T l,@ July ]:'53, tj',.e (1-13C'13L;of:l vz,riciii3 m:!Ltcrs of iriLi@r@-!@,t I-,o 2 to t)-e 'L'r,,clinicil ,r,,i-ancli of '2@rJ i,-Ith of I)c Tiot(--@ tiiat 1101,-33 1 EL111 Tr)T-) cloni-anc,@ "r-),-, 2 on to crr, iii(,@ -..,-ri-tor 1IT-lefc@! on tll(3 sectirl@ty r,--.nific.-,tions tiiv,-)Ived tlicn the dcf(itis.L-ie as:)ects Gf :.ini. the defensivo "IE,7,)OCLS of the wor'- ol the Techni-cnl 7r;.ncli vitli Iftfr Terhilos m hour's dJ..q- cussion on tltcc@o i-uitters, the @o-riter op-3ticd 11T) %.;.Lth ,,nci t@i@ virious fLel<-Is In wliicli i',['Tll,, the li..72ri i,n-tr,,roc-t ti-i,-!t rf@,iitirocl -vqrioiis tll!l i-i-Ltcr i.!,tL@irq for @)f tuie -@Tirt tii-n writer with iiurt(@rous ldoag -,;Ilicli lic lind develo-.Xld cnci t)iin!cinf,@- about T-;Iilcli lie fc,31!3 qr,3 r,-if intorc:-,t " tUr, t 7cnc.,- ,trirl 7iirticui,'Irly t2r) 7) of ttio ,intter to be v6ry of intore-;,t to-" Lid otlinr co-itionents of the Al!ency. tliit no@ 2 of tl-,n iicct)-a,d, c-iii- )T,f"ces C@)rC T I r) 2 of the corifo-rence with nii(I in t7lio be. @,n@Icen up r)nce .-,nd (lir(-,ct,-@ri to tl,if, oth'br c)f '(,he iiy I)e conc,--Tnie(9l.