@25 ro FROM SLJBI=. %G 'ftteid'aB-Sep -am-oer 'Ift autid sust dated which were"made rferred to in'Reference J.ILS bxlarwiew-liave been lorral@:to Headquarters per Reerenre B. the AzrlcHm 2 under separate cover and is 'transmitted berl-idth since it concerns Jt"has notbeen transcribed ra3. The remainder of -th& identifil as pr.tai@e 2 I =im-, ect!A - life;in Zene Duti@x* toward -been 't- ART:Ectim -,I)eeZ r4SCCrdfJd liu -an=ribed, the tran3ar:LP an ilttac -@L, -ILn evaluat:ion df -tbis interview tl. f -abic-a Iment s-conducted in and the @result$ -havb -be'iE@ made -in -2ef er.ence -4. -Mhe :Int @ Dw 30=sic=J,, ae bas ind2icated the u" ing mm-a ..rectint-dii ng -Interview was an means of &Vlvb3eodrtbat the ARTICHOKE tbat.V.iMx Nzonlvab3ced otics. furtbar -vewi*img,bis.statemenU tbrough the use jof "nare ewith -under separate cover and- -ia and 2,a since a doubIS identiried as difficulties. Of the recording tffo sate.' tapes No. I& and 2& are the better recordings - Tape lqo- 3 is ARTICHOKE interview; these.' re@pnm rimpression of the entire -the ARTICHOKE interview.@.These inter- mring io= d the daY follc views 2ircre jA the li@langaage. . An evalvation of this interv'ew ults b&s likewise been made and forwarded per Reference D* Attached,,' and t -, a;altt@idblient B In a co,-Aensation aiid explanation of the tape -7- h2@ t4- I _r@? 0 to contla4-*14th& foilanim potnta'are brou yo-ur attentio= gat CLAS53FKATION FORM P& MAL liss 51 - ------ DATE OP 2 oq 9 lb - --- - ------ go be remembered that these tqpes -were re-ruming the tapeso -corded on 50 Jariua37 1955 SEP@L7;u= -covm Tran3cr@ption of'ARTICHORE Condensation of VE"tape contents DIRECT - U'OM sr@pxlp_m covm Ta-Dr.'s Of A=CHM 3iitervlem ar and -DU= -.-W-MER SEFL-UN io IRECT) -,vr/Att3;. A and B C (ta ;as @n in -dup.'-& Att gpy e2ach of Atts. A and 'B V-S./c -du t and -B In, -p@. !L JrA