FORM t,4,0. 64 ce MemorandUM UNITED STATES GOVEPNMENT Offi TO DATE: 12 December 1950 FROM SUBJECT: t'7.lectro-Sleep" machine. The attenti.)n 'of the writer has been dirc@-ted b t,) the s o 2 I y AMR"NMW. called "clectro-slee-p" machine currently being used at iticilmond, Vi. cinia, at r, the University Hospital there. This machine is anproxiniately about t-,,rice tlie size of the s2raall table r,iodel dicta!:hone and est-"-mated cost is from .'200 to 300. It is attached to a patients nead in a'@)out the saiae i-aa@iner -a,@; an elec-tro-encelplialograph. It is felt that under soyn-- circumsta-,ices t,,is inaeliine could be identified as l@art of a Polygraph. The electro-sleen mach-l-ne reportedly inducc-.s sleep vriti-iou-t st-iocl"- or convulsi@;ns. kithough it muld'not be feasible to use it :)n any of our o,,,m people because tfter-- i"-: at least a theor@:;tical daligur o.-L' tem@)orar-Y bi,ain dama@,e, it Y;ould possibly bu 2of value in curtaiii areas in corulec"ion v.-ith P(71 :Lnterrogation or on individuals of interest to this A,:-eiicy. It is believed that tl,-i3 electr'l-calll,r i-ndticed sleep may -v;eil be a medium for obtaiiiin@-7 S. I. -v,-iL@riout th.c usc-, o'L druls Tihicti of cours,@ would be extremely valuable for our purposes. Since thert.@ ar-; no electro-sleep machines in or near ',Ilashingtoi-i D. C. it is requested that authority be ,:ivell fo to visit the University Hospital- at Virginia, for a perio to examine the electro-sleep machine an2d its operation in order tc) deteirine vliether this machine could be used advantageously in our ope.ratidns. In th-',-s connection, infonaed tlie writer that he has access to the facilities of t,ie University liospitai as he is luio-v;n t@, tlier,,i as a diploinatiaof tne kme8ricaii !3oard of Psychiatry. -3 tj OIL p @R OM 140 A4 FROM BUILDING Roo NO. EXTENSION -2pwqp";