ATTEMPTS TO BLOCK LSD REACTION V!l I TH BOL GIVE S IMUL TANE OUS L Y '@XI I TH LSD These experiments were carried out because the cl.ose chemical similart-ty of SOL and LSD suggested that SOL might block the LSD reaction by competInSL with LSD for2 receptor sites. Subjects us2ed were 15 nonfolerant former morphine addicts, all Negro males- who were t'n good physical con- dition who presented no evidence of major psychoses. Most of these patients had had considerable experience with LSD. They receivedi In rando.-.iized order, the following drug combinations: SOL placebo plus LSD placebo; B2OL plus LSD; and BOL placebo plus LSD. The combination ,of BOL plus LSD placebo was not studied because of the shortage of BOL, and also because the results should be identical wi,4h those described In the report dealing with the acute effects of SOL. The do sage of SOL was '2-4 ma./10 ko. of bodywelobf and was give9n with the LSD. Nine patients' receive'd-the higher dose. The dose of LSD was 0.5-1.5 mcg-,,n./kg. Smaller doses viere used'in the first pa@i@zntls tested., because of the possibili@y @hat the drugs mighf synerglze. 2 Methods., Measurements ncluded threshold for kne,,'erks PupillarY diameter, s i .9 y3folle blood pressurzj, th e Abramson. Jarvik questio nnalre and grading Of mental effects using the scale prev lously described The re suits are shown in the table, a Copy of W hich was sent with my 8 March 1957. eff er of If is obvious 2that there wa' 's 'IO Significant fuaflon of If, blocking of the LSD reaction'and no ae.cen Conclusion Adm-tnisfratton of SOL si,-nultancously with LSD does not block or accentuate th@e LSD reaction. Th.ere 2is no reason to believe that giving SOL after LSD would",give any different result$ since p Ginzel and tviaye r- Gross have reported that Intravenous admi-nlsfraflon of SOL does not re verse the LSD reactions These results suggest that the attenuation of the LSD reaction observed a ffer fw,o d4ays pre-freafmenf with LSD is due to the development of cross folzrance.