Ar. tnALySIS OF-CMM"Sit7,IS El RUSSIAN @RIALS OltIL*ITATI(Zt trials of 1937, overt Russian@ Since the notorious Y-oscow tic trials judicial procedure has beeii aoteworthy for the drwm in rh-'Ach +.lie defcndants have exhibited anomalous and incmprehea- dmanner of istice an le-tiehavior and con-fesuiond. Character 2 the defendants, aud formulation and delivery of the c-infesa!Qnst have been so similar in a,lelrt;e number of cases as to oulgest ric-in. rcat noteworthy and incredible has'Leen the actitiuus 0 recent "coafeegiml of His Eminence Ca2rdinal Josef Minpzonty .,.wh@le.on trial in the,.Peo lots Court of Hungary SW cAqrleA p The evident incongruities prompted this study, the purposes of v;hich were to analyze a numler of instances of trials and confessions to invosti&atet 2 The overall pattern of the arrest# trial, and perfor,nances of the members of the cast* b, The occurrence of any consistent or recurring details of procedure or behavior* c. If tl,.e .41ore6uinG for,-.iod a oongruent pal@tern, the 2 mot4iod by Ythich the result was achieved., 2@ PROCEDUREI Source material was widely diverse and reference is made to si,-Aifica:it itemse It become apparent at the outset of the study that the styles context and manner of delivery of the "confessi=s" were such as to be inexplicable unless th2ere had been a reozltlaaiza- tion and reorientation of the-minds of the confessees. Therti in adequate historical exper'@ence to establish that basic changes in the functional organization of the human mind canrot be lrought about L-Y the tradit4A.=al methuds of physical,at-#Ort-Are--these a2t the most, achieve a reluctant, temporarv yielding and, moreover, leave. their mark upon the victim* Newer or more sulitle tochriiques had, thererore. to be Among the recornized considered for the working hypothesis. mettiuds are: a* Psychosur-eryt a surgical s9eparation of the frontal lobes of the brain,, b. Sliock method: (1) electrical /(2) drugs metrasol, oanabin iadies, insulin, cocaine* Co. Psychoanalytic methods .(I) psychoanalysis (2) narco-analysiq &ad synthesis (3) hypno-mralysis and syntliesis do Combinations of the foreCoin(;,, In.order to develop rroup patterns of behavior and interactions certain B'ACnificant elements were tabulated, Chart la MUDSZENTY Rerression to infantile state of abject depoudency oii a arental object (the State), characteristic of hypnosis p -(cotmistent with transference phenomenon), a basic chani;e character structure result hnmosiso @2* locessary to de minat Technique for dealing with resistance-repression dynamism* b* Technique for obtaining regression to specific age level. a* Reconstruct the psychodynamice of the chance in the functional orgaiiization of the patient* do How the procedure in acoolerated--resistances are 2 high--uaually require lonc periods for resolution and full interaction with control (therapist)* Repeated and prolonged hypnosis durinc which subject re- conditioned unconsciously to his associational sensations-- thus associated with personality suid character changes Conditioninr, of sensation to extraneous, inocuous evc-nts 0 (as key'words). BAckZround: - Psychoanalysis aims at a reor-anization of the mind* Conscience was divorced from the standards imposed in early life.