CT ION V!i I TH BOL GIVE ATTE&IPTS TO BLOCK LSD REA SIAAULTANEOUSLY Xf[TH LSD ne n t se the These exper 1, s were carried out becau close chemical stmilart@ty of BOL and LSD suggested that ton by competingl with LSD 2 SOL might block the LSD react for receptor slteso used were 15 nonfolerant former morphine Subjects addictso al I Negro males who were T'n good physical con- dition who presented no evidence of major psychoses. Nbst of these patients had had considerable experience with LSD. They received., In randonized order, the f2ollowing drug combinations: BOL placebo plus LSD placebo; BOL plus LSD; .and BOL placebo plus LSD. The combination of BOL plus LSD placebo was not studied because of the shortage of SOL, and also because the results should be Identical with those described In the report dealing with the acute effects of BOL. The dosace of BOL was 2-4 -no./10 ko. of bod1ywetmhf and was given with the LSD. Nine patie.nii-s' received the higher dose. The dose of,LSD was 0.5-1.5 mcg,-,i./kg. Smaller doses vi@-.re used'in the first pati,znlls testeds because of the possibili@y that the drugs might synergize. ------------ 2 Methods. Measurements Included threshold for kneelerks, pupillary diameter, systolic blood pressure, the Abramson@ Jarylk quest tonnalre, and grading of mental effects using the scale previously described. The results are shown In the table, a copy of which was sent with my letter2 of 8 March 1957. It Is obvious that there was no significant blocking of the LSD reaction and no accentuation of it. Co.nclusion. Adm-lntstration of BOL stnultancously with LSD does not block or accentuate th%e LSD reaction* 'Irhere Is no reason to believe that giving SOL after LSD would',give any different resultso since 8 Ginzel and tviayer- Gross have reported that Intravenous admtnistration of BOL does not reverse the LSD reaction. These results suggest that the attenuation of the LSD reaction observed after two days pre-freatment with LSD Is due to the development of cross folzrance. Discussion. Because of the Inconclusiveness of the experiment it will have to 'Fo be repoc,*T-fed* rfunately we have succeeded In obtaining an additional supply of BOL and will repeat the experiment using a larger number of subjic.ts, all of whom will be tested with LSD prior to Initiation of the formal experiment In order to eliminate nonreactors or to establish a dosage which will create a significant degree of reaction. We Trttend to give BOL for three days prior to LSD.. two 31 days prior to LSD.. and to do another experiment In which a single dose will be given two hours before the LSD.