A,f p 4 CbiL@f of bi@e )8 Inte,@4@t;ic;i Test (O,Tld CTY) 2 r, on 's 'dc 4@.4 , !. @-- 4t @2 % ror.-.ard6d hei6with for,you- .,I@@or-mit ori anst-.e'r' -@btaf ',c@mstions 'and' B iied @ib t,-c-nnical lntei@roiati in 2. fi-c= 19W until 233 irrai imder -tlie radic-LI lDf stioninz: Vne tr@,nd ortha of q. i c 3 t I ress 3 @13 T-In-bo@.ioted from w@'s -laid upon the ve cu'^-Stl'ons@of the ic no=' q-ae-,tl@ons were I.-ite-itioiipa2i,c--rtered ziraill incu-scretions of 2 6Lrrwice:wie-s In on.,.ran =ootbly.l'hrim@Cliout -r-I TM e_xaninati t,, oned in s -it 21ter arfects. e 2.s a,-.are, =ever., pppare. !!2.f 'as t,ov.,Xat'larppened to him.- con-r-ction', OrA7u 41 5, c=plet-:an -*.*L'- -tbe t cincluded 'tbi d--b2'ri'efing'-to --:@ts. r,,. iatisraction,o T'no CcLqs.erAzas -tldz--!-L--ndqu@L-tcr.s7ii to the clfcct.that @A la,$' up to V ti= c--,i be exp6'cted,, is reieivi' ong zs' L-It! 0d-Dr-sida LY: avz=iati=i wi:ub -la,-altys'P.Jtl;o;iZ:h z=z-..'.haLt z;bakeii by.the impli -in 2 a.-'s.to re6alim stroii@.: r-ntion-of vis p@. -t'lo de-!),@efL-iF-, a,@r@2 i the fWia--ve3:L'cq&@iz@at or t],@- controls available too. to 2@plnca @@ in. such a po!iiti(ii tliat,.(-rjr co-ntrols over lz!ma-d a.- ea Lhare@a-va=i zble to the Co-@rrat&St@ NW PRO OR RELFASE Date 1 -I Z ;0*4 K 7" 4?0 lot It 44t UOTAL, 6 IL kV 0 i "4 2 it el all tit. 2 rN C040 A.@, 2 t 4 f 7 --T7 2 77@L' t