20 Oct.@ber- 1959. cza Area Divlci=s s@-nior staff gl=tive F--cearch on the Mologicol 2 Elcience to rezm=-ch aim--d art@ of tix-- org=iem. C* 82 to tes, eltbp-r In :Lndivi&=3:s Or In V'm* O=tz of these V 2 lms -bom amyn-R cmd I=mginz@-ives It ve=nt In the Cl=d-@-tinO Se in IC63@6 luti&s. A prIiielYal re far +-'h42a Ineffec!-, Lt I eff the of@alka7 point In the CS opei'mtloi&3 to 'Its of tlds the nal req2alra=mts In the to 2jite@.Trat ior TM or russn)lc turt2 -"xoze4, ust zeb=e& fz an qperat'lor!,gi3 of Iowdntz Into tbi ond 2 III attaclied the tions to me. of 2be f*LlovlU a =Mt besis@ of PROPOWA MA plmned IMaperatl""S ft 433@@ t6 sift, thrcra& tlh4- a2mwilm gnag of i-m-triga to find tb*sa points whece a resezx4:b@ Cttack c=t3j, ln=e:rm C!S crljeratinin$Ll night siolin is envisioned thglt +-%g scra2tUW vl.U e-iL@ a consl&=Atua of the 'br=Ztzt VS objectives end Inmbzle saitbe poesflble Points of them objectives of cttia' fr@m the'2&va of the foTmulie-lOxL 2to ti* d&tai3.ed-ig@@ actILons tbglt are nm being used or sebleve theme -iA i3= - 41vzblr'be used to cam ce @bo q%.ta pzoc@e" of p=blem 2 midah cm be parlltn:ur first solvedb7 exiipting Mze =,ob4,t vbsxh are zkot 1;or carrmt techniT.U-.s be xalxdtt*& to externia 4. 2 for a dee=lnatim oC their fee=-lblUV. am gmved fesmdb2ej. ===e_U 2=SX,= vlu'b* zomm- It they to C*Ivu +Abeoo Mm invii@-,tlLgation 2 to tbp-,, proper point vitbln- the CO io3zglc3LL and pbystc*3 scieum nctlvltir - for an the b .-.M=ted to Satisfy CS neeftr 4 both the gt=dpoiut of the reseazeu ltmotlf god also the app3leatim of such rese=-ch as opportumitlez aeve3mPo 7 APPROVED FOR RE@ME a'Jul% 4 c=3, bii tO $;ban ;xn@@v@ r-robl -- iu the cu-.-Ieal cre ot 2 carefu,13 ed IUO vin aIS6 i@clude -ci;iil>6 C= Intt Which I of cS p=b'l 2 t* the lo In *X-C icipoasth to att tbslz --S 4-@ zL 4 or td