PP.@,-e-6769 -4i I octour Ubt FCR:-, Uem'bii-s of -the e MEIA 03*Ct Proposal 2on Coercive Parruaaio' n- jO ve suble -;7 -1 is Con@lid rilks@il iretearch project 4ozi the' b* 'ct;; A LaaescrlL),tloncfthe-projectizattacha@%- MiLyll6iveani!@rossion 46tyour Interest in.tble project'and any c*=znents 7*u mo,@.y t'are to@'=ake Z 'by ihe closo'of'busilnexx cm 'ber The pr"ent es2ti=vto tar 17@Octo 1956. eii@@enditcLre- azalust tus-prpj@Ct is@@ @C in this and related Z.7 ertain researi% wldch'has'been done -br2ou car-In support of the project In so far as It fields -,wM'be Zht to'b is.pertinent. 3 pla@r-se keep In 3=fnd that the rel-.tionn'hip between CIA and where thit projeci wiU be 'kent'is classi6fied S EC cm of the Director AttaeLn2ent U 1&!6tr":,LI on 3 it- -j@t@,t tAt&CILM'nt to ER-8-6719 c ro co Ian* t ;6V*ifii 6t fl@6 O'br as 2applied by Cn m'nnt regi=ex to -pr, soners' of 'war as vreu t'he'br'oader role played ty coercive '@ersuastozi @vi Co'=-=i@@t 5--ocietles;iz 411@. Om the -urgezlt 722iii rw'r_r In Ki6i*a'broioith a to the L@alted States d-o' -and' .@----ii7ceato-un Frt iini3 tco@4:@oi.-@Llat lCon=nui3ist i'lliraidwaslLfnk".: - if this 2 etive It =ust be@ r'elated7i, d by Co r-t reglmes clve persuasion must also 0 @of a tndivi-duals who submit t@) -r- realst-. 2 ldeolog Ical O efforts to Inc Plan for the studr. The final prod=t iihould Include the @following - sections: The -first -'sectiom@'ishould be primarily historical, containing &chapter *xL t of2 c hetecli2lq=s oerciv.e persuasion e=ployed through the a (e.g.' extraction of confezsigng ideologicall 'age t --Indoctrination) and another-chapter on tlm general role of coercive ."Pe suasion In Co=maunirt societies (e.g.. treatment of political too=zso"@-of isoners of -war,, of the population as a whole.) Pr -7 'he specific teewguas :Kjxc second part should discuss t ado te-d l@ 'the Russian 2and Cbiuese' Co==unint leaders In dealing P y with imeir populations,, with politleil prlsoners,, and with prisoner's of war. 'A third section imiglit.present case material Illustrating the varowus =v underlying Ideological change or 2 at*,"' @resistance r Models of Ideological chtmge mic,'ht be 'hrough the use of case histories. Data co=pfted constructed t ire= previous Interviews of Americans role as ed fro= Com=@@s @'I=Prison=ent should be 2utiu.-ad an4 If possiblee a follow-up series of Interviews orpanized. 7'he final section ould'explaiu so=e of the different c Ints of view from which tl= phenomenon of "brr.Inwashing" can'be exa=ined4. A series of theoretical anclynes should -no undertaken to show how the proble=,would 'be approached from ML'g JUN 1978 Few f -7. @'7 uclul.@,.xadnit mu. PTAoxd@ .1or imt%uozt cq. p-azz 2 -vMn.=* go;, suq v%- suas q.-poUliggg@@*q UTAL ezgt:k& 1, iMADp SZOUOB'14 co@ cap p UIOMZTLPO. xlt sa old n3i-*A saireep@4 Pq to p=a Oza acqvxocmloo PC; *Ln o@rpz!*ts-@ eta ioq3ot 7 W le QC -A4ui