(' Ixief Technical llr-,)nch 10 August 1951t Americ= Psychological Association ?Ieeting. 1. .1'errlc;simi is requested to attend the Amrican Puycliolorical As-.6ciation national neet:ULg in I-Icw Yorl,, (;ity fro,,i 3 to September. This period covers three non-.working days so that oilly three workitie days will be involved. 2. Mwiy of tlio sessions will be on subjects of interest in the ARTICIIOKE fieldi for example., the fo3.lowing subjects will be diB- awned: "2Fetital Illness"; "Cultural 14scoiitinuity and Porsoriality Trwisforr-ation"; oeveral ser,,ai.ons on reacticne to stress; Ilk;ffects of ihm,,-s on Lieliavior"; "rlie 1roblem of Su.rtain(-d Vil,,ilance"; "The Ecfect of Electro-Cozivulsive bliock aiid (;onclitioned I-,rotional ite- sponses"; and 'Quantitative kffdcts of Sleep Deprivatioti".