3 l.'ece,-n@er 195,1 14 "Artichoke 1. linredi--ttely aftr--r the conference nri Fridaz,,d over..iller 1951., @ucceeded in Sinding i'-ii2m i -Vi azidi"@ an th wri?c'r'Vdi'@6'u'a'sed eleetrTc"-3@'ock devices and c related matters from about 3:30 to 4:45 with lill A 2' is reported to ),,F! an auttiL2r@Ltl on elcct.ric shock. Ile 1:3 a 'orofessor at the @ledicil @'chool of the 4iiiiiiii in -addition, is A ohychiatr@st of con!3ido"rpalbllep'FA'dntM&.W Pro- is, in addtion, @ fully clcnred Agency consultant. 2 3 - -,3xplained that tic relt that electric shock might @e 0 le,interest to the "Artichoke" type of work. lie stated that the stqndard electric-shock rlqchine (11eitPr) could I-e tised in two ways. One setting of this machine produced the normal electric-shock treatment (2including convulsion) with amnesia after a.m3mh@er of tre@itments. !!e stated ttiat usitig this machine as an electro-shock device with the con- vulsive treatment, he felt thit he could r,,u;;rnntee amne,'5ia for cert,..qin periodm of time and partictilnrly he cotild gii;2,.rantee amnesia for any knaw- ledge of u3o of the convulsive shock. 4. ---,--Mwstated that t e other or lower setting of the machine produced a different type of shoelk-.' Ile said he could not explain itp 't-it knew that wlien this lower current type of shock was appli2ed with- out convulsiori,, it had ttio effect of making a man talk. lie said,, however, that the usi of this type of sliock was nrohibit,ed because it produced in the individunl excruciating pain and he stated thit there would 1--3 no qi-iesti.on in his milid that the indi@vidual would be quite wlll.irg to infor.-,intion If threatened with the use of this n-Retilri. !Is stited ttiit etlic@d but, a ikrd-dco,,ree m, C A - 11 q@,3t:i4ed th.-qt liad nevir hqd the do-,;Ice ,.i-.plied to till-inelf 1.@ut h,?t@i talk,?,' with pef)ple who hnd @-ean 31iockcfl in this manripr and st--ite(J th-it ttiriy compl.,dried thit ttipir whole @eid was on fire and it waq mii2cli t@)o r),kinful a trc.,.tt,,nent for any medical 'practicLR. fie stated t-li@it t)iL, orly way it was 3ver used w,@.9 in connection witt and evl-n t n its use was extremely painf4l. I'he writer aisked whether or not in the "groFp,,y" 2condition follo-,iin a con II- -ic electric-sliock machine anyone had atto,-tpted to obtain liyp- by tl noticg control over the patient, since it occurred to the writer th.R it would be a Food time to attempt to obtain hypnotic control. stated that, to his knowledge,, it had never been done., but he ake this nttt--il)t In ttio ne,-,r future at tfic ard he wouij see w@iether or :iot this co,.ild Le done. 5 ard as well as all other3 present, u. C disc q;e f electro shock 2nt congidermble length and it wan C "hat an lndiv-idunl colild ErRdually I-e re- dticed t?irough t-'ne ii3o of electi-o-shock treit!ient to tlic.@ veFftabl,3 level. Ile stated that., wh-qre,,i3 a-,,inig-i.a co2tild @.-c guprrnteet! rnlative the actuml ti.se t.)f fti-3 shock nn(,4 t@i? t.l.rin elf,,-@tent -3@irroii!iding it, he spid it would o'ctain imp(irfict nTnesi,.t for ry(,riods fiirther 1,,Ick. ilte st2ated ievsrpl instances in wtiic!i people who had been rivf-,n tlie electro-shock treatment reme.,nbered some details of certain things and conplete blanks In other ways* aid that who Is nrac- 2 ticinv, h s f cte(i a hitte 1P.1 shcick ma which., I Is Dortm@,lea said accordinpl tint tile 3 ri c ro--ihock machitie li * v,@--r@7co,-.-inn m-n-cliln--:-;- in iredi- cal offices.,ind 1,-i the major cities there m-,-ist 1--e 3e-;L'.ral hundred of tli"@ in u3e at all tiqes. 7 tate al-Ro thptt there would 'ce 2 no way of detecting that n hnd t-,@!en given electro-shock treatments ex- ceut tlirougli the use of the electro-encephalograch and 'I@hen only If the in@U7idual .who had l,een given the electro-shock 'tre-atmo--'nt were ?lac,!d on 2 ttie oncenhalof,roph within t.,do weeks a.ftlr tlie shock h,,-d I given. !@e stc.ted tl.-,.!it q cl-flr)'Lt-e pattern i.o tie showe(i on the enceplialograpti ixfts--r tti-@ stiock trr-z6it,-,ients, but this pattern diminished in time and disappeared In at@out two weeks. -2-