STAP4DARD FORM NO. 64 Olfice -M-emorandum *UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO File DATE: 30 January 1951 FROM SUBJECT: "Side Tone Delay" 1. Reference is made to previous conferences in which $34,000 for research in connection witd the "Side Tone Delay" and other re- 17, lated2-items was approved by rep_?@esentativesof I& SO OSI etc. 2. On 29 January 1952, 2:00 PM, another conference was held in the office of which was attended by representing I & SO- acting as co-ordinator; 2 representing and and reure3enting Budaet. The reason for the conference was to establish the fact that Budget had approved and was willing to advance the $34.,Ooo and to allow loe@12 ly and those interested to prepare to attend a conference with representatives and other interested parties in connection with2 the "Side Tone Delay" device and other instruments to be developed by and his associates. 3. It was agreed among all present that the proposed conference, which is to take place on Monday,4 February 1952 at- would consider what and his associates were capable of doing and the object of this Agency would be to have come up with a2 device or mock-up that would act as a."Side Tone Delay". but would have no attachments to ite._person of the,subject. stated that he would not want to merely co'fae up with apaper or series of item3 that could be done but wanted - to come up with a device capable of performing along the lines set out above. 4. I1t was agreed that at the conference set for 4 February 1952 that would attend and represent I & SO.