Department oF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE Public Heaj't'n Szrvice NATIONAL INSTITUTES 0 F HEALTH lo Apri 1i 957 IN MCPI.VING ADDOISI ?Nit MATT*:AL I"SRITUTIE OF MXXTAL HSALTH A DICTI*ff ltitSCANC14 CGPITI[M U.S. PUBUC HIALTH SARVICI HOSPITAL P. 0. Box 2"0 I will be attending ameeting of the Federation of Societies for Experimental Biology and medicine in Chicagos on ADril 15-19th and I hope to see you there. in checking the program i.note a number of papers which are of some interest to us. 2 I a.,n enclosing copies of the following reports which I think will interest you: 1. Effects of Acute Administration of BAS In ,,Ian, 2. Attempted Blocking of the LSD Reaction with BAS., Acute Effects of Large Doses of SOL ln.&Iap., 4. Attempts to Block LSD with-BOL Criven Simumtaneously with LSD, 2 5. Attempts to Block the LSD Reaction by Pretreatment with SOL for Two Days. You will notice that the results of the last experiment were disappointi,im, probably because of the small number of sublec'ts, 0 i and because of the 8 subects did not have significant mental@ 2 is to the doses of LSD used. reactio. in the near.future Ihope to repeat the exoert-ments with EOL, aiid-also to test the effects of SOL g-,ven >-4 hours bel'ore '&.SD.' -effect in rian .,iith I also hope blocking of the LS3 Dibenzaline. When the results are 4available I will drop you a line. With kindest personal regards, Yours very sincerely, Hasr'ls Director Hl:rn .Enclosures