4 May 8, 1972 Volume 3 Number 19 ofice Pre-,j Psychiatrists Pan )r Pois Shrink Power 3cing prospect of two political conventions in o2ne summer, Two NIMH psychiatrists have blasted the Amer. Psychiatri C iami Beach police chief Rocky Pomerance is beefing up his Assn.'s stand on mental health coverage under national )ftware. Determined to prevent a replay of 2 Chicago '68, health insurance 3S unworkable, self-serving, inappropriate :)merance asked humanistic psychologist Denis O'Donovan to delivering adequate care and sure to bankrupt the men- id team to put 300-member police force through intensive tal health service system . . . In a private position paper to .)man relations trainina ... Weekly sessions, starting earl2y be sent to key members of Congress, E. Fuller Terrey and tis year, have ranged from Constitutional law and civil rights Robert Taylor claim APA's demand for extensive hospital- creative crowd control, O'Donovan tells ST. Techniques ization benefits and for recognition of psychiacrists as chief 'clude simulation, meetings with protest leaders, role play- care providers not 2 only would raise costs but also would :g .. During one role switch, an officer, asked what he would create a superf,cial manpower shortage, enabling psychia- if he were a shrink, responded: "I'd take careful notes trists to sluff off difficult cases. The stand also ignores id write a book." O'Donovan is taking careful notes, plans research on mental health treatment, Tor2rey and Taylor write book. He's at Florida Atlantic U., Boca Raton 33432. assert . In brief, they maintain that hospitalization is less ef- fective than cfeap alternatives-day-care and walk-in ser- lesearch Tips 2 vices-and that psychiatrists are no more effective,.than - T- -. --. -.-@ - I psychologists and- c@thi,i 0 back up contention, or Crime Fighters 2 -they-prdpoie financial .restrictions on use of psychiatrists esearchers met enforcers at Justice Dept.-sponsored sym- in insurance-paid psychotherapy and other non-medical osium on law enforcement science and technology last week services. @ Washington, D.C. Challenge to enforcers: use behavioral Paper is bound to stir interest 2in House and Senate 7owledge to stem crime and improve corrections. health subcommittees, especially Senate subcmie. where Explanations of prison violence that ignore social fabric one temporary staffer is psychiatrist Joseph Perpich. f prison won't work, U. Illinois sociologist Edith Flynn told (in deference to past equests from NIP.IH director Bertram Brown, ieeting. Prisons are run with tacit consent of inmates, and please write Taylor.for positicn pap--r at his home address: SCOI Jministrators know it. Any change that disrup'ts intricate, White Flint St., Kensington, Md. 20795.) iformal social relations between inmates and staff raise odds )r violence, whether change2s increase control or reform. Glimpse at Nader's lynn said her analysis is no excuse for status quo, but a NIMH Report lea for change management. She urged officials to read new Ralph Nader 21ready is getting letters from mental health iodel guidelines on inmate rights from Illinois Dept. of Cor- pros scared silly that.the forthcoming Nader Raider e?cposd 2 @ctions. Write her for paper and info at Soc. Dept., U. of of the mental health complex will hurt business. According linois, Urbana 61801. to Nader ace Franklin Chu, chief investigator on the study, Yale sociologist Albert Reiss, who has studied police c-ime brief talks by Nader folks at recent meetings have stirred 2 I NJ )r some time, urged cops to stop focusing on criminals, up justified fears that N H and mental health pros are in :art focusing on crime and to .become professional. Among for a drubbing . . . Fears were fueled even more by limited Is tips, envirorimentat prevention: tell retailers shopl2ift- circulation of a content summary that may bear only histori- ig isn't a crime unless merchants take steps to protect mLr- cal interest by the time the report comes out (best estimates landise. "if people will buy on impulse, they'll steal on im- now are for summlr release). ulse," where merchandise is out for grabs. n Main issue will be neglect of 2 the consumer. The rest @,vill Psychologist Saleem Shah, he@d of NIMH Center for Study be icing, but the icing has pros trembling. Examples the f Crime and Delinquency, uroed using research to divert summary include: ids from corr,@ctions. He plugged completed firs,, phase of n Portrayal of mental health complex as mental hea!th ma@'ia, 2 .udy by socio.ogist Marvin Wolfgang, at U. Penn., for im- founded and fed by combination of professional set,--i'nterest, ortant policy clues. Wolfgang tracked all 10,000 boys born congressional sugar daddies and a po@,verful health lobby. 1 Philadelphia in 1955 to get first sophisticated2 probability a Argument that, iike it or not, what's needed for mental lalysis of delinquency' Of group, 3,500 had one recorded he-31th is not pros and programs but better jobs, housing in-in with latv: almost half had no further trouble. Six per- and socia: support mechanisms. ,nt were chronic offenders, accounting for more than half I)irty details of elitis2m, cronyism and power-playing at a@inquent acts of the total group. Question, said Shah, is NIMH, at universities and in professions that have little to here to invest energy and money for intervention (Wolfgang do with delivering mental goods.-- iggests after third offense). Study also shcr%vs no graduation 0 Charge of over-errphasi! on research and expens2ive ser.,ices seriousness of o'lf(,nses. U. ChiC3qO ?ress %,illl riublish aiid rfairs oi ovf!r-auundance of lo% - quality rf-sd.-.rci), t,2c'e udy, Dt3linqL! :ncy in a Birth Cohort. i:: is 1 of research rJ;rec,,ion and deartli -)f 2direct prob!em : '@,voik on seL-.@;nd phase, taking sampit-. of original group ast age 18. Worst of all, report will gi%e general impression that mental health pros are no better or worse than other pros and that 9 Nat'l Institute of Mental Health officials are very r-L.@ like other government bureaucrats. centering college around student. Limited copies available free, Presicient's Office, Yale U., New Haven, Conn. 065/'-O. mo,4 v ENVIRONP4ENT: 2Soiabi Tree House Puppet Theater LOGJAM: Study of jail suicides by psychiatrist Bruce Danto takes ecology message to grade-schools. suggests hidden evil in court backlogs and stiff bail policies. Shows educate kids on causes, prevention Of 10 suicidts at Wayne County (Mich.) jail over three years, 2 of pollution; are especially effective, says Jalf Peyton, because pupp,@Li are .our prisoner@ i-.d no bord set and h@zi ',-onds of PtCLUCOr 310,000 or r,- -,.re. "Thus," says Danto, "5even out of the underdeveloped as teaching tool. Write 10 suicides c.,;id not see their way clear to leaving jail in Peylon, P.O. Box 270, New Haven, Conn. the forseeabl.,- future." Write Danto at Suicide Prevention 2 O'@@SOZ a PUBLICATIONS: Editor Jacques Center, Psyci-.iatric lnst., 1151 Taylor, Detroit 48202. Mehiet hopes new international quarterly, Cognition, will 2 MONEY: New initiation and development grants to heip provide forum for cognitive research-downplaying informa- poverty areas plan mental health services available now from tion processing, emphasizing child development, psycholin- NIMH. Grants up to S50,000 each are for assessing local guistics, related fields. First issue this spring, with articles needs, designing services. Contact assoc. dirs. for mental by T. Bower, Noam Chomsky, Jonas Langer. Individual subs 2 health at HEW regional offices. List of regional offices from S12, Mouton, P.O. Box 482, The Hague, Netherlands. Send Art,Cosing, Rm. 11C-17, NIMH, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rock- manuscripts to Thomas Bever, Psych. Dept., Schermerhorn. ville, Md. 2OSS2. N SYMPOSIA: First Western Hemisphere Hall, Columbia U., New York City 100272 ... Spiritual Corn- Conference on Acupuncture, Kirlian Photography and the munity Guide includes list of centers in U.S., Canada: cata- Human Aura features Stanley Krippner, Thelma Moss, togs Eastern spiritual methodologies; lists mag3zines, books J.R. Worsley of College of Chinese Acupuncture, London. of interest. $2.95 from Spiritual Community, Box 1080, Tickets ($7) for day-long symposium May 25 at United San Rafael, Calif. 94902. Engineering Center, 345 47th St., New York City, avail- a PSYCHING CONGRESS: Amorphia, pro-pot legalization able at door. Info from Carie Harris, 515 Howard Ave., group, la2unches Washington's first psychedelic drug lobby. Staten Island 10301 ... Phenomenologically oriented Du- Chief lobbyist is 28-year-old lawyer Gordon Brownell, for- , m -0- - staffer and Reagan worker, wh- still works part quesne U. psychology dept. sponsors The- 2 mer Nixon ories and Applications of Logotherapy time for GOFR strategist Kevin Phillips. Focus is on decrim- course July 10-28, to be taught by Viktor inalization and importance of credibility with users in drug Frankl. Course for credit costs $213, but ed. Contact Blair Newman, Bo2x 744, Mill Valley, Calif. public is invited to lectures for Sl. Write 94941. N.INPUT: Researchers Pat McNaughton and Fr-dix Graduate Dean, Duquesne, Pittsburgh, Pa. Bischel want info on studies illuminating classroom d;scourse 15219 ... Youth and Drugs Itkstit2ute June and verbal interaction. Pair plan symposium at lnternat'i 18-19 at Nort.;ieastern U. in Boston. Designed for school Congress of Applied Linguistics in Copenhagen in Au-ust. and community drug program personnel. Info from Taylor Contact them at Claremont lnst. of Linguistic Studies, Clare- Roth, Northeastern, 360 Hunt2ington Ave., Boston, Mass. mont, Calif. 91711. a DEPRESSION: U. Michigan's lrst. 02115. 0 UP FROM ASHES: Looks like Stanford Research for Social Research it conducting first annual survey of state Inst. has resurrected shortlived White House National Goals of nation's mental health. Emphasis is an study of dep.-es- Research staff2. SRI has set up Center for the Study of So- Sion, but survey will also cov-er positive attributes of mental cial Policy to helpdecision-make-s develop and forecast al- health. Contact survey dirs. psychiatrist Monica Blumenthal, '3 ternative procrams. Washington office, headed by NGR epidemiologist Sidney Cobb, psychologist John French 2 Jr. staffer Charles V%rilliams, is at 161 1 N. Kent St., Arlington, (Ann Arbor 48106). 9 MEDIA: Deadline May 15 for Amer. Va. 22209. n EDUCATION 1980: Enrollment in nation's Psychological Foundation's 1972 nat'i media awards. C.-i- colleges will increase 55 percent during 1970's, will reach terion2: "reporting which increases the public's knowledge total of 13.3 million by fall 1980, predicts Nat'l. Center for and@understanding of psychology." Categories: newspaper; Educational Statistics. Two-year colleges will grow fastest TV, radio, movie; magazine, book, monograph. For info (up 84 percent by 1980, from 1.6 to 3 million). 2Report, and nominations, contact Jim Warren, APA, 1200 17th St, Projections of Educational Statistics to 1980-81, also con- NW, Wash., D.C. 20036. 2 COO-COO: "Corporations may tains data on per-pupil expenditures, breakdown on degrees follow Skinnerian principles," allows behaviorism critic M. 2 I to be awarded, teachers' salariel t's available this summer, Brewster Smith, "because corporations are basically pig!3on- GPO, Wash., D.C. 204OZ . Study on future of Yale recom- brained." Good way to make industry sensitive to environ- ,,t @nends reducing four-year curricula to three for baccalaureate mental quality, Smith 2 told recent Western Psychological @l degree. Study by Yale faculty group headed by political Assn. meeting, would be "to set up a suitable reinforcement h ;cientist Robert Dahl, urges other innovations aimed at re- scheduleof profitandloss." He's at U.Cal-Santa Cruz (95060). I !havior Today The Weekly Newsletter 2 Del tvia(, Califoonia 92014 tw vy@intm ed.tw GE.Avloq TODAY D.: M.,, C.-. j -If. -v joft Joh@ S.111@ P.." .1 PS@C@ULOGY T 2 Ch.,-., C, T, .@d COM GOOKS. ^-St..t Ed.1- . ..... 8@ P-, N 111. C. - as Pt. K@.9 2 S-.@o I ... O..'@ P" .1 o@ ,. C.,,,, -d @d,,i-. C-,,,., 1972 , Olbw-s RobWtS 9... @. l@. MAY NOT St RE PR004JCE 0 I% ANY FOAM WITMCkiT WRITTEN 4@t M@ - lediuw 2 R.00~ S@. N Plom,&S$O#4. H@. T G@ge Mm. mk wtb @a@ft Et$,ow c@-it'.6 ad.uws Oi-I SUBSCRIPT.Oft COPIPESPONGENCE S.. M3. 6-kW. C.O.. 90302, C@lh-0 K@wl A,lh., M. BI.Vt@tid. ".D- @.. -d-. .@. I,- i,-. .,Ih -. Wd... All.. 6@* to, 10 W @d 2 A.-' S.50 .4 Gowge S. A-v"ids. Ph.D. Sloot-t,-. R@.. Ph 0. BEHAVIOR TODAY may5 8. 19'12 4t?tl -.e@