MEMORANDUM 15 June 1971 TO: SUBJECT: Request for Documents Would you please try to obtain for us a copy of the following documents: Morris, B., F. W. Harris and N. H. Buchanan. Operational Test and Evaluation of the University Sound SA- 1800C Airborne Sound Svstem. rechnical documentary report, 2 Special Air Warfare Center, Eclin Air Force Base, Florida, lst Combat Applications Group, March 1968. AD 831 325L. UNCLASSIFIED. --(f-O-NFIDENTIAL. -E-ff -R F--T . A Pro-posal for a Laser Flicker Fit Stimulator. L;@@sm@an Instru- 1 ment Go-rp., Elmhurst, -N.Y.i 31 March 1?66, KIC.-RD-Z47. UNCLASSIFIED. ,"Syneuristor: Dev@-le a-@ia Concep,,,'-' by Wztldro,-i, ".,Ianjula Bliushan Stardord Unive-rs;-ty, Stan-r'ord Electronics Labs, California Jan 1971 AD 716 821 UNCLASSIFIED 2. "Electric-Field Distrubances Near the Human Body". Richardson, Philip C. Adams, Robert M. Texas University, Austin Electronics R2esearch Center AD 695 010 UNCLASSIFIED /3. "An Intense Noise Generator for Possible Use in Tunnel Clearancelf, Beck, E. J. Naval Civil Encri-,ieer;-n,a Lab, Port Hueneme, California, October 1968, Proj. 64-00 0 AD 843 468 UNCLASSIFIED 4. "Delivery of Anti-Riot Agents", Peters, Derek W. A. October 1969 Army Limited War Lab, Aberdeen Proving Ground,2 Maryland (LWL-TR-69-17) AD 860 545L UNCLASSIFIED 5. "Development of Low Permeability Fabrics, 11 Abbott, Norman J., Lannefeld, T. E. Fabric Research Labs, Inc. , Dedham, Mass. Project AF-7320, March 1969 AD 853-228 UNCLASSIFIED /6.- "Non-Acoustic Audio Coupling to the Head (NA-ACH)II. Salmansohn, M. Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa. Nov2. 1969 NADC-AE-6922 AD 862 280 UNCLASSIFIED 7. "Transmiss;-on of Energy Throuch Intact Skin by Ultrasonic Power, C* 0 Kollsman Instrument Corp., Syosset, N. Y., Corp, Orfate Technol--,@,r Center. Contract Ph 43 67 1415, 1969 PB 185 48Z UNCLASSIFIED "Soviet Views on the Biologic Effects of Microwaves, " Michaelson, Sol. M. 2 Roches'ter Univ., N. Y., (Department of Radiation, Biology, and Biophysics) July, 1968 UR-49-976 UNCLASSIFIED "A directory of Human En aboratories Open-Literature" gineering L Human Engineerina Labs, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland December 1970 0 1 AD 717 051 UINCLASSIFIZID 2 10. "EEG Concomita-@its of Exposure to Oscillating Environmental Electric F--ETC" California Univ., -Los'Angeles, Space Biology Lab, Adey, W. Ross, Sept 1970 AD 717 100 UINCLASSIFIED - /1 1. "Predic;ina Hur,-ian Performance. I. Estimating the Probability --ETC" Teichne.-, Warren H. , Krebs, Mar2jorie, J. , American Institutes for Research, Silver Spring, Maryland. , November 1970, AD 716 796 UNCLASSIFIED IZ. "Comparative Studies of the Central Mechansirns for Pain Perception" by Kelly, Dennis, D. Ju-re 1968, institute for Behavioral Research, Inc. Silver Sprinc,, a-D S34 8->7T - UINCLASSIFIED P5ismo CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL SECRET ISECRET