'I@ircti 12, J.(?@)3 I-'ar,)ii.rir.-tall 25,e II. I)e ar ort@in-.,lL ce-,ry of o Annu u-r al. 2 Tec@inic@,]. interro,,- t-"c as an .jtiorlu (J(@V4CO, fnr f ilp- i qa- report on for tlii3 project fro,,n and 2 Also iliclur!ed in tliis folder tre duplie'ata-s of botli reports., 'which procedure You requested in your letter to us dated February 202 11053. On ?1,,irch 5. 195-1$ the newest ins-l-nimeni; devf,-.Ioped by u 4 wis delJ.Vnroci, It --ippo,,it-s i-,,) b-, more rr3fiyiect an(i to li:-tve Ci-o,).tf-r (iurability th-, prev-Lotis in@qtru- ments* Enclosures Ai',rilUitL ilvj primiry ai;n azir, piirposo of tlits )roject J.,7 to obtain a muccessful interrol,ational device from the effects of gi @-to 2 nn delayp toL,c,t@x)r i-rtth @in )ot,fr,)ri@ttc,, nrocee-are for ltr, In -it of 'Iiie secone3avf air-is tx3in.2,@ in tliii llibor,,.,itorys is to obtain mom eanily-:Lntorproted pnln, rapli recordii by ii.-le of ride-tona delay in conjunction tti,@ poly,,-raph, It ie; 2f'tr,.;t b--titf-@vo(i th.@it Lic! *!fi'(3Ct Of C!Ul,.VJrig the side-tone on a subject was to retard hii3 r3peech and cause a variance In lii3 voesil iliwnsity. 'Dils @)eliof wan ba'sed up2on tite find!Ln,,s of nreviotto I t i, al fotinti t t t, li I r, I -,ba z, ttory tti;-tt L113-C phenarit,@-non only occac,,onilly ,)ccurred, It, i!-@ C-i-@iirht by tiiel-a :Lnve.,3ti- s t iii t I'll n ,it-icLtnt o f r@i f f'iculty c iir. ad '@)y ct might I)n ba@7r-(3 iine)n lii@- cicluc-itioii tn(yor In -io:7,t cas--s it 2 .-uice i hai ailli.iczition ttlrt ii;l-l i,. ri ritr.,i I!. tilic-l',h.er ttio rubjoct e,4@)t@.riL,@nced uii.,3 phonorlocioii ai, not seemd unrelated 1 e*g* "Delayed aide-tone typically ruduces rate and increase,,i the sound pressure levol of n-)-3echo" 'IT)ic --'@',ffect of Delaynd "',Jde-Tone un,6.)n Vocal ,tf @neecii 3n(i llearin,-@ 6., 1951 59-C-00 to whether a confession later resulted,. Because of tILiss these in. ve.-it:Lgators n@,coriily b.@.tva not, t)t@en t,oo concerned -'I!')oLit,tl-lnf.'ffect:s of sido-torie ?ii @,tib,l(lct,, ',mt. rl.-,.,!,Iier crintritin,,y oti ,t4icii .i.'I.L -nor(,, f-ri:i,Uf ariti in- (lues ttic confession, T@r- giiecess of the side-tone delay (.0,TD) instrument i3 m@Anly lii,: proccel-itrr 'lo )r c@@ui ftilfill "ii-c b.,iiie re.,Iuirc;rrnt C)f -I in- v() a :.ui2table proceduro(3) to use -vilth the terrogitor ie r.ILI.'3 ;I @..l "iTU instrti-,iento I,,i t,tie:3@3 izive@;tti-,a@.orot ftr,,it ':t-itu!j i.@-po&, cil f f2 cr;@nt :iet f,)rl,@h. :.knc-e faier,-o p,.-oc(ztluros li iv@@ ',)ccn fur-Uicrorperimented ;oith and utilized* TliLy iro noti -,rain set forth ,tlong -oiui a st,i2tornnt its to ttwix- practic@bility. ii, -d by to (let@-@rmine actual As P olyr, rL@-) h f i iL r)ci-nt.-3 of (loception. "ldc,,-tonti cle.L-,ky t.@ien 2 cl,occ,,T)tion. o t,,r-iirted 1,:i I)y irtnu:il i)E!en raiinrl t,-,) I)rj @)f I'ar rearon:72!. ','irnts ttio ii-3,i,-aly lml--ti i,h(-, qu'r)joct ii p,,uilty or concealina rn,-tfter un(i@,,r irrresi-,4.,,atione, irifortnation -tb(,ut the Therefoi-e. it in usu-illy imperative tliit a corpetent polyFra,-)Ii exa.,niner conouct tlil-, tnit,,3 first, lioiieverp in a few cases ii, c,in be as@;umdd tli-it the subject is lying if he is IjVlicated in i tru'@-b,mrthy (;,-)nforsion Li-ain:.@t intc,%rtict @)y (;igi oj' III!: co-cl-of(tnd,.-Mtn,, or i-ifien tlio stib,j(,ct @t!7 -t pr:L,,,c)ty;r of ,iar, In casa, tIQ @;u,,).)Oct li prob@il)ly iel.tNiol(-Iing hi.-i L@(lu',-prients do;-,Ioyrr..nt of his fcllo-,i trotal and other inform2ation that is of value W an intelligence isetion. T,.;@:.- zi(,.coiici v.-,ilut3 of tiriti@ tlii-c orocedure tivit t-lie ,,'TP iz3 iiiti,ocluc,,"Cl I.Lf t,@.!r noi,, r-iipli, t,.Iicrofora, t,tic.- psycliolo,-,Ical post'l.i.oti in rreat-ly stmnF..,,ttiened juz3t ao thri lnterro. gation 'begins* 3. U-,e of 'li(le-Tone I)el..q ;tncl Polyr-,I--,mh Tointl-f, i.-i.-iipul-ating "rll iviiteli tl, pr)inti3 of poosible decep*i:.)n v,ldlo t. operation. This,,nothod hao been found to t)e o2nly, of value @!hen usod for its pvchologiel-il offcct. 'Iliis i.@-, bec...-Luse rt@aultirk?, too c!i-q- @,ortecl fc)r -t c.,%rr(,@ct int(,rpretAtiOn. a-4. ;uninti r i.,i l@ring ut-, t'ic n,ttlclr iuie@(ir c;i, -1 Ln Llly 4@.Iii.,,@ n-(.)r-ooLLro,, ise.., it hAs io@it the 2 ..,I(.Io-Tone delay in operation throu,,t polygraph tests.," Thismathod is the most effective if the SM and polygraph are to be in oper-ation4 sLmultvit@oLisly. Vou,-Ily tii,-) records ar(- not @@loo cli,-i. torted for interprf,-titiong -.in ftctj, rjc,,i.,.rds are Ixlieved to be more easily interpi-etud t),--cau,-3a of t.!io t-,I,.o lit4,e-t-one dela7s t,. TJ.'3(3 Of Uoro int,@ir,rj,,Y'atiorLI1 ',@ii-t'POle!,7. 1* 'I'lanual raxnipu.Lation of 1,-D switcli during tie iriterrogation at points of pos-zible duception.n 2, "lurinly tlia intorrop,,ation., 14'!i:Ll-- tlit3 -':TD is2 op(-- r,@tixiiT, tli@) -,u@-2ji-ct !!, ;.Llo@4cd t-@@ I.zitcrrupt in order tu -L-.k-u I-ii:; cleiii,,ils. Tho TTI-ty t-lil;n vtll rul)- 2jcat to t4isk for li@..i failin,2, to ctpru,-is Iiim,-elf witliotit stutWr:Lng ancv'or hesitation." operittin-7 i@l @,ur 3. "Tlae 17Ti a, ')I,'f R.3 an ,iriy (@)tlijr or .ievicem. T,is ox,,.ar-iiner us4-!s tti7@, triclini,luu li,,ni of immadiately stopoinry, the :-,ubject f2rom fully discussing the cane while an -inneal for truth is -iade by tlio exa:-iner. ';lien t.Iii.-I @41paa.1 to ciiinco tlio '@,onor of tli@u denialsp Ile 4 ,9 Lli2en tc) i-I in,,? hi.!7 tion Li ca@!eo In cloliir,, @-o hc- i,,ill due to t@tic (-fff)ctq of Uie .'TT). 't.'Iion tiii difficulty i!-, broup,,ht e-, 7 L- I.n ini, Of flie above proceduresjp C-1 -and 3 appear to be tho most effective,, Ilowaver4, *who interrc-ator idio uaes the C-1 procedure is at a great di--*. -L(Iv@irita,7@e in -1-ii.,At Uie .1@l'T) mu@-it I)e in operation cach ti.-M tll-l --,ubj(-,ct listio This necessitates neconcl-fruessing on tlii2 part of the cperatore .:hp Ttio @.nterrc)@T.-ilor uo(,,f5 ttio 3 pi,t)cr..-r@ura a (iis:idvantp-i!o i n 11-111p,z cli,itomiry ,ntcropli@l,ne ts u.,icd. TIliq J.,, l@- .C,IU,- -ubji,,Ct s 2 t3 1-1,jt (:,illir 4h@3 own talk t)ut zilso l,itti inwrx,og;itof Is talk i.,i del,-Vud to Llio ,3ubject Wirough his e,=h(nes. This is construed by sav subjact2s as a warnixg that some- thiw, 1.@i @,.iri(i thit t-li-y slic,)tilt.1 ty,,, v.,@rN7 c-ir,,,ful of toll the tk!i vaL3 qtated pr-,@viounl,,l tn @f@iiis n,,pirt.. tILL-:31-1 i.TrOit:Lgators feel th-it usuzi.Ily tlw gubj,-,ctts guilt or Innocence is feii@riiiy not )iiownv un- 2 less I)e liad bson examined by the po.Lygraph tectmiclue of dut@soting docep- "t!i :7,Er.,tzlons 2 ,q;,,y be uti-lize@l ;Ltiiju',., @@A'i., 11 m uf U4-on. T),.2- ro, Lva u:3L,(i. -iiitcr-rog,,fttor nu.@it lie ey.-ooi,tly traiiwd iii order to obt-ain s.-.i',.Lifttctory results* fzince 2 the lart @,tatus Report (January 19,p 1953)p 18 court !;ubjecto liivo I:xjen @Ath -.tt tliis 1,,iboi,-Ito-L-y. f t y o here2 onl tlirr(,, h-,tve '-,,!on e.,cp...,rirrionteci iith sine,) Fi@,bru,-u-y 5. 1253 bl@@Iciluve ii@llo is pro-,riclinry tiii.,3 labor;,ttory i.,l on "Lis 2 v,,.teatJ.c,,n. It i,@i exrecte(.1 tiiat l@iix)r.-itoi7yts ea-ie will t@itli ii;-," -c-cturn oii 1(;., 195-1, 'Jlie r@ir3ul,Lo s of 2 i -nd 2 g 1, 'lLitcor-r- of tti,,i '.xp.,iin-itions;i white (;olored Innocent2 6 6 1",iiiity 3 (2 con. 3 (1 con. feq.@;ions) fcz.7ton) lndcfinite 0 0 0 As determined by the Poln -an(Vor fuU con,'.'essiones , raph B. Table 2. Di!ficulty Talkizig While .3TD ,)p ra4ng Colored Inno-.ent -1 FoLir!; are Four, 4 2 2 T-e:io 2 rours (I conf,) 41 Twoi (I lonf.) One Indefinite None 1'.'One tle of "'4r-ficLLIt2y Talking. @rim '7rr4- ,@reat ,-iif'@Piculty Fcr,),r e-ifficulty Three roir.- difficulty Two Vi@or-y little difficulty ('J..fficulty 2 Tc)tal o.-C uutcoma of ttle xi@minations. Colored Innocent 12 (3 conf.) (4 f,',Dnf Tnd(,@finito 0 T). TTole Tot;-xl of 7-'ifficiLlty -IllqM -@M Oper-.-tting. T (' ,)lored -nt 3Fourss 3 Threegs iqn.)cc Tcurs,, I 'Three, 7'rwos, 5 6iies uiity 2 Fours (1 "onf 1Four (Conf* , 1 Tlirses, 1 Three (ronfe) 3Twos (2 Conf-)s 1 Tw (Conf.) 4ones (1 Con-f.) Indt.-fiate None 1TWO 1 this -ince 129 19520 27 3',"D sabjects halic mpeare(i @u lahor,i*lor,y but then hwe refuned to be e-.Kamined. Turty-vl thic e,"e period time wan ar.-qnmed and of @i7 .ubj(@,ets failcd @o ;.tn,)ear or c-.nct-,l t,,".ir nt-. These ln7estigators belisve tliat no definite conclusion as to tlio valtw ul tho 1'3TD instrument epn be (ietermined at this time. It i" hoped lutiit, b- ",,c oncl cf tliii catitr,-,.ct,, ").$ 1953, 1,-l @)pi.ni,.@n c@iri be Crwi r;f ttinrp opLiion!7 i,-- t-tvilt, tti@, bn-@-ter int,,,@rro;7@,Ator obtain b@itt-er re.,,ul ; with the u-,e of ttio 1,1,'M th.-,in the avr-rap2e or poor interrol:ator. It in Pn,?Ioc-ous t-,o @i t.@mf3 of .-,olf ,ititter %.,filch t)i!) '1,).nufilcture cl,,Ltl3 cf witli it t'i in til.:! far who pl,.IYs 2 mice a montli. 'knrith@ir oclini,)ri J..,7 th!%t mu,,3t usu:.il-Ly first @ih,-ltlicr tile Linricr or zk.tli r,,-2-t ty.-@ T',)r th,-i7(i )nl.y i@-kv(., -iiicli clifficul.ty in (Iccir'3.nq if @,,.ib.1;7:ct lr,,Ilitl@T or 1.f ti@i i.!27 1-@-nEr, iiij-l re@:,ult from 1.@,,,ocotit r)ci-@-ons v:il,,,n 1-,Ilo iMtrijr,,(3nt im oropurly utili%gd. Almo3t every -jubject considered innocent by the uso of thq lie. detector was i1nterr,-ig.-2ted with the @-,= to date.-rmine if it:3 use viou.Id cause a fal!3e conf;--i,"ton, Tiot. otic of I-nif-,catit An td.,,iisairjrl @i@;,-anst interf@sto Although no innocent peroon admitted any ouilty @mot4ledge Ul i,-3 cliii a. -elon Iurir,@,s r,? t @,o c bilial-fint ek)fjz 2 i.-i r)rohibited 1-y 1,14th @irt,@,,,ndrinnt tr) tiic. Un@.'crl @;tute:; I;on,;titution. rcir.,on extre-ie c-iro b,3 exercised rul)ject@ing citizons of the United States to the 3TD technique even 2wkien tiiey voluntarily consent, every Interrogator to be exa.,dnedo For tiLi3 and (,itior irrortant rea3ma., nu%.@t be 'rory f';-.-dliir 4i-'-U@i tfi,l laws Tlig followi,-i!i ii aliot of -al orofessional nE,,rr@onnel employud part-tima or full tirw on t.Iiin project since its incentiont