CUO&O. Z;ocurit.,f 21 February 19-19 Securiti Rosoarch Section Interrogation Tachniques.of Unfriendly Countrio3 DurirZ t@w v.,;,,;;k of Jfinuary 1G - 22, llil0s, a British Ra.2-non Cs-.t'nolic r&-okly callad t.w 'Tablat', publis-.Od an article Ja v.-'.,ilch thi.,y. clrti:red t-imt the :,un,- ronno a vill-dustroylric ,,nria:i Coiivnuiiiate pliumiod to use nacted u(;, on Cardinal Mindszonty at tl-.o time or h:Ls trial an cliarres of hi-li dr 0 treason. The article in the "Tablet" said that it is coranon 'ft-novrledr-e that political prisoners-of Soviet2-occupiod countries are given the drug artor being starved and deprived of water. At first, it produces solf-c-onfidonce, then oL reaction which includes a strour, headechv and vertiro,, t3 accordin- to the article. T.2io latter orrecto tu-e described Rs a sense of uncertainty, a blind urge to obey tho ali@@htost orders and inability to ai&y no to agithinr,,, In this' country, it was 'later discovered tlirat "actedron" is Pt trndo al-io for tl.w' drug we know as bonzedrine (or amphetamine sulfate)2. klt.-wugh no trace or the use of bentodrine for Interrogation purposes in the United States can be found, It has boon the contention of this orfice for some time that the drug has strong possibilities for the extraction of inrormation during an lnterroration. The drur,, benzodrine, oidm.2Inistored in sufflciantly larre dosoo, sets w a at,-ong 3tiT-IU1=t eind makes the ate.)-ioat ovor-confidunt. wundisoriminatin,-, nnd so.-.iewhnt 1FLckinC, in iti',til)itiona (@p'ro- vided ILI!,E sub.'ect is 2 no ph.,/3ical outlet foi- his n-ii-ily acq@.-ired onercy other ILhrji conversation). It is durine- Lhis period tlint It is folt that a great deal of inrormation could be oli cited which ordinarily would not be obtainable* It is further felt that there is2 also nnothor c4@-rong lnterrocation possi- bili4,.y in ttie use' of Lonzedrine beside the "benzodrine acceleration' poriod mentioned above. Follo-ain:; ttm termination of tio 3tim-alation effect of a loroo doso of t)cnzodrine or o series of small 2dosea, tliex-e Is a period of p.Vsical exhaustion FLid montal deprezalon. TIiis 4-a coured by ti-to wlditionrl demand placed on the body by tlw druc and by -L,io absence of sufficient fuel, in the fom of food, to support the body at tlio @iicli perk2 of activity which ,ce oA" tho drug is alwoys present when one is unaut- the lnfluer . (benzedr'ne conplotoly aulli.Lliss -the person's appetite ;7iiilo u.-i,.iur its,ice). During this state of depression, It 2is f-@@lt that the sub-'ect. in his despair, would bronk. dorm and Cive out tiiuch infoination w'.Iiich vould otiierviso t)o vjith!ialcl. The sibo-7a montioiiod possiblo uses or the drag explain a L;o-)d portion or t@te -nateriel in the "Tablet's" imrticle. The lelter ef'focts. described by ttio "Tablet' an a bl.Lid urze to obey the sliclitest orders and inhbllity to any no to aLVthinG, cannot be expltv.inod by w or the physical or mental orfects or either the 'benzodrine acceleration' period or the following 'mental depression 9 period. For this reason, other techniques must be used In conjunction with the administerin& of benzedrine.-to produce.the other mentioned conditions. Chief iSecurity Branch 12- 24 FebruoLry 1949 Alt'riou-h it la fel-L Lhnt t!ioae liki-,tor arrects could tiot be produced b.y bentedrins, it ties been 4.lie 3pin-Lon of this Office thoit. the "bo.-izedrine depi-ession" piiase- of the drug could be2 utilized very readily to produce a state of 'suboonoious isolation' or "hypnotic state".in whlch there would be a blind ur6o to obey tiie sllehtest orders and an inability to say no to a.-qthiziG,, as mentioned in t-to article,, In tllo case of Coirtliiisl Windszonty's triol, co rtpi iii 2otliissions of ruilt were conblate-rtly modo over ox period of doys which --ould ln(liceo that a coiiditioii existed during -nhich the Cerdinal wan continuqlly un,ler the influence of sor.9 unknown force, and iwt for -.*rely a-period of a fevr. hours as would be the case vvith 2the utilization of the "benzedrine depression' phrae,, The pro- duction of this "bentedrine depression" phase-could be caused to recur periodi- the subject would first have to, I)e riven new cally bu. doses of benzedrine which would produce acceleration before t'.Ie desir2ed depres:)ion. IX thin were the case, t,w Co-rdinmlls testl-aony -,vould be ver., inconsistent:beewaso of the Opposite n.,3ntal state %7t&ic'i would be present durini- the two different psycho- lo-,@cal l@.i2wos* ror this renson, it is felt that some additional technique vias usod on Cotrdirkel '-'indezenty In conjunction vrith, or independent of, the ad-uinisterinr, of tiie drur,, benzedrine, Every lndieFAtion, from 'what information can be obtained, poirts to the ract that the Cardinal was laborinr, under a prolonged iarluence or tlw type which can be prodaced only by tocluiities similar to, or ti-xo same as, the voirioun methods of subdonclaus isolation known to this office. This beinr- tite case, ttm Car@ tia2l P-d@tissiona as )to did throur inal could# and would# make consistent per IL out his -triel. Prior to his eppreheiision, lie he-d -atvde statoreats to tno effect tlint P. corfos3.ion, to any degree, elicited fro.-i liil-. would be oi)tnined throu-h 2 technical motlwds over which he had no control@ From the izifomation obtained in the "Tablet" article which says that It is comnon knowledre that political prisoners of Soviet-occupied countries are fiven :Lnterro-sition dru@-,s, and from other sources of infoz-nation - inndequate as the2y are# it is obvious that So7iot-oc.cupied couittrios %rep to come oxtont, usirw, druro to extrwt infornation durine. tie lnterroention or tlioir prisonorse F conclusions that can be dream from infor7.nation kvailrblo# tliero is a strong l'Old -in,liceltion tli#2At these countries may be further edve.-.Ced tlinr, i-m mirl-it care to beltove In the use of such techniques an the use of benzedrir-c (for the pro- duciiif; of benzedrine alccolorektion and depression), sodium pontotlial (tive so-ortlled L-r s2erum")# -scientific duress (tiiird do-rco toolmiques) Knd tho use of vnrious do.-roes of liypnotic sit,--eation. 'Okillfully wli-iin'@-sterad,, a:ri of t!ie txl)ove r.-ontionad t-ocluii:lucs could prove -to be iidv-nta:@fiot-to t2o tinfriondly coun- "trios,, and extro:,-iely linrtnful to the ofl"orts of @--lic Lnvolved. It viotild appcrxr t!iat ancii CII. c.-iployoe exposed to the l@or,-sil)le -.tse of @;liose tech- niquos, bocftuso of o-rcrso*3 sliould bo -;ioll inforn-3d go to his deoree o.L' susceptihility. I.-o t@te various procedures and as to li6n 'iio mi-lit rooog- nize the a+.tempted use of each process* 3- Chief, Secu:-ity Branoh 24 Februstry 1949 Fortunqtoly, i.'vll otr-n iiot aqi@ally emiscerf-,I'.)le to t!ie vr,.riois ijitarrorn%',Ion tooli;-,iqitos -iontio.--,od. use of bertedr-i.,io loer:. not success- fully cause the dosired reaction in all persons* Tile use of t@io truth serum is,successful in between 60,0# and 75'i@' of all owes where used (exact statistics are 2 not obtainable)*. The use of the lie detector Is successful In approximately @87/; of the cases "here used, subconcious Isolation (utilizing induced h5,pnoBis without t:te stesictiorce of drums) is aticesseful in ox,7proximpitely 25,@. of' tile owes involvin- its' ittttmijt*,i tises Suboot,.ciOU3 isolation (utilizinm induced h,.rpnO3iB i--i @-,oniu-mtion vii'l-h drura) is successful in 60;,,'4 to 90i's. of all cases invo'lvlng its ntte-.ipted Use It in possible, throu-h the facilities of t.ii2s office, and the utilization of subconcious i3oloLtion,, to comdition mwW persons in such e-ma=er that they are completely unauseeptible or onlylpartially susceptible to a technique to which they were previously vulnerablee In conjunction witii t,@ia t,,o7o. it Is Ru-2C-eatcd tli@t a pro@rn-,n be !nil-,ieted vr[Lich ro@ild serve to i:,.form nil !@,nplicit-ble arlplOyeO 13 to '-tiS Susceptibility to -ruct Iiim before his departure con- the vo!rious into-rro,-ntio@ techniq,,ios, to ina4L. cernin- the recoC--tit4or uf the uses, ac to wh%t counter -.oaouros he -nic-lit t@tke to nullify 4-@ic success of such an attol-pt. end if desired, condition h so thtt lie will no lon'-:,Or be susceptible to 2 the various unfriendly interro- gation techniques to whicii he mi,,- .,@it be exposed* IC II is flirther sur-@es,@ei tliptt a. collection rel-,iiromont be iasued to thvt t., I i .13 office ni,-iit I)e the recipient of nll tirt2tilnble inf-'Ornptloii co.-iccrninc tile .@t iriterro-:7atibi too.@Lit-Iiii-3 -iitder &,,-tusl use or reeatroh by u-irrio)ndly countrio3, oucli info-m"tion, tjiis officg can fit least 1,4.oo abreut to or p pozaibly 3urpowe those intorro-ation tochni4uoso A-