7 JtAy 195S an 4,Bra-inwa&YLng', 1. For your -.rforrr,?-tion I'have mci-x beenb-,--@-@efed on the.-.-ar@ious Agency interests ou'bs,ir-"ea under th2e word 1"bri:inwp-i'hings'. This 'was of this office to represent =&de @necessp-ry -because. of the resporsibility w CI-A- in research rriatters with the both in the context of and &,Le NW 2 owbi!ing consulted by the Z. Specifically -we are n at-a.-e of onamomw roposo for research on $,study of the WC - ssary to Build Resistance to let. I !"-n..rasbint.r and2 the iletboas ]'%ece t!err-%entS to Work with the Agency o'Lfices ccmcerned 'xn* 'have =.ade.axram@ preparing a re . to the These arrangewc=Ls ply-, naitivity surroti6ding 2 treme Be -ILavc'becu =ade -very, carefully due to the er our interest in this subject. 3 com=it:Lee on PO'Ts amd its secretariat r 7-5siclued in immediate support of its work. have various office s of %Lesearch support is pro-.-i4icd'by NW -APPROVW F09- RSF-EX99 ie!W Olf ce ot the jjireclor 18 July 955) Distribution-: 90 & I Chrono Z 73 qw 70