2 November 1970 . ........................ Dear Attache-' is a lollozi-on proposal frcn conccrr-ing the use of pyro,.ectinic matoria.1. 'to brin bo@"t visual 2 __g a incapacitation. Under a prior developed tio pyrotechnic pac'.mges designed to produ--e flasit blia-.Ir.asu iiith l(A.? risk of por-.7anent retinal dama-,Ye. A copy of this final re?orf- is attac!ied. Tlicy had2 intended to establish a :;afety crite-ri@tu and utilize Lt%.-house ?eraoa,.iel for test and e-faluatlon oil. the f-lash r-artrid;es. T,ieir managemear. decie.L,,d (justifiably so) t.iat tAIle ri3k Las too Groac for human 2experi- rentation. As a consgquance, the prosenc proposal is intended to provide simulation methods by which one could predict the tachaic cattriaaes developed. I voul,@'. appreciate your evaluation of this proporal. r. 2 doa't wish to prejudice your ooinion, but Iltm not sure that Ono could extrapolate from the simulation data to predict incapacitation resultin- from hl-her li-ht levels. Althou-,h -,.;.iuld to consider your response as evidence of effort un2der the new contract, please do not feel obllt,-ated to under- talte, at this LLme@ a complete evalua-,ion'o:l the retinal c!a=ge probla= orl the basis of this proposal. Furthe=ore, t:iere is an oblization to respoud to this proposal La t2he im=diate future. Your personal opinion or the coasensus of your collea-ues ijill be sufficient at this tim--. Any altcrnatilve au-gestious will be aiipreciated. Also @includeo. in this ,)acl,=,-,e are oom,, DOD rciores relevant to t9he problaza. I would appreciate return o! the material when it has served its purpose. Sincerely, Enclosures IMPORTANT NOTIC;E: 'Please sign this receipt immediately and return by ordinary first class mail. Your envelope must be addressed exactly as follows: Unclassified--------.,,.,, Classi--,-.--.... ..N-o.,of and/or Date Description 2 'f ication copies pages in each 2.3 4 0 0 Progress Rpt. c 228 L"'23399 Induced effects in the human eye by intense visible rad. (U) C2 1 51 43402 State-of-the-art study on balance disruption (U) S 1 74 23394 NL Per. Incap, S. c I- 17 L-'Z 3 3 9 1 An infrasonic system (U) c 1 19 lIZ3390 The feasibility of using acoustic energy for military appl. (U) G 1 is k?.3 -Pxoposal-f= the I),eve-l,,i&b.- and Del. of flash b.'Car2t. oe and fie-Id support for tests u 1 24 t-23393 Memo. Per. Inc. S 1 40 !-.@'3 3 8 9 Analytical methods for anal. signals in optical imp. experiments 2(U) c 1 77 @@3398 Optically induced impair. of visioa (U) ' c 1 127 k@3 3 9 5 Pro. for, exp. & analytical study for P.I. 2 1 10 23396 For eval. and Del. of v. M. for P. I. c 1 48 W/ attcs. from Callery and MSA 'ZZ3564 Assessment of the second- gen. scimitar at 2striking vel. of 400 & 700 ft. per(U) C 1 45 388 S. G. ouo 1 31 T3392 Devl. of means for n. 1. i. of an i. c 1 2 5 l'i3401 Nonlethal agents in crime & LI-10, riot control (U) c 1 29 2 403 Report -Bibliography S 1 -- Z3489 Organ-s. anal: a rational app.for4 devel. nl c wf agent c 1 1 7 6 fTT)