7,b @ePtcvb'bc-r 1951 Chief of !'Solt' t on ith Dr. v BQ;EG Conversa-I 2 MEMNON 'ber at IL015 hours Dr. @@and myself visited on 11 Se.@tem p tb. I= B6sPital in for the purpose of conferring with the senior medical off2iceri Dr. or in reg.-,rd to a state--nent received lt;@oit:s&' cha an E;ect" nnels that a member of the 'Trans3.ati ion bad ocmveyed Jnformation to Dr. Co-Director of illwopsitalo certain escor ed I)rW d ipyse3.f arr3.Viat Dr. _to a'smii - /1@. Pon-01W.- -In'2the-basem Ho. p -om the outset _private,r6cm@ ent of the Hospi I.; Y@ -his TrigTrner -was cpopera e an frie-nd3.y. 'After a few In- -i)artic@aarly tal'2,z@@m@'ke 'Dr,. @stated the reason for our'-vls:it. -Dr. ciden --said -tbat. since:@codtri@--@E3-m-g VI I the own _ta C -u , ospita3. -to 'ke care 2 'il" 'bad come -to his attention-that '-Translation ze ionpersome '-baps cert@ain @zaambex@g @@of the -section Imid _possibly -,emveyed their -personal.-. troubles In razit -their m2edical difficulties to--tbe'Zoctors at .,-tho'bospit&l. I)r. 6a -@aad --that if 'tbislvere '-+be -c--sei, lie would ap- or th -do preciate.Dtt 2 or any -6 er; otar.,:wbo -handled the -people fz Wadvis3-mg; DTrl&of any spediiii problms that might arise. Even before I)r. lwhad statedpolitely words to this effect 'Dri gave ihdication of lmowing the subject about 2wbich Dr. W&was speaking. I)r. Rwsta-ted 'Lbat-le cou3.dperl-.aps clarify the issue that was con- @Se.said the issue concerned @@ that this -been a close acquaintan67 Qf@Dr.@ udivid= -this,.-frie-ridsb-ip bad been over a period of about and that y@e-arse -A e'd that 3)r. elderly,, a bachelor and greatly. 2 W was eve their ambitions, and as sucb "@,@2mt,-ere@sted'lii'-hdlping.,)-ounger men achi r a 'period of y '17 ted" v.-rious@7young men and sponsored ove ears ad 'nadop tl..e:Lr education or i7@ovidi)o @lor their ve3lbeing. 7his was the case vith As'-a -matter of, factj reearded Was mx" r ccrimmici;@l;ion with 2 or'less -a faste son..'T,8 bas been 3.n e at @Since,-he'-Ias@t--sav'bim two or three years -ago in VW and,' request., supp-UedWwith a 'fairly regular bas s to the am(:Iunt of 2-WO.,.or E2OO @evez7 two or three.months. -k'oi@ two agb'j)r -A vee received a letter acldrested to bia 'has been retired from the .-in ca-@@i;of vwleaical SeciPon.WA3though be S %8 -1 MO iths fwfor @ vera I cled to him the letter was none the less forwar tal,,-7his letter 2 at the s@ft Dr. actu&3- 13d whicb -AOPROVED FO R RELEASE Date 3 .6A @@l '-t@@ 7 - e @o stated In as-@c-nce As follows: -"Dear Dr. I am in ad sperate situation, and it.is lqperative that see you on I at ' ee. , I need your help* Pleaso'get iii 2 designated spot at a certaiii -touch 'th nO@ at a WI or words to that effect. Dr. 3,-nediately sent I)is car to pick and bring h-im to 'his home. hen revealed 'to upiw@ 2 that be uag f 'being held -a virtual prisoner 'by an A3-ter5-can oreanization and that be bad b:Ensub3ected to PolygraDh t'ests., Sodium A.:,atol "truth serma inwe:-Lions and severe i7nterroi-2:ation by the office with whicb be wox'l:ed. tatl-d further thatbe lmd w@rked fdr the U.S. Goverxi'ment, doing'e)ctremely im- portant and valuable work for tb6mi for a period of seven or eight years and -tbat'be cou2ld not understand this terrible treatment to wbich be was "-being subjected; and,,'fuithermore, it was unfair bwniliat5hg and degrad-. Ing' or -4ords to that effect, Fe -be d Dr. iii&@; be:Lp him o;ator 2 d this point that Dr. 'tbis @terrible situation-, iDi-. @@ad ed at 'was gr,@at3-v fipscit abcait-@the situation -and -confided the entire ma -him short:Ly-afterlt-tr-ans&ed'*"'He added ILhat -Dr. 2 r@ft s an elder3,i ar4 -1-tbougb@ = a MENWana.@m good one a icri7al U.S. citizenj -was,,,probablv mot ful:ly -aware of m'anv fields of U.S.-activity 2 I 'iiltli6iigh be@ outside of -thii-riead,6f -,m6dicin:e- * -Dr, now tated !Mat,, wat -not familiar @V.Itb Ue@ ticulars of the case at an' be -binse3.f was 2 par -familiar with various clandestine -activities or the U.S. @Governmen bav- 3. :Ing handled all medical cases for a period of five or six years. Be stated to I)r at this was ra2ther unusual'because the II ey PO of the U.S. Govem-aent -was' as far as be ]mew., always to compensate these people well and mroviae them with every advantage possible. Fe Implied to Dr.. 2 t@atWmay.bave- 'been stretching a %point,' and that,, in any vent, It was a z;2,a-tter that %.as probably outside Dr. @@ urisdiction. 'E[oweveiF@, 'bii"@nc@ted that -Dr. did not t,-A-e'kindly to his suggestion proba -of the 2facl!lof@the close relationship between I"Wan ied that 1, =es@ dL r. IlM and Whad met three or iit Whad bad 2 zvous since the:ori. ' al m V3mg and gi n co@ dinni6r with I@r. n.-two;@tri three occa@iions., Dr. @@then said @'-tbat, bii -first @inaica io ta--at '2Dr. @@ had confided in anyone @but him- 7self was.& few @,days'earlier when'le had noted the receptionist at the 'hone desk of@th telen e SWHosi@ital dialing a conf iaentlil -1%!one number 2 e number was -be on3,v in the bf. @iince "tb supposed -to !& be@-@bm ia y, que -.possession of z iez, Ul stioned the rec2eptionist as to 'by 'she how,:and v s tel on3Mg this number. She said that Dr. bad requested 'her to got in touch with the individual Aiose pbons number Dr.@@then called on Dr.1 and asked Iiia %,,by --be vp-s caU-ing this n=ber. Dr. at he thougbt-lbe *d statl n as a r -matter sboiaa be lnvestieated a 4 esult,, felt It his autz Mr@.o @@then added that the relat;lonship 411 and vwhnd bec-n very- cis-@ial uD I)Titil,that time In be en cars t actiLRI f.,ictwe. binselfj, h..d 3,-;ot.,n iii for rnny a I , IA. illijiMra3atiozislilp b.,id only been br-c.-iiine of the relntivoly long :rriwid- 2 l@ -ited tl-jat alti-,outh no ship between E=and JIM Dr. IIW'L:,.c?n St names of the indiVid'LL'-13 wl-so were to come under his care were ever r@upplied A b25nj be did not tbin-k th,--tlwwas in that aroup. I"Oweverj, fro-,a the nature ta of tl@a conversation and from cer in things that Dr. said, be %Ms -ini:t:l:ln6d to '6eliL-ve that Vila some vay2 tell !Lnto-Ui4---jarisdiction of tbe--eime'c@'flrice'. Dr- @dded that, as bci bad told us previously,, be bad lnvestieated Dr. iffonwbis O' initiati-.re pri6r to accepting the 2 wn agree-,n@rit, with &Wwitb repiird to the Translation Staff., and that altbruzh be was not aware of the specific type of work in iibicb we were angneecl, 'he imew in a ieneral way the x-?ork'we were doing as a result of. his conviarsa- 2 tions with and 7_ for bis franlmess In expla ining alland I thaaed Dr. t@e situation and tended -to concur with his earlier observation that Dr. 'have2been the ctin of unfortunate clrei-@mstances. @ We Implied: may tha bad 'been -both vel3.. -rly treated_, as it was the policy _paid and fai ce of vur offi' to'al-6ay:s treat,people %fno worked for us 3m this manner. 'Dr. §Wfelt that Sji -viL-w'of -the close relation@hip existing between -visa'ble to info= Wand Dr it would not:U ai3 bwa@ma.v@ve.-been @-actimizea. He stated -that fact that perhaps the-'best'frlend that -Dr.'@@bad. and that-I)t. -Dr. confided his @personal -problems -to -He @ru&es that 2 -loi 'hi -landle e -vals ss on inromation v way -t-n us nBa from D@. @@to ted alt this.pdirit lbat the -best iocedure -would probably be ison 'basis between Dr. )r. VW however stated that be did not think thisog. .as advisable since there were re=r liaison aar-nels which our office -went ihr2ougb in dealincs vi !or. said that be felt that, at the --vex,7'leasl@, an informal liaison-vwu-ld do much to mitigit6 MMMW-ana- Dr. any possible- differences 2 that migbt arise between )I@ @@office. 'Fe said that be 'woul-d like to arrange an informal cock-tailf -ii with Dr. - ----- ,o96. and-lune Wand so6-aetL-ae at Dr. 2 enceo 'h was not too ent'-;,usiastic about tbe..iidea and stat g 'be was -heie -to'be Dr- VW 2 ial3._v, contact wou:l& agreeable to meeting ci' oc so s approved- by his Fr. rWtl:en;-said that be was aware -between -rarioui-U.S. -Imtelligence CrEanizattow s -c@u -P=st difference of . initu@. in_tbel@@ and knew that there Adbeen contimual friction'betueelm CIA -He said tbpt be bad known I&n@qW and fmand oaer uniu.@ for a -ionz time,, and -that wbtle @ was remwkable) able -in 2 many -respects le 'Was -also c:in"omer respects." In any event be _13SYCbOZieUrOti. -lationsbip- that -if a mersonal re 'istedbetueen Lr. iwand2 ex -felt es ood that a misundersland there-,4was much I 8of a likel3rb good offices and let 2 Ve stated that we appreciated Dr. e Ms tter dr t2i I sta rt lbolmd If any cases of this kind ever did Come t@6 attention wbile.treating- personnel wbi6h were sent to9 this C4 ti O' (A 2 C+ )J& C* 2 C+ ik 2 P60 M(+ W 4 .C+ 2 io Al 2 tf C* to (a C) C+ 2 r F-4 0 C+ C+ ID f7 (A 0 C+ :23 04 to $3 zi cr 2 "lei PA to I-A 4, tA I 2 g C+ t+ t+ ta 2 CO to to 2 0 W CD to0 IA 0.0 C+ 2 0 CP 14 . C+ C+ C4, 2 to ) ID 2 :1 pj ce M rA 00 r, (,.I 2 ID I; C: tA 2 (+ oq CL ce 2 ID P4 2 ts rw CIO 2 0 C+ 5 41 14 to I yt, * c it' v 4L 464 J, 2 A $if, te iz f pyK4 1 ob