A As - 5 I-lareli 1973 For,-. SLMJr".Iw'T Ilind/BehavLor Control The purpose of thi,,- rie=orandt= is to succinctly outline the various tcc'tii-.iqucs 2th-- :Call under the rubric ol- .m4rx-l" or ':behavior control" (para- grapti 2) and to Lneicate wl,.Lcli ,.-,.ojccts ?has suzpor--ad, is cur@-ently supportiti,,m,, or is considering for support-@Ltiat t,-iy be L,.isconstrued as having the2 control of ot,iors as ttie prl-=ry goal (p-@r--rai,i 3). The term-- "mind con-'rol" or '-behavior control" can be interpreted in coh@,e%-t of cont=ollin@,, otliers or controllinr! self; tl,,e qlestion of ethics i@- likely to rise L4;.. Ls use2d. 1-iliatevor interpretation is used, the ccchniques are not %.-, efficacious or finely tuned as the popular media leads one to belfave@. @Laztly. one should bear in mind that most 'of the techniques are still in n--ture and 'tia,.,e as a primary -oal the undcrztnndin- of brain-baliavior relations in &-urn rk-.y lead to "control" in the sense of therancutic inte.-ventio-.i or patient =nage=nt. 2. T.ic follo-.;in@- tecli-.iieues are cancrally coiiziderad under "control'- toclinoloS-I: 2 t a. Psyciiosu,-icry direct: intervention into the neurological pa tli-t.,ayr, that mediate or ccrlrol behavior. The procedure ra--y be non- rev'-rcible (sLrE;ical e-.,ctirpaLion) or reversible (electrical stimula- 2 tion). This --pproacii has recall.,cd a great deal of oubliclty recently ir. context of our-cry beirig perfor=d to control a--ressive behivior. b. Pzychopharmicolo,-,y - bej',Iavioral control is achieved by alterin,-. the brain chemi@-try. Trancuilizers and ener@-i2zers are the' two most co,=on classer,. Tiii:3 technique is widely used in clinical medicine., The tcclirique is @:or the mos- part safe and effective but does not really afiord fine control. The notion of a '@peace" pill, ",truth" pill or "r.=rt" pill is a,-i8ll in the xiizli stne-e. Coiil--rol C. Beii--vior modification tllis f@-arn refare to -iltcratioti-, in beliavior ttiat arc icliio,.rcu' by u.,,,inG co-,-r-litionin- toc!iiiiquo@-, usu2ally variit!A.ona on operant or perforLvn--.ice condilioninr'. The bcliavior bein- altered or controlled czn be DiLtier a-.cterntil (batiavior) or internal (auton=ic or central nervous systa@-i) re2s!-)onses. The con'- -ditionin- or control o-&' irtcrnal responze (biofeer-lbacl-.), particularly those of @Li tite central nervou's systezi, alptin waves, has received raucii publicity as mircl control %;itali fantastic claimz for its utility. Ly't,.Llc t.-.cre is no doubl@- ciiaz- ttic piiyslolo,-ical responses are indeed controllable (1-lit:llin liMiCS), Lliera "- no -ood evidence tiia,-- the des.Lred behivioral toneoraitants are auto.=%.ically elian-ed, i.e., creativi". increased.. on the ot:lier hand, there is sorc evidence that coatrol of allLon2o-.aic nervous s@st--M i'u-,icl-,ions may have so= t'Llert- poutia u"ilit, e.g., control of cardiac or liyi-)crtenzion, a-ain -,;it,i:Ln d. Eauca@.ion the iunocuow, r-oct,effective and @ccentr.ble means of ef c-l-in- be.;i--vioral control or ch--nge is edl,cation. T,ie edttca-ive process which includes propa-alitla teelipiques, 2does not.marc3.y traas=iul iafo@--atioti but a belief or v@-lue syste,-n as wall. IL is tlio latter which ol@7ten provides the imoet= to dradiatic and to urdc,.---f--and behnvlorz, c.@;., s2u4-c.,@dal terrorizt CC "@-LVI- Li C.S C. sl)c-@ial (1) LTyl)uosi.-. and (auLo,,-,c,.isis) - this is a real bu@-- very poor!-.:, ut-do,--zLood T,?'4iono,.nona. Co,.i*-,ra.-y to t-)o.?ular belief, hypnosis Ls effective cnlv ver-@,r coonerative acd sLk,@,,z;as t,@b,@c su7Djcc,@.@- . iiuc,li is e-openlent2 uijon ttie belief system OL the s&jject, particularly in se'4A'-iiy?noris. Except %.2it-11 rare stejjectz, the tachniqu@- does not appear u-.iifor,-aly reliabla. Of late, hlpnosis an2cl bio'A:oef'bac'M- are bein- tied Lo,rether ap- p-_rently on tlia pre--.ise that L-@,o is better thaa one. There is no -ood c-%Yidence f;.@r or 1-.-,ainst tliiz linizaz;a. 2 (2) ES? - interest iti t.1-tis area is on the upowin,-, a-ain, "a in largo mar@@- 4-tift- to ctir.-an;z ')02u!aritY in lay literature oZ- '-biol@ccu'bxcl,-," technoloi7,,,. Ttio basic appears to be that -ill itidlvidutils (or mo,--t) linve '-ILSP" is a L-itent capability SLTZJ4-tl 1-tind/Beliavior Control and that bio&'ecdbaclt proi,-rams %.iill allow it to become r-atiifezt. This then beco,.aes the route to "mind cor,--roill in the sense that 2 the in,-Iividual will have at 'his bccl,. and call tolenathic, clair- voyant, ?ryclial-,inatic or other unusual canabilities. The claims are =de by c=panics ofA'Orin- traininr, prolrara-j, =rket'An- bio- 0 tA EcedbacL,. equipir4nL-. or both. Thus far, no evidence (other tl&ian testin.or.ials) has surfaecd.wliicii,substan".,iates these claiL'IS. 3. ..Past, present, or nlannedi -ory as in pira- _Iprojects by cate., gra:)Ii 2, iihich m--y be misconstrued az a CL% pro-.ram in mind or behavior a. Psycliosur,,cry thas supported a basic research project on #-.he Local'Azation of I-letiorv I'@rocerses. Tile experimutal animal is the rhasus morlitxy; selecteci areas of- Llie ani-,=lS prefrontal lobes are su.-,-@-r-cally remo%,ed and the anl-aal is tested to determine its ability to old at-,dlor to learn ne@.7 ones. This class of razcnrcl,. has been roin- on in academia for over 35 years and is deev,zzd "resr@ectable'6 in that settir,2,t-. There are no_ renewal ',)laas upo-, the eypiration of the current con".r--cc t.-ith! LI Al has been TrLTCT-1@SSIrIED. T' is researcl b. Ps-ehophar-.ozcolo7i tlic vro-@tra-m fell into this d LOPTE:l@@i -- cata,-,o,-,7. T'I-- oijject4--tic o@4 the 'nro-ran x;as 2 to devclo? the capability o-c dctectin- ancl nullifyin- the use of psycl.ioactive dru-s on U.S. personne'L abroad. The central project in tile progral-i was the m--intenince of a facility to.datermit,.e the biolo-ical and beh@4.vioral act-ivitv of corcain co-@ipalnds in mice, rats, Per d4recl;ior., all@bPTFiA, projects have Leon circolled and are in various p'llascout 'Xssoqi_a Lion with the Agaticy has been classified; -tiajor contrac2tor was tiiei C. Behavior modificatio,.: (1) Operant coidltionin-, bLofect"Dae'--- - no %,;or4l-. iii tliis area lu-,z been zut)portcd in r past. Biofeedb2ccl,. ioill be I c@:amin,-d in contc:.-t o-A@ thel lpro;;ram. Association i4ith tile t@-enc"-Aiiii be classifie 8 'a; )F6 ible cen- y tr--ctor is tilei SMJE--T: .!Inc,/Bchavior Control !S&-.u(iies t'&iis is an on--oin- project %;!lose -oal is to dei:cr,.aitic i-ilictlier tilc potential can be used as an indicil.-or tlu2tt 42ii individual =y 1=,ic under;;one --or-= procc!:s ixl:)in,-,inc-, on hia value -systaia. Thai (is ttic contractor* %..orlt anLI asr-ociati@-n are (I. Ecltlcaticii - no( factivitic"@-'; -some past v:ore@ in support pro-ra ----Ead instruction studies O.L m a@sis c.p e. Special tcchnique..e,- 2(1) llyi)nosis - past irvolve.-ant -o= "a use c-,,.partise of a contractor (,.%Ixo had been taslmd to e-.tamine other tliin,,-,) to stay abreast o-@@- develop-ut-4nts in the field. cu.-rent nlins call fc,-- 2 on hypnosis in contc:zt oz- lprol-ram. Probable contractor is t. associ--tion wit'i the AS y %-Jill be but tlic war',-. will be W-;C!Ac.-S=,,=D. (2) E:S2? - =I-.e b--@-ic pot-Iticni-'7h--s tal;@en has been to stry ibrea,.-I@- cAO tic developm--nts tlirat,.zh the use of a nersonal ser,,7ica@-__Wr.tract . fro,-a the ef i@id 2 au-iport a nroject vi@-.Ii 1-67n Coincident- s in twiar.. re'!'s-u,lts @7cre ne,@-,ative. P.as-ir, zor future active res=zcli are uncerta;-'a but-- are lit2ly 5 to be a cooocral,-.ive endcavo.- -,;itl in CDP-te-.-tt of C=ren,@- pro,-,Tam at -4- Proj ect Summary 19 December 10,66 lend sleep lea=ing- 4. Sleep studies I;ye- 4ontinuingwith no problems. D;Lta :is suggestive but not 1 particularly e=iting.