- ---------- Public H Jdro R, E. liotley Administrative Assistant for Resear ch 2.5 April 1957 N 14i -,'.il 1,@ID B dw c Addictio2n Res.earch Center PHSs Lexington, Kentucky Increase In Budoet for Defense Project, Fiscal Year 1958 I have been In contact with the Office of Fiaval Research concerning reneail of contract for +he project t'Addictlon Liability of 'I.4'.Ynthetic Sub3titutes for Codeine" 2(Con'%,.ract NR 113-11@9# Serial ',Iaonr Request for renewal df tl&tls contract tosether with prospective budget %-as forwarded to you on 19 February 19'p7. 'Me Office of '@llaval Research has agreed to Increase the budget for this project In the of Tl,. I -s Increase would be made In Item 3, under travel2 and %-;ould@. total alroanl, o4' to th-a money recueated for the projzct I you please =ake this change In the budgets -t-hat are to B@Y' ent to the ONR7 The purpose for this 14icrease Is to s-applv funds for iz,,.e to attend the International Congress of Psychiatry In zt,.rich.. Stxitzerl'and, which wi-11 be held on Septer.-,ber 1-7, lr@1-7,, 4No sta'Lc.,aent to this e,.fect need be Included2 izi the prolect .description, Request tor rene-4-al of 46h-!s project -r.-ay now be sent to the Office of Naval Research at any time as h.--s been custor.-ary In the pasto It iir.Ll-4 not bG, awarded until July I s-t liarris Isbell @1l*D* F.I:rn