Pnit 7nl cir",int Li*i .13atonceei raqzd-i-nl on Ila A 1. As pointed out above, the bacie working promise underlying efforts in to Ltdd a ,*raven and advanced capability to the nati2onal Inventory, using only existing knowlodge and technology uniquely integrated into a now eyetma concept. for this reason. formal documentation of its plans and implementation activities do not exist in traditional 411,braat used by R & D a"ncies, The orientation is poi.-,nted entirely (and properly) toward the - 1 realization and utilization with the oupportirkg evidence being fo=d in the documented racult2 of the !readiness activitics and inspections. Thus, only the and rasulto and products of Life Sciancen It.2,D,,T,,&*Ze efforts are found in the official Idoemento and even these are not always identified au nuch. Of fundamental and primary, iclportance in that the advanced system is brought anp-line within the time required and the details of how each .subsystem (includin2g the-human operator) met its individual ;xoquitnignts is ac=awhat academic,, albeit of am* potential hiatorical value. 2* The lack of fo=mli=d Lila Sciances R & D OOC=Gntatioxk within lactivities has not as yet pomkd =y particular bard3hip an the and reaultas In addition to the access to governmental Li.4,a Sciences R & D laboxatorion and peracnael, @enjoys a benevelant V=tnerchip with an Acedezie and Industrial complex representing all fronts of sciarce and technology* Competition 2 In the'LLfe Sciancon tiold boing what It in today - with both DOD and IMA holdincj =ple I=Saose far the winners - proctical3.y guarantees an oupext and c=r=t industrial cognizance of significant progr*oa and advances in the ovaral3, field. 2 T'.1wreCore many now approacbas are successfully followed to troalization with lik-.tla evidence in the record of the idoation and ingenuity involved. It is Whaps this one factor of industrial cogni=anco of oxinting Life sciences research and.--devalo;ment activities which has been 8moat important in attdining the required Li!* Sciancas objectives. 0 Ito 00 0 it 0. Xs got Fi- a 0 0 0 2 4 rta0 ft, ',-0 $t-r !Crr Rol et t-n 41 0013a0 o%a 'S0 to 2 C*0 2 0 rt mp@-0 0 RI an tta 2 It0rA _La I- n @it it rt so 04 aa Iit et a 0:r rt, a 2 it N C*a It a a0 , @agla P. 0ft 0 0 It 48 0n 2 nn ato a a I-,- 0 CIA s- a4 1; .4 10net u ct 2 n0n; rt lu tt ' % (* t4 n 2 ti :2 AO 0P ga O 13 11 :3a 0ft A I- n0 tu" 0 2 -J- ln4 0 4 I- m uI&. I rt et ft0 aa 2 ft et :r 0co ti I 0 00203 0 Co P-n rt et ft 0:r tt"4a 0 Otr 24 co et t- Nft 0 2 O lo (+O ft rr lo- ent ft. C6 2 IN 4aa0 ft 000n0 0 et pi0 16- 2 F- II :7 9:a::r aI.L et0 ft 03 O.Ift0 to m to, :3 F- eta 0 tA. t% C) 0t%atru 2 cr N -4 a0@- n a0Om O a n"n t3 ton ft024 C# toni@.d a Oaa 0 das I" K 2 910% OA 00O a4@ 12p@>1p2>2pm >2p.>2p1 mutual >2pC>2po>2p.>2p->2pI>2pc>2purr>2pence on those >2pP>2pr>2po>1p4>2pe>2pc>1pt >2pa>2pr>2pe>2pa>2ps >1p-2>2p1>1p-Y so >2p.ecifi>2ped >2pZ>1por more dotailed >1pr>2peVi>2pOw in Jan" 1966>1p, >2pfu>2p->2p-t>2ph>2per ag>2pr>2poe>2pme>2pnt>2pb should be reached on the >1pT>2pY>2pP>2pO 2 and >2p=ount of information desired. Some reasonable projections into the 1968>2p-70 time period can be made an the basis >2p*f c>2pu>2pr>2pr>2pent ladvanced planning exercises. Th>2per>2pe>2pf>2por>2pe>1p. the C>2po>2pr>2ps>2pu>2plt>2pa>2pnt>2pl>2pe >2pr>2pe>2pc>2po>2pm>2p=ndations would be to develop this projection of Life Sciences >2pI>2pr>2pe>2pq>2pu>2pi>2p.>2p->2p=>2pO>2pn>2pt>02ps for consideration at the time of the next co>1pordi>2pnati>1po>2pn meeting.