TWX COOE NO '-.pooo,: KY 477 FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY no=Vl 9*'=FK BN)CXAOGX @4 June 1953 ftilUC.MgALTH SE]IVICV HC$Pi?Ai. oil NINH Addtctlon Research'Certte I am sure you w-I I I- be pleased to learn that I have had a letfii-r from the Office of Naval Research lndicating'their-int-entlon,to suppor2t my research f hC,COMI11g program durin!; fiscal year. The contract, of course, still rer-,ains to be negotiated Since this may require, some time .the National institute of Mental Health Vntends. to handig-the matter by lncreasin my rigular allolment until 2the funds do 9 become available. At that@t-ime my regular allotment W L I It be d-ecreased below Its usual level In order to bring fhings Into balance. t am feeling rather isolated here and am wondering if cl-earances have been obtained an Drs. Vikier and Fraser. I would like to begin dis2cutsion of plans With them. I am' also wondering w.@en I can took fc t wa r dto avisit f ron Mr. Abrams-on. Very sincerely Harris Is be.1 I., M.D. D-trector or carc@. Hl:rn 6ri at 475