rom 7>2p:>2p.2>2p'>2p)>2pC u>1p.m>1p. Lo 30 p.m, >2ppa>1p'>2p%>2p&>2pI>2pu>2pnts co>2pmpl>2pL>2p->2p,>2pi>2p'>2p.ed a questionnaire modified fro>2pn t>2phat of Abramson et al >1p(1955>2p)s with t>2phe help of an aide. A short mental status exa>1pm>2pi>2pa>2pr>2p,ati>2po>2pn was made one and >2pol>2pie>1p->2pi>2p->2pialf to two hours a>2p->2pf>2p'ter the 3 (scale 0>1p->2p4>1p) of the Intensity of 2 the reaction drug a>2pnd a grade was assigned according to the syste>2pr>2p->2pi used in rating the Intensity of the LSD react>2pio>2pi (Isbell et al, 1956>1p)>1p, A>2pr>1p.>2p'>2ph>2pl>2p:>2pi>2p.s>2pis o>2pL>1p' Data. The c>2pt>2pal>2p,>2pC>2pu after drugs in rectal te>2pr>2paperatures pulse>2p-aad respiratory rates$ systolic and diastolic blood pressures, pupilla>1p.>2pry sizes and threshold for elic>92pitati>2po>2pn of the k>2pne>2pe>2pj>1pcrk were calculated by subtracting the figures >2pobta>2pin>2ped at various hours after the drugs from the average of the two pre-drug observations. >2pT>2phe areas under the time-action curves for each subjects and for each dose of each medication for the various m>2peacur>1pc>2pu>2pnents>1p, >2pv>2pur>2pe the>2pi calculated by the Page 6 aker >1p(>2pi>2pg5o>2p)>2po This procedure >1pc>1po>2pn>1pv>1pe>1pr>1pt>2p3 method of Winter and Flat all the date; on a particular measurement for an Individual rece>2piv>2pi>1png a given dose of a drug to one >1pf>1pl>1pg>2pu>1pr>1pa>2p4 The number of positive responses on the que>1p*t>1pl>1po>2pn>2pna>2plr>2pe>2ps>1p'after the drugs wer2e counted over the entire observation period* eliminating a>2pnsv>2pers >2pV>1pnich were also scored positively before the drug>2ps>1p, >2pI>2pf>2pie>2pw>2pw and standard errors of means-were calculated according to standard statistical techniques, The t>1p-t>2pest for paired observations >2pv>2pa>2ps used In evaluating the s>2pign>2pi>2pf>2pica>2pnce of differences In the "objective" >1p(t>2p=peraturel pupils& >2pe>2pt>2pc>2p*>2p)>2p.>2pa>2p2igns >1p(>2pEdvard3>2pa 1946>1p)>2p. Nonpar>2pametric tests >1p(W>1pilcoxong>1p, 1949>1p) were used in evaluating the sig>2pn>2pi>2pf>2picance of >1pd>2pi>1pf>1pf>1pe>1pr>1pe>1pn>2pc>1pe>2ps in the number of positive respo>2pr>2p.3>2p*a on the >2pc>2pl>2puest>2pi>2pon>1pnair>2pe and on the >2pc>2pl>2pin>2pical gr>2pide>1p, >2pI>2pteasur>2pements of pup>2pillary diameter (an aobjectivew measure) and-number of positive responses on the questionnaire 7 a >1p"sub>1pj>2pective>2p" measure) were tabulated and averaged at each observation t>2pi>2pm>2pe before and after the drugs# >2pi>1pn order to obtain t>2pime>1p->2pactlo>1pn curves* Regression lines for dose-effect >2pcurves>1pt calculations of relative potency and confidence L>2pi>2pm>2pits were cal>2pc>2p->2p.>2pilated by the methods described by Bliss >1p(1952>1p)>1p.>1p' In order-to compare the pattern of subjective response, t>1phe>2p-57 questions constituting the questionnaire were classified Into n>2pin>2pe categor>2pi>2pes>2p*>2p4 The questionnaires were then scored by counting the >2pnu>2pn>2pl>2pber of patients responding p>2pos>2pitively to a given question two or =re times after ad>2pm>2pin>2pistrat>2pi>1pon of the drug>2p,>2p,>2p. after >2pv>2pvh>1pich the >2pnum>2pb>2per of patients responding2 po>1ps>2pitively to a given category of>2p,quest>2pions was determined by adding the total$ for all the >2pq>2pu>2pes>2pt>2pi>2po>2pn>2ps constituting the particular category, RESULTS General--Clinical De>1pscr>2pipt>2pi>1po>1pn of th>2pe P>2pn>2pi>2pl>2po>2pc>1pvb>2pi>2pn Reaction, T>1ph>2pi>2ps description of-the reaction occurring after ps>2pil>1pocybln is bas>1p->2p.d primarily on the data obtained with >22plhe 114 mcg>1pm>2p/kg dose. Following administration of ps>2pi>2ploc>2py>2pb>2pl>2pn orally the patients usually spontaneously reported the >2pf>2pl>1pr>2p3>1pt sub>1pje>2pct>2piv>2pe effects w>2pith>2pi>2p.>2pn >1p1>1p0 to >1p1>1p5 m>2pizute>2p!g>1p.>2p.>1p. These effects consisted of vague sensations that things looked>2pp felt.-or >2ps>2pe>1pe>1pm>1pe>1pd >2pp>2pecul>2piar* and were accompanied by mild anxiety. After 30 m>2pi>1p=te>2pt>2p# anxiety b2ec>2pa>2pm>2pe quite definite and >2pw>2pa>2ps expressed as consisting of fear that >2ps>2po>2pmeth>1ping evil >2pw>1pa>2ps >2pgo>2ping to happens fear of >2pI>2pnsanity>2p, or of death* At this times changes In mood# usually In the d>2pirect>2pion of elation >1p(d>2pe>2ptpite the an>2p.>2p->2plety>1p) and s>2p=et>2pimes In the direc>2pb>2p*>2po>2pion of depression# occurred. The patients reported 8 7 Increased keenness of hearing, par>2pe>2pathes>2pia>2pt and blurrl>1p.ng of v>2pis>2pi>2po>2p,>2pk>2p->2pi>1p.>1p. >2pC>1p.>2p->2pi>2po hour >2p->2pdt>2par the drug the reaction was well d>2pqvelop>2ped>1p. Anxiety became more marked and, In some cases >2pv>2pf>2pa>2p9 Intense* >2pBlat>2pion>2pp >2pv>2pih>2pon present, was great and In some patients was expressed by al>2p->2pmost >2pco>2pnt>2pi=ous gales of laughter*. Alterations In pract2ically all sensory modalities were me>2p.>2p->2pit>2pioned>1p,>2p, particularly In touch# hearing and vision. >2pP>2ps 13 the case with LSD, distortion of visual pzr>2pcep>2pi>2p.>2p,>2pI>2pon >2p->2pa>2pms outst>2pa>2pr>2p-d>2ping>2pp and >2pl>2pr>2p.>1pv>2pc>2pl>2pved d>2pgsta>2p=>2pe>2ps depth# size* 3ha>2p,>2p,>2p,>2p3e and color, Visual distortion usually var>2pied rap>2pidly >2pfr>2po>2p,>2p->2pn =>2pme>2pat>2p-to>1p->2pmo>2pz>2prent>2ps Perception of ele2mentary v>2pi>2p.su>1pal hallucinations were c>2po>2p=>2po>2pnly reported, These entopt>2pic phen=e>2pna c>2ponz>2pisted of colored lights which f>2pl>2pic>2pi>2p.>2pt>2pered and coalesced to form p>1patter>2pm v>2pzry>2ping I.-* a' ka>2ple>1p!do>1pscop>2pic fa>2ps>1phlon>2p# or of >1p3>1ph>1pa>1pd>1po>1pv>2pm that se>2p=>1ped to dance on t>2ph>2pe wall* In se>2pns>2plt>2plve patleats>1ps t>2phe >2pl>2pi>2pghts or s>2ph>2pa>2p:>2pd>2po>2pws were pe2rceived as a d>2pef>2pl>2p->2pa>2pl>2p@>2p%>2p'>2p.>2pe p>2pe>1pr>1ps>2po>2p.>2p,>2pi>2ps object, or a>1pnlmal >2pw>2pt>2pi>2pi>2pc>2ph the >2pln>2pd>2plv>2pt>1pd>2pt>2pial could name, -The pat>2pients repo>2p,>1p->2p.ted in>2pe>2pb>2p.>1p->2pcas>2ped diff>2picu>1plty >2p*>2pI>2pi>2pi t>2ph>2pin>2pl>2pl>1p!>2png >2pd>2plf>2p,>2p6>2p0>1p1culty In concentration* >2pa>2p;>2p,>2p*>2p.>2p4 >2pIn carrying out s>2pimple arit>2p.>2p,>2pm>2pot>2pica>1pl >1pc>1pa>1pl>1pc>2pi>1pl>1pl>1pa>1p5t>2pi>2po>1pn>1p3 or read>2ping>1p. They reported a "rush of t>2pi>2p->2pi>2po>2prghts>2p,>2p" v>1p.>2p,>2pith one, t>2pl>2p,>2p%>2p,>2pought replacing another bc>2pL>2pOor>2pe the first >1pw>1pa>2p3 completed, A feeling of alteration In >2pL>1p'>2ph>2pe Individual's own body occurred consistently and var>2pi>2ped 9 from s>2pi>2pm>2pp>2ple feeling of being light or heavy to marked alterations >2pi>2pn siz>2pa>2pt shape or color* Some patients felt >1pt>1ph>2pe>2py had become very large* or had shrunk to the size of children. Their hands or feet >1pd>2pid not seem to be >1pt>2p-h>2pelr owns an>1pds>2p=et>2pime>1p3 took an the app>2pe>2para>2pr>2p-ce of aa>2pl>2p=al paws,2 At t>2pime>2ps>1p# patients had the sensation that they could see the' blood and bones In their o>2pv>2pn body or In that of another person. 'they reported many fantasies or dream>1p->2pIlke states In wh>2pich they -seemed to be elsewhere. Fantastic experiences# such as tr>2pips to the moon or-living In gorgeous castles# were >2poc>2pc>2pzzionally reported* Despite these striking sub>2p,>2pj>2pect>2piv>2pe exper>2pien>2ptess the patients 2 remained or>2pie>2prted In t>2pi>2pme>2p* place and person. In most >2plnsta>2pr>2pc>2pe>2ps the patients d>2pid not-lose th>2pa>2pir Insight,, but realized that the effects >2pw>2p*r>1p->2p. due to the drug. Two of the 9 pat>2pi>2pontss h>2pm>2pmv>2per>2p, did lose Insight and felt that their expe>2pr>2pie>2p=es >2pv>2pmre >2pcaused by the exper>2pi>2pm>2p-ente>1p.>1p->2pO control>2pl>1pln>1pg their minds, React>2pio>2pi>2pi u>2p.>2p->2pUa>1pl>2ply 0 reached Its pea% one and on*-half hour>2ps after the drug was given >2pa>2pnd rem>2p,>2p.>2p,>2pIned >2ptnt>2p&>2pis>2pe for t>2p->2p.>2pm to. three hours, It >1p3>1pu>1pb>2pu>2pl>1pd>2po>1pd almost completely >2pf>2plve to >2ps>2pix hours after the drug was given. The subjects most f>2pre>2pq>2p->2paently compared the >1p3>1pu>1pb>1pj>1pe>1pc>1pt>2pi>1pv>2pe experiences after ps>2pilocyb>2pin to those oc>1pc>2parrlng after LSD or marihuana. >2pp >1p0 nt a >2pct>2pi>2pv>2pe >2pOb>2p.>2ple>2pct>2piv>2pp>2p. >2p"e>2pnsurem>2pe The data ox% the obje meas>2pur>2pe>2pm>2pczt>2pa are shown In table >1p1>1p. Significant >1pc>2phanges as c>2pom>2p,>2p,>2poa>2pred with the-placebo were observed after bot>2p, dose>2ps of LSD and aA>1p' >2p4>2p6>2p,>2p,er o>2p2a>2pia or m>2por>2pi of the doses of p>2p3>2pi>2pl>2pa>1pcyb>2pi>2p.>2pn>2p.>2pi>1pn the cases of rectal temperatur>2pep pulse and respiratory rate*, systolic blood pres'>1psur>2pe>2pp pup>2pillary >2ps>2piz>2pes and threshold for e>2pl>2pl>2pc>2pi>1p'>2pk>2p.atlon of the kne>2pe>1pjerk>1p, >1pT>2p4>2ph>1pu>1ps>2po ps>2pi>1plo>2pcybln >2pIn>2pduced a patter>2pi>2pt of autonomic and cen>2p%>2p*>2p,ral >2pr>2pi>2pe>1pr>1pv>1po>1pu>2p3 system excitation >2pe>2pl>2p2.>2p->2pd>2pil>2par to t>2phat causad by >2pL>2pS>2pD>2pX but>2p,>2p6>2p-as>2pp of >1pc>1po>1pu>1pr>1p3>2pe>2pt less potent than '%.he latter drug. >2p.>2pSu>2pb>2p,>2pl>2pe>2pct>2pive>2p->2pf>2p;>2p.>2pTe>2pt>1psure>2pr>2p.>2p-ents>1p. S>2pi>2pg>2pr>2pl>2pf>2pi>1pc>2pant cha>1pnges>2po>1p'as compared with placebo$ occurred after all doses of both drug3>2p, with respect to number of p>2po>2pa>2plt>2piv>2pe >1pr>2pe>1ps>1pp>2po>2pn>1ps>2pe>2ps on >2pL>2pl>2pie >1pq>12pu>1pe>1pa>1pt>2pi>1po>1pr>2p4>1pn>1pa>2pi>1pr>2pt and to the >1pc>2pl>2pl>2pn>2pictl grade. ..Data an the >2p"pat>1pa>2pern of response* Is sh>2pc>2pw>2pn In table 2>1p. >2pW>1p.>2p@i>2pon t>2p@>2pie patt>2per>1p'r>2p->2pa after >2pL>2pie t>2pv>2pm drugs are >2pt>2po>1pmpar>2ped at the most >1pr>2picar>2pl>1py g>2pq>2pm>2ptvale>2pnt doses >1p(>1p1>1p.>1p0 >2pi>2pmcgm>1p/kg of LSD& >1pz>2p.>2p->2pt>1pd 114 mcom>2p/>2p'>2pi>2pig of p>2pallo>2p@>2pcyb>2pin>1p) It Is eviden2t that the >1pp>1pa>1pt>1pt>1pe>1pr>2pn>2ps after th>2p* t>2p->2p.>2pY>2p*>2p'drug>2ps>1p'>2par>2pe very similar$ except In >2ptnc>2pl>2pd>2pzn>2p->2p.>2pe of >2pmt>2p&>2p-us >1phalluc>2p.>2p?>2pk>2pnat>2pio>2pn>2ps>2p.>2p3 The t>2pi>2p=e>1p-cour>2pce after placebo and the various doses of the two drugs is shown In tables 3 and The t>2pime of onset Is very s>2pi>2pmilar after both drugs. Th>2pis result may beg to some extents an artefact of the fixed observation times$ >2ps>2pi>1pn>1pc>1pe patients consistently began to report subjective changes sooner after psilocyb>2pin than after LSD, Definite pup>2pillary dilatation occurred one-hour af2ter both drugs,, with the pea>2pl>2p->2pi ef>2p,>2p&>2p"ect occurring at one hour after psllocyb>2pin and t>2pwo hours after LSD. As judged by nu>2pmber of responses on the question- na>2pir>2pe>2p,>2pv the reaction was beginning to subside by the third to the fourth hour after both>2p@drugs>2ps reaching Insignificant levels f>2pive and >1pon>1p'>2pe>1p->1phalf hours after psilocyb>2pin and s>2pix>1p.and one-half hours after >1p'>2pu>2pS>2pD>1p. The le2ngth of action of >2pps>2pllo>2pc>2pvbin seems definitely shorter than that of LSD. Comparative Potency of LSD and Ps>2pi>2plo>1pcvbin>1p. From the data., a number of dose-effect curves comparing the potency >2pof LSD and p>2pa>2pllocyb>2pin can be constructed* Those based on the total course >1p(pup>2pillary diam et>2pers >2pnu>2pmber of positive responses and cl>2pin>2pical grade) yielded estimates that LSD is approximately >1p1>1p0>1p80>1p->1p1>1p5>1p0 t>2pimes as potent as ps>2pi>1pl>1pocyb>2pin>1p. Since the total course of the ps>2pi>1plocybln reaction was shorter than that of the LSD reaction t>2pl>2pi>2pcse estimates of potency could be misleading. For this reason>2ps change In pupillary d>2pia>2pmeter at two hours and the Pa>2p,>2pz number of pos>2pi>2p.t>2pive responses at one and one-half hours. were calculated and used in constructing the dose-effect curves -shown in figure >1p1>1p,>2p- Analysis of these data at approximately peak effect for both drugs gave potency estimates with >1p5 per I cent confidence limits of I m>2pegm>1p/kg 2of LSD being equ>1pi>2p->2pvale>2pnt >2pio 121 >1p(103>2p-156>1p) >2pr>2pcg>2pm>1p/>2pkg of ps>2pi>1plo>2pc>2p,>2p%>2p.>2pib>2pin In the case of pup>1plllary change., and to >1p1>1p1>1p0 >1p(60>1p-21>2p-8>1p) mcg>2pm>2p/>2pkg in the case o>2pf responses on the questionnaire. These two dose-effect curves met the usual tests for parallelism and slope. U>2pnfortunately>1pt the preliminary exper>2pi>1p->2pments gave a somewhat high Impression of the potenc2y of ps>2pilocybin>1p, so that the highest dose of ps>2pi>2pl>2pocyb>2pl>2pa used >1p(114 mcgm>1p/>2pkg>1p) >1pc>1po>1pr>1pr>1pe>2ps>1pp>1po>1pn>1pd>1pe>1pd approximately to the lowest dose of LSD >1p(>1p1 mc>1pgm>2p/>2pk>2pg>2p)>2pv A dose of ps>2pilocyb>2pi>2pn higher than 11>1p4 >2pm>2pe>2pgm>1p/kg >2pa>2pnd a dose of LS>2pD>1p.>2plower than >1p1 =>2pg>2pm>2p/>2pk>2p!>2pg would h>2p-ave yielded a more elegant estimate of comparative potency. 7 DI>1p.SCUSSIO>1p.>2p">2pi The reactions obs>2ptrved after oral a>2p&>2piin>2pistrat>2pion of LS>2pD-25 and ps>2pil>2pacybi>2pn are remarkably similar. After both drugss there Is evidence of autonomic excitation (elevated temperature>2pv dilated pup>2pi>2pls>2p$ Increased blood pressure a>2prd Increased respira>1p- tory rate) and of increased hyper>1p->2pirritab>2pi>1pl>2plty In the central Page >2p1>2p3 nervou>2ps >2p:>2pBy>2pr>2p&t>2pc>2p->2pm (decreased threshold for elicitation of the k>2pne>2pe>1pjerk>2p)>2po After both drugs>2pt >2pw>2pm>2pi>2pety>2pp difficulty >2pLn concen>1p- trat>2pion and th>2pL>2pA>2p->2pik>2pi>2pag>2po sense of strangeness>2ps marked sensory perceptual distortion (especially visual)# alterations In body >2pImag>2pe >1p(depersonal>2piza2t>2pion>2p)>2pp and e>2piementary a>2pid true hallucinations occurred. It 13>2p# of cours>2pe>2p#>2p7p>2possible that the >1pm>1pe>1pt>1ph>1po>1pd>2ps of >1pm>2pe>2pa>2ps>1pu>1pr>1pe>1pm>1pe>2pn>1pt a>2prd >2pL>2pl>2pi>2pe s>2pit>2puat>2pion In which t>2ph>2pe>1p.>2pexper>2piments were conducted co>2pntr>2pibut>2pe In some degree to this similarity* The >2ps>1pu>1pb>1pj>1pe>1pc>1pt>1ps had already experlwwed the effects of >2pL>2pS>2pD>1ps and >1pv>2p4>1pr>1py 2 likely would expect similar symptoms fr>2po>2pm any drug given In this particular t>2pest>2pi>2prg situation* The >1pu>2ps>2p* of a questionnaire ma>2py also suggest certa>2pin symptoms. On the other hand# patterns of effects >2psim>2pilar to those >1p3>1pe>1pe>1pz>2pi after LSD have not been observed after >1pa>1pd>2pm>2pi>1pn>2pi>2ps>1pt>1pr>1pa>1pt>2pi>1po>1pn of amph>2peta>2pm>2pine>2p# s>2pc>2pcp>2po>2pl>2p=>2plnes barbiturates# opiates$ chlorpro2maz>2pine and many other drugs with marked effects >2po>2pn the central nervous system. Thus It seems likely that the >1palmilar>2pit between the reactions Induced by LSD and ps>2pilo>1pcyb>2pi>2pn Is a >1pr>2pi>2p7>2pa>2pl phe>2pn=enon>2p;>2p, and suggests that s>2po>2pme co= n biochemical or physiological m>2pachan>2pi>2p.>2p-m is >1pr>1pe>1ps>1pp>1po>1pn>2ps>2pi>1pb>2pl>1pe for the affects of the two drugs* Experiments In which >2p<>2p- 1 >2pT>2pC >2p3>1pu>1pb>1pj>1pe>1pc>1pt>1ps tolerant to LSD are chall>2pe>2pnged with ps>2pilocy>1pb>2pin and vice versa >1p(>2p"c>2pioss tolerance") might help settle the question, of the b>2piolog>2pical Identity of the reactions ca>2pased >2pI>2pr>2pl the t>2pv>2po drugs. >2p@>1p7>1pe >2pP>1pa>2p!>2p3>2p2 >2p1>2p1>2pL The similarity In chemical structure of p>2po>2pllocyb>2pi>2pn and 5>2p-hydr>2po>2px>2pyt>2pr>2py>2pptam>2pine naturally leads >2po>2pn>2p4 to >1p3>2pP>2pO>1pc>1pu>1pl>1pa>1pt>2pe that ps>2pi>1pl>2pa>2pcyb>2pi>2pn may cause an abnormal mental state by Interfering with the actions* synthesis# disposition or metabolic degrada>1p- tion of 5>1p-hydro2xytryptam>2pins>1p. Others h>2pa>2pveIhypothesized that LS>2pD>1p-25>2p, bufot>2pcnlne and other psychosom>2pimet>2pt>2pe drugs might act through such mecha>2pn>2pi=s>2p. Since p>2pollocyb>2pin Is a >1p'>2p=ch >1ps>2pl>2pmp>2pler compound than LSD, It may prove to be an Important tool for blochem>2pical stud>2pies bearing on t>2phe role of seroton>2pin In bra>2pin >2pfun>2pct>2pi>2po>1pn>2p* >1pI>1pn>1pv>1pe>2ps>1pt>2pi>1pg>1pa>1pt>2pi>1po>2pn>2ps In animals 2will be >1pn>2pece>2p:>2pssary t>2p* shed light on these p>1po>2ps>2ps>2pib>2pi>1pl>2pit>2pies>2p* >2pS>2pU>2pM>2pM>2pY >1p1>1p, The react>2pi>2po>2pn Induced by oral administration of 57 to 114 mcg>2pm>1pag of >2pO>2p->1pPhosph>2paryl>2p-4>1p-hydroxy>1p->2pN>1p-d>2pim>2pet>2phyltryptami>1pn>2pe >1p(ps>2pilocyb>2pin>1p) has been compared >2pv>2pith that Induced by a>2p-pla>2pc>2p->2pabo and >1pL>2pS>1pD>1p-25 >1p(>1p14>1p.>1p0 to >1p1>2p0>1p5 m>2pe>2pgm>1p/kg>1p) In 9 sub>2pje>2pct>2ps>1p, 2>2p. Both LSD and >2pp>2pe>2pllocybln caused elevations In body temperature# >1pp>1pu>1pl>1p3>2pa >2pa>2pnd respiratory rat>2pe>2ps>2p# and systolic blood pressure. Threshold for el>2pic>2pitat>2pion of the k>1pa>2pe>2pe>1pjerk was decreased by both drugs, >2p1>2p5 3>1p. After both>1p.drugsp abnormal mental states characterized by feelings of strangeness* d>2piff>2piculty In th>2pink>2ping>2ps anxiety, altered >1ps>1pe>1pn>1p3>1po>1pr>1py p>2p@>2parc>1pept>2pion >1p(part>2picularly visual)$ elementary and true visual hallucinations* and >1pa>1pl>1pt>2pe>1pr>2pa>1pt>2pi>1po>2pn>2ps of body >2pL=age were reported by the >92pS>2pu>2pb>2pje>2pct>2ps>1p, The effects of >1pp>1p3>2pi>2pl>2po>1pc>1py>1pb>2pi>1pn did not persist as long as those of LSD, >2p5>1p. LM Is >1p1>1p0>1p0 to >1p1>1p5>1p0 >1pt>2pi>1pm>1pe>2ps as potent as ps>2pilocyb>2pin>1p. >2pPase ',,'I RZ>2pF>2pER>2pENC>2pES C. >2pF>2p.>2pO>2pP>2p.>2pN>2pZ>2pT>2pS>2pF>2p.>2pY>2po >2p1>2p1>1p. >2pF V. R. MAU _.SON,, >2p1>2p1>1p. A>1p,>2p,>2pv>2pX a>2pr>2p->2p!d e>2pi>2peth>1py>1pl>2pa>2px>2p.>2p!d>2pc >1p2(LS>1pD>1p-25>1p)>1p: A, >2pL>2pj>2pE>2p%>1pr>2pINE>2p, and-U. L>2py>2ps>2perglc >2p1>1p. physiological a>2pnd perceptual res>2p-poz>2pt>2pse>2p!>2p*>2p* J. >2p2>2p2>2p: 3>2p-60 >2pELISSs C. I.: >1pSt>2patl>2po>2pl>2p%>2p.>2pJ>2pcs of rioassays >2pt>1pv>2p!>2pl>2pi>2pb Spe>2pc>2pi>2pa>2pl >2pF>2p%eferen>2p,>2p->2p,>2pe to tl>2p,>2p.>2pe V>2pi>2pta>2px>1pi>2pr>2pt>1p. >2pN>2pt>2p->1pw Ycr>2pi>2pp>1p.>1p: >2pi2>2ptcademic >2pP>1pr>1pe>1p3>2ps >2pl>1pa>2pic>1p, >2p1952>1p. C>2pE>2pT>2pi>2pL>2pL>2p.>2p'TTI>2p* A.: Phar>2pm>1psccl>2pogy of p>2pall>2pocyb>2pi>2pn>1p. >1pP>2pm>2pper>2p,>2p, presented at F>2pi>2p:st int>2po>2p->2p&>2p4n>2pat>2pl>2pc>2p.>2p.>2pnzl >2pt>2p.>2p!>2pe>2pet>2pi>1pr>2p->2pg >1po>1p->2p->2p&>2p" Rome >1p(ltaly>1p' Sept. >2p0>1p-13>1p, 1958>1p. J >2pM>2pV>2p,>2pA>2pF>2pZ>2pS>2pG A* L.,., >2pZ>2p;tatlst>2pi>2pcal s>2p%2>2pr>2paly>1ps>2pls for Stud>2pc>2p,>2p.>2p%t>2pr>1p. In Fsychology Yor>1p!>2p->2p.>2pt Cos, >2pC>2p1>2p2>2p=>2p1>2p->2p.>2pzl a>2p.>1p->2p.>2p">2pccts of p>1ps>2pil>1po>1pcyb>2pt>2p,>2p->2pi>2po >2pl>2pihe psyc>1photrop>2pic pr>2pl>1pnclple from the >2pHex>2pl>2p->2p.an >2pf>1p=>2pgu3>2p, Ps>2pil>2po>2pcv>2pl>2p)>2pe >2pF>2pi>2pf>2p.>2p.>2p->2pL>2pm>2p. Pzper>1p, pre>2pse>2p!>1p.>2p->22pited >1p&t >1pF>2pi>1pr>1p3>1pt >2pJ>2p'>2p.>2p,>2p->1p.t>2per>2pn>2p->2pit>2pio>2pr>2pA>2pl >2pV>2p%e>2pet>2p'>2p4>1pr>2p,>2p->2pi>2p4 of >2p'>2pL>2p%>2p*>2pq>2pc>2pur>2pa>1p- >2pI>2p'>2pTta>2ply>1p) >2pS>2pePt>1p. 19>2p'>2p1>2p*>2p,>2p- and H. >2p2>2p'>2pt>2pC>2pl>2p">2p)>2pZ>1pL>2pI P>2pu>2pl>2pl>2po>2pc>2py>2pb>2pi>2pa>2p, >2pe>2pl>2pan >2pp>2pa>2py>2pe>2pl>2pi>2pctr>2poper W>2pirk>2pst>22poff aus dem >2pm>2pe>2px>2pi>2pl>2pu>2pw>2pL>2p6>2p,>2pl>2pc>2p:>2pi Ra>2pi>2pi>2pse>2pap>2pi>2pl>2pd>2p->2p. Cr>2p,>1p->2pi>2p. T. H. and F>1p, >1p->2p6>2prOXL>2pER>1p: >2pF>2p->2pC>2pF>2pY>2pA>2p?>2pI>2pt>2pi>2pt A.# A. >2pF>2pR>1pL>1p- >2pKo>1pnst>1pitu>2p,>2p%>2p'>2p,iox>2pis>2ps>2pu>2plk>2plaru>2pi>2pig un>2pt>2pi >1pSynt>2pl>2p->2p.>2pese van >2pP>2p,>1p31>2pl>2po>1pcyb>2pin>2pe E>2p.>1p->2p.>2pv>2per>2pien3tla >2p@>2pEa>2ps>2pe>2pl>2p) >1pI>2pL>2p->2p0 >2p19>2p7>2p- >1p(1958b>2p)>2po >2pPa>1p-e >2pi>2pi>1p3 >2pF>2pO>2pO>2pT>2pZ>2pI>2pG>2pT>2pE is Footnote >1p1>1p. 'We are Indebted to Drs. R. B>2pirch>2per and C. Henze o>2pf t>2pl>2pie Medlcal Department$ Sandoz Pha>2pr>1p'>2pm>2pa>2p- ceut>2picals>2po Hanover, New Jersey, for gene>2pr>2pou>2pt supplies of LS>2pD-25 and ps>1pilocyb>2pin>1p. >1p?a>2p,>2p,>2pc Footnot>1pu >2pTh>2pe clin>2pi>2pc>2pal grace >2pms basc>2pd on the 4 mental status examination and >2p->2p,ra>2p" s assign>2p->2p,d >1paccor>2pd>2p4>2p-n>2pg to the following scl>2p->2pie>2pi>1p- >2p,e Gr>2pL>2p4>1p'A>2pc r>2pcaction>1p, 2 >2pC>2pTrade >2p1>2p->2p. Anxiety and nervousness >2pw>1pi>2pt>1ph>1po>1pu>1pt perceptual distortion or hulluc>1p;>2p-na>2pf>1p'>2p.ions>1p, Grade 2>1p: A>2pn>2px>2pi>2pety>1p, nerv>2pou>2pznzss and visual p>2p@>2p@rcept>1pual distortion >2pv>2piit>2pi>2p.>2piout "true' hallucinations, Grade-'-',: Anxiety,* ne>2p@>1pvousness>2po perceptual distortion and >2pI>2pttrue>2pl ha>1p'>2pi>2plucinations but wit.% inslght >2pr>2p2@>2p.a>2pintainzd (patients report' t>2p'>2p.>2pI>2piat ef f ec>2p'>2pL>2p,>2p.>2pa>2pL are >1pd>1pu>2p4>2p@ >2p'>2p,>2p6>2po drugs) >1p, and -is i g>2pl>2pit Grade >2pS>2pa>2p.>2p->2p,>2p,>1pz as _>2pUrad>2pe ex>1pc>2p;>2p,>2p.>2pp>2p-t that LA >1p(r>2pe>2pal>2pizat>2pio>2ps>1p->2pi that t>1p.>2pl>1pi>2pe effects are due to t>2pi>2p'>2p->2p.e drug) is lost. The gradi2ng sys>2p@>2pd>2p,>2p,>1pr>1p. has the', >1pcisac>2pivanta>2p->2p,e that t>2pie v>2p,>2p,>2p,>2p,r>2pi>2p->2p.us gra>2p->2p,>2p->2p'>2p,es >2pmay not >2pfor>2pir>1p. a conti>2pi>2pa>1pous scale. It gives ,no infor>2pi>2prat>2pion concern>2pi>2p,>2p->2pxg the quantitative aspects of t>2phe >2p$y>2p.>2p->2pr>2pi>1ppto>2pns >2pV>2pni>2pa>2ph go into determining t>2pl>2pi>2pk>2p,>2p. grad>2pas>1p. L>2pli>2p,>2p.e t>2p:>2pie qu>2pcs>1pt>2pionnair>2pe>2p,>2p, >2p6how>2pever>2p.>2p, it yields pepro>2pduc>2pi>2pble >2pc>1piata on repeated a>2pc>2pl>2p,>2p.>2pi>2pinistrat>2pion of the same dose of LSD>2pP and good do3e>1p-effect>1p. >1pr>1pe>1p3>2pi oons>2pes are >2po>2pbtained>1p. FOOTNOTE 4>2p1>1p. Footnote The nine categories are shown in table 2>1p. It Is of course evident t>2p2>2p,>2p,at>1p'a large >2pnu>2pr>2pi>2pi>2pl>2p;>2per of other categories could be devi>1pted and that there m>2pig>2p'>2p,>2pit be r>2pany way>2p,>2p.s of classifying a particular>2p'>2pquestion>1p. There appears to be no easy >2pw>2pay out of this d>2pi>2pl>2p-ficu>2plty>1p, 9so the classif>2pication must be regarded as completely arbitrary. Table I' >2pZ>2p, Comparison of total course of p>2pollocybln and LSD react>2pion>2p!>2p;>1p. TR>2pF>2pAT>2pH>2pW>2p->2pI>2pIT Placebo >2p->2pL>2pS>2p2D>2p.2>2p@ P>2po>1pllocyb>2pin >2p1>2p'>2p.>2p0 >2ptg 86 >2pm 114 >2pr>1p->1pc>2pg>2p/>2pl>2pt>2pq mcg>1pag >1p1>1p.>1p5 mcg>1p/>2pi 7 m>2peg>1p/kg>2p, >2pa>1pc>1pq>1pj >2p9 Tro>2piperstur>2pi 2>2p,7 >2p1 0>1p,32 2 >2p:>2pt >1pO>2p, ha 35 >2p4>2p- >2p+ 4>2p->2pdt 0>2p-4>2p4 >2p+ 4>2p->2pi>2p' >2p+ 3>2p-5>2p@>2p* 0>1p,26 >2p5>2p->2pi>2pl 1>2p4 0>1p.26 P>2pi>2pi>2pl>2pme Rate, >2p+37>2p,>2p8 >2pt >2p1>2p'>2p4>2p,>2p.5 >1p+ 67>1p. >2p->2p@>2p, >2p-t 17>2p, >1p8 >2p+ 82>1p. >2pd>2p'>1p.t I O. >2p9 >1p+ 31>2p, 9 >2p:>1p2t >1p8>1p, 9 41>2p,6 >2pt >1pl>2pO>2pi>2p4 >1p+79>1p. >2pt 12>1p.6 >1p-atory >2px >2p+13>2p-1 >2p1 3>2p-1 >2p+32>2p#>2pc>2pl>2pt 3>2p*9 >2p+36>2p97 >1pt 7>2p,>2p1 >1p+2>2p4>1p.5 >1p8>1p.>1p1 26>1p.>2p4 t 8>1p,2 >1p+37>2p->2p!>2p@ >2p1 7>2p*1 >2pX>2p'2 >2px >2p;t>2po>2pl>2pl>2pc >2pDio>1pnd Pressur>2pt >2p+15>2p-6 >1pt 13>1p.>2p.5 >1p+6>2p4>2pee>2pt >2pl>1po>2pi>2pp>1p9 >2p+9>2p4>1p,6 >2pt 17>2p,>1po>2p5 >2p+3>2pl>2po>2p4 t 12>1p.6 61>2p*7 >2pi It >1p+>2p47>1p.8 t16>2p.9 D>2pi>2pn>2pgtol>2pic >2px >2pPlo>2pod Pressure 2 >1p.17>2p,>2p5 >2p1 11>1p.9 9>1p.1 >2pt 1>2p9>1p.1 >1p+>2p3>2p.5>1p.2 >2pt>2p. >2p10>2p,7 >1p+ 8>1p,2 >2pi 9>2p.7 15>2p*7 >2p1 >1p1>1p1 >2p+ 6>1p. 6 >2p:>2pi 13>2p,>2p6 sr >2px >2px >2px >2p0 >1p1 >2pp>2pi>2pi>2pi >2pc>2p,>2p- t >2pc r>2py 0>2p*2 >1p* 1>1p,4 >2p#10>1p.2 t >1p1>1p,>1p1>1p8 >2p*>2p1>2p.>1p5>1p.>1p0 2>2p1 2>1p,1 >2p+ 3>2p*9 >2pi 0>1p,9 >2pi 6>1p.0 >2p1 >2p1>2p,>2p4 >2p+ >1p5>2p. >2pt>2p@ t 1>1p.9 >2px >2p+20>1p.7 >2pt >1p1>1p1>2p*>1p1 >1p-50>2p.9 >1pt 31 >1p-72>1p,9 >2p1 21>1p,T >2p+ >2p7>1p.1 >2pt 19>2p*2 >2p->2p47>2p->2pt >2p1 10>1p.>2p4 >2p.65>1p.>2p@ >2pt23>2p.8 No >2pl>2po>2ps>2pit>2pt>2pv>2pa 2 >2px>2px >2pI>2pr>1p. >2px 2 >1p0>2p->1p1 >2pt>2p' 0>2p-3 >1p57 >2px>2px 98 26>1p,6 >2px>2px >2p->2pi 5>2p;>2p-9 3>2p8 >1p.3>2p. 3 >2pi 23>1p.2 2>2p4 >2pj>2p: 16 >2p8 >2pt>2p1>2p1 Cl>2pi>2px>2pt>2p2ical >1pg>1pr>1pa>1pd>1pe>2p3 >2p0 >2p1 >2p0 >2px>2px >2px>2px >2px>2px >2px>2px >2px>2px 2>1p.2 >2p1 0>1p.38 2>1p.8 >2pt 0>2p.17 1>1p.2 >2pt 0>1p,2 1>1p,83>2pt 0>1p,>2p4 2>1p. >2pt 0>2p.36 I Figures are means >2pt standard errors >1p(9 subjects) of areas under time-a2ction curves ("degree- hours," "beat-hours," etc.). The >2ps>2pigns Indicate Increases >1p(>2p+>1p) or decreases >1p(>1p->1p) in the measurement. 2 >2p?>2pu>2pleans t standard errors of number of questions scored positively In the >1p7>2pi hours after the drug which were not scored positively before the drug. 3 ?lean9s t standard errors of >2pInte>2pns>2pity >2po>2pf mental re>2pact>2pio>2pn based on a scale-of >1p0>2p->2pi>2pt>1p. S>2pign>2pifica>2pntly different from placebo >1p(P >2p< >1p0>1p,>1p0>1p5>1p)>1p, S>2pig>2pn>2pi>2pf>2picantly d>2piff>2perent from placebo >1p(P >2p.>2p,>2p.>1p0>1p,>1p0>2p5>2p,>2po non-parametric test). Table 2 >2pc>2po>2pm>1ppar>2pl>2pi>1pon of pattern of "mental" >1pr>1pe>1ps>1pp>1po>1pn>2ps>1pe after >1pp>1p3>2pi>1pl>1po>1pc>1py>1pb>2pi>1pn and LSD In 9 subjects, Number Total Number of Responses in Category of Resp>2pon>2ps>2pe>2pi Placebo LSD P>2pe>2pllocv>2pb>2pfn Questions Possible >1p21>1p.>1p0 >1p1>1p.>1p5 >2p3>2p7>2p- >2p!>2p3>1p'>2p0 >2pi>2pi Cate>2pgory>1p- General 7 63 >1p0 25 36 16 23 Difficulty In thinking 36 >1p0 >2p1>1p0>2p, 19 2 >1p8 Alteration La mood 3 27 >1p0 9 >2p1>2p5 3 >1p8 Alteration In t>2po>2pu>2pc>2ph 36 >1p0 >2p1>2p1 17 3>1p' Alteration 2 In hearing >2p.36 >1p0 1>2p4 16 6 >1p.>1p8 V>2pi>2p,>2psual distortion >2p1>1p0 >2p4>1p0 >2p0 19 31 13 16 >2p1 >2p"Elementaryn hallucinations >1p0 >2p1>1p1 >1p1>1p8 >1p5 9 "True" hallucinations 36 >2p0 9 3 2 Depersonall>1p- zat>2pion 13 117 >1p0 19 733 >1p1>1p5 14 >1p1 I Refers to type of questions, >2pe>1p.g>1p,>2p, "feeling strange" (general); "feet look old" >1p(depers>2po>1pnalizat>2pi>2pon>1p)>1p; "am happy" (mood); >1p"thi>1pn>2p@>2pm>2p2s look small" (visual distortion); "is d>1pifflcult to c>2pon>2pcentrat>2pe>1p">2p,>2p,>2p,>1p- (thinking), etc* 2 Number of subjects t>2pimes>1p' number of questions In the category. page Tab>2pi a 3 Time course of effects of LS>2pD-25 and ps>2pi>1plocyb>2pin on pupillary size# Hours Before or After Dr>2pi>2pic Treatment >2p4>2p0>2p1 >1p0 >2p+>1p1 >1p+2 >2p+3 >2p+>2p4 >2p+>1p5 >1p+6 >2p+7 >1p+>2p8 Placebo 3>1p.8 3>1p.7 3>2p.9 3>2p98 3>2p-9 3>1p.8 23>1p.7 3>2p.9 3>2p.9 >2p.3>2p.9 LSD* >1p1>1p.>1p0 mcg>1p/k>2pa 3>2p-8 3>2p,8 >1p->2p4>2p,9 5>2p,>2p4 5>2p.>2p4 5>2p,2 5>1p.2 >2p4>1p.9 >2p4>2p-9 4>2p-8 LSD$, >1p1>1p.>1p5 mcg>1p/kg 3>1p.7 3>2p*7 5>1p,6 6>1p.>2pi 6>1p,>2pi 5>2p,3 5>2p.9 5>1p,6 5>2p.>2p4 5>2p.>2p3 P>1pallocyb>2pin >2p5>2p7 >2pm>2pc>2pg>2p,>2p->2p/>2pI>2pt>2pg >2p4>2p,>2p1 >2p4>2p->2pol >2p4>2p,8 >2p4>2p,4 >2p4>2p-4 4>2p,3 >2p4>2p.3 >2p4>1p.>2p4 >2p4>1p4.>2p4 4>1p.6 >1pP>1p3>2p1>2pl>1po>1pc>1py>1pb>1pi>1pn 8>2p6 >2pm>2pc>2pg>2pz>2pkg 3>2p-8 3>2p-9 >1p5>1p.>1p1 >2p4>2pa>1p9 >2p4>1p.7 >2p4>1p.7 4>2p-4 4>1p.6 >1p.4>2p-4 4>2p.5 P>2pa>2pllo>2pcyb>2pi>2pn 11>2p4 m>2pe>2p@>1pAg 4>2p,3 >1p4>1pa>2p4 >1p5>2p,>1p8 5>2p.9 5>2p-4 >1p5>2p,>2p1 4>2p-9 4>1p.7 4>1p.6 4>1p. Figures are mew>2pm of p>2ptp>2pillary diameter In millimeter on >1p9 subjects. a Tabl e >2p4 Time course of effects o>2pf LS>2pP-25 and ps>2pilocyb>2pi>2pn on questionnaire. Hours Before or After Drug Treatment >1p1>1p/2 >1p+ 1>1p/2 >1p1>2p1 >1p+2>2p->2pz>2pL >2p+3>2p1 >1p+>2p4>2p1 >2p+5>2pi >1p+>2p6>2p1 >1p0 >1p0>1p.>1p1 2 >1p0 >1p0 >1p0 >1p0 >1p0 >1p0 'Placebo' L>2pSD>1pS>1p, >1p1>1p.>1p0 mcg>1p/kg >1p0 3>2p*9 >2p12>2p.3 1>2p4>2p.3 13>1p,2 7>1p.4 4>2p,>2p1 >2p1>1p.2 >1p0 L>1pS>2pD>2pG >1p1>1p.>1p5 mc>2pg>1p/>2pkg >1p0 >2p5>2p,>2p0>2p1 >1p1>1p8>2p*>1p5 19>2p.8 17>2p.7 >2p1>2p5 >1p.>1p8 lo>1p.9 6>1p.8 >2p1 Ps>2pi>2plo>2pc>2p,>2plbin>1p, 57 >2pm>2pc>2pd>2p->2p/kg >1p0 2>2p,4 >1p5>2p->1p1 1 6>2p-3 6>1p,6 2>1p,9 o>1p.6 o>1p.>2p22 Ps>2pl>2piocyb>2pin>2pg 86 mc>2pg>2p/>2pl>2pc>2pg >1p0 2>2p*0>2p. >2pio>1p.8 >1p10>1p.9 7>2p.9 >2p4>1p.>1p9 o>1p,6 >1p0 Ps>2pilo>1pcyb>2pin>1ps >2p11>2p4 >2pm>2pc>2pg>2p/>2pkg >1p0 6>2p-4 12>2p*6 10>1p.6>1p. >1p-6>1p,>1p1 >2p1>2p'9 >2pO>2pt>1p3>1p3 >1p0 Page LEGEND FOR >2pPI>2pO>2pUR>2pR>2p">2p. >1p1>1p. Figure >1p1>1p. Relationship of dose of LS>2pO-25 and psilocyb>2pin to change In size of pupils and to n>2pt>2p,>2p->2pm>2phe>1pr of positive responses on the questionnaire. PUPILLARY CHANGE QUESTIONS AT 11/2H>2pOURS >1p20 >2p3>1p.>2p6 AT TWO HOURS >2pz 2 L LSD >2pc >2p->2pj 2>1p.4 1>2p6 >2p.D >2pm >2pU>2pL 2 >1p0 >1p0 >1p0 >1p1>1p.>1p8 Yu >2p34>2p.T >1plo>2pgX>2p+12>1p.33 12 >2pu>2pi 2 >2p.>2p1 >1p0 >2pc >1pY>2p=>1p5>1p.84>2plogX>2pi>2pl>1p.56 >2p">1pp>1pS>2pI>1pL>2pO>1pC>2pY>2p1>1p3>1p1>2p1>2p4 >2pm >2pz 2 >2pL>2pL>2pJ >2p1>1p.>2p2 >1p8 >2pF>2pD >1p.>2p16 >1pp>1pS>2pI>1pL>2pO>2pC>2pI>1pB>2pi>2pt>1p4 >2p.>2p1 >2pz >2pz >2p.>2p1 Y>2pu 25>1p.42 l2og X >2p3 9>2p.19 >2pU>2p) >1p0 0>1p.>2p6 >2pY>2pu >2p3>1p.>1p5>2p6 >2pl>2pog>2px>2p- >1p5>2p.8>2p2>2p- 4 >2pI>2pMcgLSD>2pz>2pI>2pI>2pO>1p(60>2p-218>2p)Mcg PSILOC2YBIN I M cg L >1pS D >2pm >1p1>2p'21 >1p(103>2p-15 6>1p) Mcg PSILOCYBIN LSD-25 >1p1>1p.>1p0 >1p1>1p.>1p5 >2p1>1p.>1p0 >2p1>2p:>2p5 PSILOCYBIN >1p5>1pT 86 114 >1p5>1pT 86 114 2 LOG DOSE Mcg>1p/Kg >1p0>2p->2p0 >1pI>1p. Co>2pr>2piparison of the reactions induced by >2pI>2p>silocybin and LSD-25 in man>1p. By Harris Isbells M. D.