11 -SaPt -195:L FMNL- SUB.T@- Securit;y Violation. Of r-al-I ed 14r. regardi ng 2 'br of security on the_part-of some Wpersonnel in 7ho-fo3lowing is a summation of his story given to me on W Tter- noon of 6 September.- One of -4%o is'.a frie--A'.0f .two w2or --d :h@-- S :re tea to idm Its -doing --are most .,-with the way In. fNaV 'live@- they are v3.rtya3-ly soners -unaer a -bmt -to t ke-oi r n@e a ro@ est @tomplaint @zoming'from -the. group was that thev were sub ,Jugated,fre. qxdntly'to 3.ie-detector and truth ser-,zm tests. 2. @@said that the -information lad been received by II= 5 S- - -Z' epE aiit n@t 'be Aid not -want to malm an official report but only -to,.-warn u2s - to P on t@he tests so thli we Vould not be lice. -% bad instructed his as@,ent i @3@ -up 'by 0 or7th: U PO -P The matl"o anyone. lfhan queotioned- ozx'bow =ch cre.. ,lot @@#lo mention L-a7a to the re3.iabi3.itv of his ake,,t bi oply vas 100%. Eg nr,,,,,is r refused to',divulge the n:m s of tltw 1 2 13 'bad given the In. ;"wo o 'forj-@ation'to his aI-exit but sa3A th at'@.@@this r Info-'--sition could be obtained from 'who mast 'itr@re -his own infox-imnts 'Witbin the -fiillng. expedition@ 13@@easiozi @in. that he was definitdly-on -a I feel that -he -kncr &*-Of tbq, and Uve sue- group =Y cacded -im tratarz 'it wou'-Id'be a fairly oW 4 pene T%SIC tO-,Dbtain the 2 general co-aaaints of the group-ik one were :Interes What is difficult to obtain is the ext8nt to VLAch lie-detection and 1 tr" serum tests are utiuz@,tb o@o a2t32 IW it is this iarormEttion -@i@ z! believe be tri6d b@at fai3.ed, t n. 'here -havi -been indleatto-.is that at i+. Altbmgb t the OUP satisfied it has been uF Impression that t'.ie uti-lizatic@n Is not too P q 7. 7 EWnas b of lie-detection truth S&rum tes @ ts by 13an a C10:301Y kaa47@pd,'se6ret- one lfiiich would not be available to this 2 group, Tile possibility Aoes possess v Information or this 'brin&s to mind t.%T so@me ra@e i-- . - T-VPB 2 -sbars Of the translation group pa 'I @sor -nints to @@ ticent rc-Earding eght "have sec -a vague the incii;ents u'kjic'h l@mve talcen P:lace recently in the vecl@ion, 2 Eitler rtor@r l,'as a cc-r-7lote fabrication with the"boye'of obtainins lnforration, or there -ums a @-ecurity viou tion bv t-.@-o re@--ters of t3i,- 14@xansi-ation rtaff -7 lo% iK'