Dr, Ewris Isbell Department of, Eealth., Sd=aticn$ and Welfare Public Bea3th Service Lexingt=j, Kentucky De= Dr* labelli I an in reacipa.- of ye= letter of 30 Almil and 2a,_Dpreciate yct= co=ir.-- s=maz7 of the assista=e., in the specific fields =entioned y=: can give us in your research progr= in the. ce"-I!msc fiscal year* My infor=tion on2 the progress of =--Sotiations of interest to you is that your sponsoring o=G=iza;'.ion already has the necessary funds in ov the "red tkme disea3e syndrome" hand and2 it Is nc7 a matte= c., -=c=in between the tvo p=ticula.- age=ies ccnce=ed. Pr= vher-- we sit the prognosis of tbls particulax p'6zse of the II' ss seems very goods, In relation to tl-te a-_)ecific questions vbi--h you =en2tio=:i I would li!t-- to ad-.,-'-se the f oll-,.7inZ. In ',-.he first _mlzce we loo'.c. -aOor@m.-d to an eztend.-@--d tailed-re-earch conf-e fields you de .=--nee with yo2u on the .hree mentioned as soon .-.3 possible after you 12aw received official notification of proper ;=3Jng. On the specific questi=ss I think it vcul& be very helpful if I ve=e to su.7,gest2 to =w D--. Zarold A. Ab==Scn., vbo has consie-e-.-able expe=imen,'.al b,-.@-.%g=ound on acute LSD e:-._nerimentsp to visit you and describe his vo=k to you, F-- co,.31A get ==h infcr--,atl= 2 of use to us by studyin--; the pattern of 7cul-- various =_neri==Iwal teabniques =d IL,-. is c,:.rr,-n"uly do.-',n6-,vc#rlz. of in@,.eree,. to us ontL,--- zzme -oasis 2 A, that yo,:r y2a= I s vill be of izit,,e.-esu to Us. I 4i, I to him that be-get in to-@.,,-@ with YOU* li, I d- 2 -a3t:=--thods for t4--teT--Ining blco& alc "O As to t:,-e b o' b@--Ip iza -:.-o y7a -@in--e 7L you hz;v@- 2 in t'!lis E7.mxerj,: vil'L t at--,ms to date=-nine the methods used by another active project in 4;,obis field vith vhich ve ar,- in close Vith per.-,=al =e-,ardsv T. re=minj, 2 Si=e7ely ym=st .(6) c 75-, FE P7@$7 TWX CODE 140 DEPARTMENT.OF LEX KY 477 LTH, EDUCATION. AN[) WELFAR=- PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY- 9* $tWLTIP$tZ. ACC"Css -rote 2 12, may 1953 Pusuc HeALirN SE;tvics HospiT,%i. NINH Addict ton Rcstar ch Ceitter 00 This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of 8 may 1953.@ I am nxtously fo.r word that the 2 of cdurse, waiting a accessar-i administra-tive action can be completed to time for me to drait-up de@inite plans for the year ahead. 0 'd very m n I will took f' rwa r.- uch to's.ceing Dr. Abr a t anytime whiz2.%' might be -c-onveattat to us both.. Yowrt very sincere,ty, Harris--- Isbeft M.Do Dtrect*r o f.' Res-earch bil 1407T-