R. E. i-,@ 4of I eV Ad.,r, I n i's t ra f i ve As s. is f-a n ffor, Research 19 February NIP.H-NINDS Director N't I-,H Add ief ion Research Center Lexing@on PHSS Kenfucky Request for Renewal of Defense Pro;ecf 2 Fiscal Year 1958 Co-n-,I-ract NR 1 13-149 Serial 18249 Nacnr 181-53 Attached herefo is request for renewal of the Defense Project for fiscal year 1958. 1 will ascertain wfen fsis request shouly be forwarded to the -Qffice rf Naval 0 R,-,search and infrrm yct,, a@ that time. Harris ".D. .Hl:rn Enclusure c 0 p y