b6 following:out Laos zkpriari ty 'th'o if lwf*r- tomml*&l a n t now &Val 2 thOJO Lnd@ 0 labla and wh ovearch ons program Ich the Tss r, imn'bout aid In, Mae" ------------- ..... 3 'APPR OVED r-OR RELEASE Date 77, RI co 4k" t14 ,,77- MSE.L. 4 i4: qvA. *01 JL "-44 4t@ moan* of 2*@ an zc ossible A3ootki ty of j@r*Jocts -Po In tbl'a field - 4th*r* &r@ -gi-imnber-ef Uxltod ,t ,ractlwtb2e specific ,roqalroments which, -if aucoesaftlv'finod, would subst-Lutir,117 -of harinc to lwcmpaillities @72by naklz4,, It,,,possi'ble, Instead eircuavent bmwan obstacles or opposition, to @arc*me It '*43@nnsr^l VT !Pzamploa are research into prealso2y'vantrolled ihomichl *and physical =ea= of ]@rodualme states favorable.to interrogation. 'brisflrAC or debrl*flm or ItAm;@orar7 &=*Oia. unconsciousness or gl"po and moans' of c:;ort3,r &dmlzdsttrlac then In 9*2144p liquid -or ap*c2iflc 92"2108 Ur* & definite need ror lacrovement 'gaseous form. of, the..prosent OV,U'blet to proilao !or ucre prodiet4ible *md contra an a:id-thepossible niefu s of -a bzpotiorele device o2perated'by compressed alir for covert 14*cti-.@iL of -a drac devised for .pradlct4eLbli reaction, as,w*21 &a m6,gao@ to@be introduced Into ventllaitinc,,, systems to anosth*tlto guards or. *entries for prodicb.Lbl* 'In vi2ew @,of %be soneltlrity of this fielder period*. oictirlty and @la view of the workyrosently ln.pre4gress In other offices beari4 on this prob2ami noprogran should be Instituted wltho-at detailed 1 prior -discussion with -j,7,