9 January 1952 T -,7aSh'np,,ton 2@l Dear Sir: Atte-ntion: Reference is made to negotiations bet,,-een representa- tivp-s of this Agency and the re- gardin@,, a projt,.ct2 to be performed b-,T the and on behalf of this Xgency. Tt is lincierstood that the estiymntp-d cost of the nroject for a pnriod of one year is 4114,23(). Tor security reasons, it is desired thnt the contract be executed and administered by the at the direction of this Agency. You are advised that the above amount has been approved by this Agency- and -will be made available for transfer,to t@p- -@@ -;2-s soon as a Standard Form 1080 is recnived for Daymfnt. of GI-A @rill serve is 2 Liaison Officer in conn@,ction with any matters of an opnra- tional nature that may arise during the torm of the project. In order that there may be no delay in getting the pro- ject under Niay yoiir acknowledpment and concurrence with the statemonts set forth above will be appreciated. -Very truly yours, 1 ro-,ptrol.1rr Distribution: AD/OSI Ad@-nin. Staff/osi Fiscal (2) Vital Documents Signer's Copy