13 June 1966 MEKORMDUti FOR FM SUBJECT: Project Proposal by Dr. 1. The basic research concept is-well planned; however, the following sug- gestions come to mind: a. I do not recorarend the exclusive use of dogs--actually 1,100 in number. During the pos2t 5 years, there has been considerable research on electro- anesthesia in the U.S. with animals of all kinds. In spite of this. effort, lit- tle is applicable to electro-anesthesia in the human. b. Preliminary investigations might well begin with the do- in order to develop technics peculiar to inducin- electrc-aneathesia and in monitoring 2 0 the condition of the animal during and after passage of electrical currents* c. Pollowin- the use of a reasonable number of dogs--perhaps 100--the 0 research should be directed to the rhesue monicay,where the subject can be used repeatedly day after day. d. As soon as expedient, the observations should be transferred to a 2 few chimpanzees, which, like monkeys, can be used repeatedly, varying the electrode placement and nature of the electric currents 'With continuous monitor- ing of the aaimal., y, concurrently.-with observations on the chimpanzee, human u jec may be paid volunteers or perhaps patients in a psychiatric ward of a hospital,. 2. Comments re numbered para05raphs in prop 7, 13 June 1966.' Dr 'NO -comment- Implantation of six c2hroni'c;electrodes within the brain t the *Joe tr:i'a curr.ent'p etc *': may we I 1 influence'the-c.urrent distribution perhaps models could be used.for these,studies. i.u the brain#, 2f. V.B6-,-@!: Why. not consider slactromyographic.recordings in case tlii-' or 'is@'stimulated.'' Also,' elacttomyogr @c tax aphy should be of value deter@@ ' t2he'r'slaxation of =nclea desired in surgery.- thesia'a're Methods for determination.of the-dapth of anes redently unsatisfactory. .Pinching the car is used frequently-with@tha monkey.,2. V#R Post-operative observatidiii in Boma cases should be extended" for eviral',da' -Sugge ted-wave fo= combinations-7seem 2 unnecessarily.cbmpli-@@ 'for animals, why plan.9 --Sinc6'thers'-seems t6'be-a species difference- uch' estd, i@' a,complate-scri2es-of wava'fo=,coaibinations for studies involv;Lng only@doge.1 C th '-bu for@this'proposal'@too'=.iny d'ogo (1,100).and un-.. 3 ancer'nl@ng e 2 -is necessary surger7.,ar@-p@'annedo Vo continuous recording equipment@'fbr V.B.. listed--only indicatin%z@inst-i nts, 4. if :L rec'a correctly,, thei statem2ant vaa'made' that I)r. tin 2..years'.. @'.will obtain.a,PhD-d@i I'Le, a we greei -in@ physiology, Although Dr. ll-qualified,,... 2 -oneathesia,witha D.V,,M. and.'experienced in.electro nimals,, will there be a ne=c@@ physiologist consulta'n't- in the proposed prograta of researth? Also,. 'a-Alectronics' -,engin2eer should be available#.,The Project Proposal does not-list the qualifica- tions of.Dr, lor-any of'the'tachnical assistants associated with'-,, the program...,-,, I hope my comments are'not'.@interpreted a2s opposing the f awardin,,,-, c a,.-, contract, to Dr.' rienced in ):He'-is higbly motivatedi'-intereated and expe 2 the field-of electro-anesthesia and.1 hope that he can modify his.program to nc ude -some of the@xuggestions listed above*. 2