HO c c ARTICE[OKE a 3. -L t 0 2 pp rom t ol t u Lid'imot attend 7tr6' s e a a on 2 ZL tb6' ou3.ts -of tb,6 oil KE vc@ht atri st A' tbei ARTI C present tiurlng the. t tes a of "a' full 2 be- report air--t on--tbe imanbe-@do ation@ and er 2 s@@recomidend ly= "May.. -that ance' fi tb&se. -tecbniltues a push the deve:l@@@ ,memorandum -a -brief. 2 review @of the and st-a -and then m ownobservations,@and-inzg&,Bt'lo ls=sodium, tat o co iae --have b2een 1 "-alideessfu]L,-by everybody concerned. Thez-,d'- was -part- -o hypnotist, n the -f-the@team psychiatrist_, tbt that @@ was complate'l@ - under'*Itie influe2nce i-s--:answers -to,T- 'put.to him c que.,- -,-Tr the ciiiestions while -be @was.iinde:@6-tbe influence comp'kbtell-f' confirmed the lnfior b 'Lm -in 'his norm2em Interrogation, y IL and there -that be was sin -iiering s -pontaneoui33.7 and -U-u Sor ouz-.,Durposes, bowever,--@ 2 t --,succ.-eiad6d @in -obtainin eam 100% amnes --'In'@ remembers motb3:bg about vhat was s to-h!Ls Intirro- -gat*r vhile be was fluenc&,of,@the .technique ..He also -re-membp-ri;-"@bo -.,happened -to 'him.' except that durl@-p& c 0 ti6e he : sh6 -wed -considerable neryou and was, gi7ylqn.a sedative which Put h!LM-tA3 tleep.@@'VbLat happened durini@ the "sleep- is a blauk'.'In soible -n!Ls eL- 7-It Is of@' -.po that :Lf be dalls,.Into.l;he bands of a nterrogator, 'he will"@Vable -to de'scribe his medlca]Llexam@ination,, -but 'it,,wII3. sound'li'ke nothing more than a modical-I willifot be able to -aescribe anything else The 2 mi4t draw the 'Conc'iusion that the- sedative site -,him -b -have no hi ;as a 'truth serum _Mt they--will nt that -,-t4:pnosis,,4 Iirh!Lch-.-is@-,t'he7.mbre -,Im2]o-ori@adt':p&r-t i--tachairi-.Ue -w us 4 d no-,- CO s-sodfvm. 5Fht5myzl@3cnni@que wa suc 2-that "Was ble;" at leas the i'atter part of ng ta to some.degride. One reason for 6 success may have been ipnoi that the a. w rk. ugt5i -an"Interproter and bad dieill@6-ul establisbigkff@ r&13 rt with h!Ls'-subje'ct'. - ------------ -- n arsa In ase:- necess @ltd f liaret .4nt, or retenti of2 hi nd@ ---Alt any that In atle -to-.voliliitiidi@,@ixiLforma-tion git'- one ',PO q -st!iohk _Dut' to 2I, remember,,'t;, h id i@@e It oevident that a -as," id and that eapil -cou be desired WELs no7@@un2diar-.-,.,' Pmnes a--aw"to...w -ii 'k il4 t@obtained. PI,6to@ tialt aZL- -ti@ on 3; ace was no was d6cisled-4- 2 of sodium ''W lnt -bm cbn 6al'22 i6 tlng t -y i pe;itathol 2 4L te a a lw re -,Me set' Ile t f of view be iiii sult 't tbi r wa a -to -tt;e-.Periiod -4ben,@ S"m@ sus -i 0 n _regmsse for ;the arid"@h -.-Ids conicrag-lu ,t@he ,,to .. 'boi;&'-we-'Were not that.he bad'-1)6-en 1)6 -Aetermine,e i@6nsisted able2:to bb L@ns- -:of -becau@se@ of two @%@ZL7c _:,was -BLLIMOS --@too rfeic;t 2 quettioninls-. (1) -tbo ;from an Intelligence- -SInc tW acc 22ted ihe lnterrof;ator aci -fr.lend-213i the I!i@.@frequen-E@-answer. to _perti n Ing me this?, YOU cqzues"ioras was* h. sk - - I 2 linoii-all tbese--t a.Loo 'blocked- at.... several quq ion he@, 4,s-vchlktri at considere sitle-.that bloc on-key Issues 2 was the r four.,years of living la cover I r --that@@, allegedly a me rnal mb&r,of an inte -resistance h 4 -o6ed,&e@Etel4@d'* -@gmupv A3.1 h@lorill "be co,veree-:imore @ftl3 @the-.TInal..report- -tests on 2 .7be -MTICHOEE consiste@d;'@-OT -'a--v'.c -m'sidbralao -number of 0 of -ld followed new 2 arr on -isadiivbic sbou be ULP 'by "IL . le As, I bt I det@iiled Interzoga:tiol)-- to the arrejbi a o 2 a ned at"a6'l - te at W remer>er on the sodium.-pent ire-_ -sk nothing -about that -he had:& remember h 2 -the detal took place Auring this,.wdreamll.-,-and. la of v was more than eL tle puzzled. --In the ps.*,chiatrlat a ppiniong wi.LiL no er be able ta reca2ll what 'Ve said 0i;--What -was -said to bim-o'-, (For - security reasons -01@@- 'however* tb@e f"t that comdlete am-neaia was not obtained makes controli4d disposa3. -to the mandatory,, aiA action'has -been Initiate -.-In' summ&rjrs' It may be said that tU ARXICHOKE techniques were aboul@,50% successful on anci Might well 2 bave- 1>--en'mch more success ir they tied been applied iu 1950.1, From t;bo'@r!Lewpo3.nt of determining the value Y.: In operationes I 4ontider It 3usti2flable of thesii, techniques to state' that tbus@.r6gressibzi alone. proves the operit'lonal value'of the t@edbniques, as will 'be expl4i4ed.belove Observationsi 2 The following'co'mments based on-my observation of the techniques as use& on anf on my detailed discussions with tho'hypnotist and t @weia LS-WItll INO-Zibm4Wi-s:,Ot:-tbOL-7tgfim 46, cr ri U. (Y) #C) 1;& t:0 44 to 2 0 01 :J N'. C) 0 0 n(D c4. of 0 CD 2 o C*t rA 0, ",-e 0 2 to to lk 0, IA @4 co 2 to & to to4 . to a 4' cr 2 03 ar .70 CD (D C- 0 r46 C*j 7 CD C4. cr H CD C' 0) tr C+ to "9. bFIreSt t6cbniRut@@ described above b. Tb to-. a v ari f operational' puroosest det.al are-ap "_' I .@ .... ty-t4. . - - ' -libc;ui*@2 st'ress:a. -t-.-there ls'no va a d-expei@.t by esres of. s,@iecess.wecoxil of p-red-ictinji@ d riv:6ii- Individual. Bri@efl using tbe 5'tecb4lquqs -On any F, arex as follows. these Vxrposes IC :@7 '-77 w IW 4,A IC7@ @'t r-4 0 Q) opt to 43 0. 4) to 00' W42 C 0 0 43 0 Cd W4'H 0, 0) W4 M,,r S *3 44 44 co 2 - W4, Id), 0 $114) 0 Co W4" t, @p t4 0)0 oil? @74 t4 fri to 0 0 2 %I 40 A c,ti,e 0) w4 rd 4J ri@ 01. fo 0 4-) 4) 2 to ;O, 0 to .14 * id O m,; I*,. 2 IA v" ti 43 A 0 14 0.0 4) rH I 2 Cs C) 4) c) cd @ld .%4 Cd .0 t@p, 14 Id .0 0 00) i-N P,4 2 O. O fV gl"C Wgo +3 'CS 2 43 la gp* 0 4d CO 4) 2 Id 0 tA :S to f t( 0) cd @ri, k, 14 0 2 C) c E-4 vk 2 14 0 o@ i 0 bd 2 si 104 'i N,4I4) 2 J) Or if 'A t;i k2-wl 040 Id Ig $ O,% 0 It, (D 2 +4 0 :N X ri 0 2 tn @4 0'0 fi H ri" 4) ip co ,r4 2 10 4)' W4 04 43' ed P443 id 11 0 64H -PX