1,;Oveinber frog" . .... to cog"""I%t h co 11 a tocr :I"f% a cl% 2 COIA across orao I.,as 'Dr fear. and d, the ir fo WECIIVI CoTnp,lete 2 LO-11Y are now essent@ d, tasll". rrhe'y -Sion at .SsiVe tirne eyten o,,-ving on j costb asis to 2 %V aditiona. S.Ysterns no 36 the rna3or sotne 71 irlve Stigate with -Lt was ter depth 2- in 2gre-2. -rneritatlon' a e..v.-per3. ive as all a bellc . woxllcl F . at this felt @h . t When the erne Corr 2 . rIs -1 g, better I , as 3.b .c be le on 3. Le t S-ho-uldL to clec' 2 -nal r6 Y S. da Their not'her ad6.y re '2. 9 mono IDE 61 14 February 1967 NOTE FOR: SUBJECT Project Demonstration -'-ihas been reserved he conference room in T --I '' '' " " from 9:00 through 12:00 on Monday, 20. February 1967. I have invited Messrs. land'will invite the' 6 is ion as to and leave the dec' whether the others will be'invited to I still feel we should have a dry run on Sunday with the animals. Mow PROPOSED AGENDA SIIOW AND TELL Saturday, 18_February 1967 Transport gear and animals from to IVasixiiigt,oti, D.C. Sunday, 19 Feburary 1967 Rest Monday, 20 February 1967 0900 Transport animals and visit2ors into Headquarters via Arranged and approved by 0900-1030 Set up and check out gear and animals. Proposed -'----JConference room or sites: Conference room. 1030-1040 Br ief description of project, capabilities- system and 1040-11002 Demonstration of system function; This will include 1100-1200 Remove gear, .@xnimals'land visitors from.Headquarters to conference room at officer will be in attendance. -1200-1300 Lunch 1300-1400 Get-up and check out animals and gear. 1400-1500 Demonstration and b6riefing 1500-1600 Demonstration and briefing @1600-1630 Secure gear and remove animals before rush hour. Tuesday, 21 February 1967 0830-0900 Get-up and check out gear and animals. 0900-1200 Briefings and demonstrations. and other interested groups. 1200-1300 Lunch Tuesday, 21 February 1967 (cont.) 1300-1600 Breifings and demonstrations. 1600-1630 Secure gear and remove gear and animals lbefore rush hour. Wednesday, 22 February 1967 lloliday Thursday', 23 February 1967 Transport gear and animals back- 10/17/66 PROJECT REVIEW CONTRACT,, TASKS CONTRACTED- TASKS REQ. TO COMPLETE REMAINING EFFORT 1. 4 operating prototypes 1. complete 1. complete system 2 2. Need retrofitting rechg. 10/19 ached Retro. 1 10/ 19 3 man wks. TASK PRESENT' EFIFORT TO ACCOMPLISH 0 min-approx. I week 2 man wks 2 2. Max-2 man months? Z'man mos. 2. 5 man mos. min. rj 0 in-houad follow-on Investigations 4 Min. Min. -calibrate meas. 2 2 man wks. 5. Min. Min. - 2 mw 6. Min. Min.'-. Zmw --- F. 0 7. MM. very min. lmw Complete continuing-min.' lmw 9. 'complete on cats min. -0- on dogs min. ? 10. min. Min. mw 1 i., IV complete very minimal ^i 0 j comp5lete very minimal (%i 0 119/66 10 PROPOSED SI-IOW AND TELL WHAT HOW WHO Vehicles 1 - Fully everything \---@pon. 1 - Back-up 2 1 - Back-up, back-up 1 - Something else if e s s ential *4 abs. max:_ In-house residence area Hdq. Spon. Equipment New systems - take New systems - take Sony(?) 24 wks leacf time /Viewgraphs Peo-ole Any pair andfor all spon.