efs .J, CDC- VJWF,CT; P6 c>.cen cnt rr-a-s,, and v:,-illues r..nr-lis'- z--id b @.is 3.=r.2aec t1gi3-ity r@s Zs P-a of oc=,Dztion--l Pecord b. XPPF@O'VED FOR RECEXSE Date -I il-irl lq7&- 44 (21 S in AuZ7z.-t 1931 be mr-dr,---ent d. ubjed'I arr:iv--l in ing t" r LI.-O tir.&-n!Lcal ie-c=Oi@@st!LOns'- (1) on Iurust 13 s-YOJ=t Undcrv-,tnt interrpzation. @Lba nption co:,.taimad in parag-,-p-phs 4,1 re=lts d infor. t in rrog;-tion. .(2f on 27 A-u.-uqt subject urAScr@4en a abiturrte to and 4,, -.Vjove. --d :Lr;@ol.,m;tti on nL-d inparaera:-ha 3 ,Tie re-c;Llts 6. Is co M7- kt yrerent 'Lhcs t)ubje.-et is us,@d- for Llic r-ost plrt in trplis] al.I II r, trazt=la'Lion section a-nd for Frojec4. infor=,Ltion for theiw tlse =3bjcct lizs Prcvl= itinsalf a --,.pable -s,.orlper, h4-s no-eAtzblT r,r,curato a.-id tt the co--ie tl-,2o rapidly do-no. To the be::t Of r laioylc-cl,,-e bas ntintained a E:ood-otrnd&rd of vociiri&@y,. Tliu cilbjc-CETs2- not alloweas owtitcr"bzildinp.5 seeari.4;y re--@-ons. Ilia office im IV4 the t)ie lack of elccLz-ici,,y an:l.hcatL-zg in enti7elx-ir-adeauate. 9. 'S.-:2jErt#X Szl=7 totals "2DO.OD per 7ro-mth v.,ith a '.@i5O.W per -' Ch C40VC Mpyurfai,-hen the ancr.;;=-Ice %--&i i-6 su'oJcctl@- rerit @-.nd ot:ior a.@--paiises. subjf-ct A J--GP for transport,,,tion.to ELnd fro-a -,;oric. 3.0 ',%,n operational clearance re-,ua:st for tt-o use of trw,,a;:to.-/interpreter v!ith the e;@: ic in tl-.e procees oC being mi,codtted to Ticadriuarters. Operatior, r=jkbcr = 6datl-d 28 ;.ulust 1950, h4 for t-%e use of ' ' in Project %-au revoke on 6 June 1952. :.Cale